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Your New Year’s Day 2011 Predictions
2011 New Year's Predictions Do you know what is in store for your sign in 2011? Here are some 2011 astrology predictions for each zodiac sign based on where the planets are on New Year’s Day.


Wealth and a career promotion are in store for you as money planet Jupiter brings blessings to your sign for the first six months of 2011. Starting in the spring, Neptune in Pisces will allow you to manifest a long-held and deeply cherished vision. The last half of the year Saturn in Libra puts your nose to the grindstone, but career success will ultimately be yours.


Saturn in Libra all year is encouraging your sign to play straight and get rid of all your debts, so you can purchase something that makes a dream come true. This spring, you will experience a deep and transformative emotional healing thanks to Chiron in the emotional sign of Pisces. Also this spring, Neptune in the Pisces allows you to finally get up the courage to face your feelings and manifest a new and happy future with the person you truly love.


The lunar eclipse of December 21st in 2010 in your sign gets rid of what is not working in your career and will likely bring you a way of making money that suits your talents. Neptune in Pisces brings an emotional breakthrough; the fears and insecurity that you have been experiencing as a matter of course will be gone. Wealth and career success are yours, as money planet Jupiter brings wonderful opportunities your way throughout 2011.


Saturn in Libra all year is going to encourage you to be more conservative about money. You will also be less eager to be friends with “just anyone” and may drop relationships that don’t work for you’re anymore. This spring, Chiron in the emotional sign of Pisces brings emotional healing and a peace of mind you have not known for some time. In April, Uranus in Aries is going to bring you a chance to make a great deal of money doing what you love; this wonderful stability will sustain and nurture you until at least 2018.


Wonderful opportunities to advance your career abound during the first six months of 2011, however watch your waistline as this type of configuration can also make you overweight. In April, Uranus in your fellow fire sign of Aries is likely to bring you a lucrative new job or entrepreneurial opportunity that will keep you quite prosperous until at least 2018. The last half of the year the Saturn in Libra has you working very hard towards a desired goal; it is important that everything be perfect so pay attention to detail.


Mars squaring Capricorn may have provided you with a wake-up call regarding a current partner that appears to be taking advantage of you and, in 2011, you may be required to make do with a promise to yourself to end this toxic situation. You awaken to a new spiritual awareness this spring thanks to Chiron in Pisces; you will be more confident about yourself and more optimistic that the universe will support you in all that you do. Saturn in Libra for the last six months of the year could have you working harder than you ever have in your life, but the financial rewards you reap will be well worth it.


The lunar eclipse of December 21st in 2010 in your sign is still felt and will help you find a better job in 2011. You will have an emotional breakthrough in the spring thanks to Neptune in Pisces. You will finally find the courage to be with the one you love. Saturn in Libra for the last half of the year will make things a little dull socially, but you will have all kinds of opportunities to get ahead in business. Working hard is generously rewarded the last half of the year.


Starting this February, Chiron in your fellow water sign of Pisces will bring you a spiritual awakening that has you growing emotionally and mentally into a more aware, compassionate individual. In April, you are likely to find a long-term job that provides you better financial security; Uranus in Aries will help you build a solid new foundation that stays stable until at least 2018. Pluto in Capricorn will continue to shake up and have you continually revaluating your closest relationships through the rest of the year.


You can expect to make a lot of money in the first six months of 2011 while Jupiter brings you unexpected bonuses and perks at work. Thanks to Uranus entering Aries in April, you will find yourself in a place of financial and career security that is likely to last you until 2018.The last six months Saturn in Libra requires that you spend many hard, disciplined hours trying to achieve a big goal, so you will have less time to spend on friends and family than usual. However, the rewards will be well worth the pain.


Mars in your sign continues to square Saturn causing family problems that revolve around property and money. The bickering you experienced all of 2010 is likely to continue unless you surrender to opposition. Chiron in Pisces may have you withdrawing from social interaction this spring; you will probably seek out psychotherapy to find out why your relationships have been so problematic. Pluto in your sign all of this year will have you continually examining and analyzing your relationships and trying to eliminate toxic situations and patterns.


The lunar eclipse of December the 21st in 2010 will help you find a job that is much more suited to your talents in the first half of 2011. Uranus in Aquarius brings you a specific window of opportunity to push a special idea through to fruition; you will have special luck when it comes to getting money to support your ideas right through to 2018. Pluto in Capricorn will have you evaluating why you have certain relationships in your life and whether they are draining or supporting you.


Your career thrives during the first six months of 2011, as wealth planet Jupiter brings you wonderful opportunities to get ahead and make more money. You also have a wonderful spiritual awakening that puts you on the right path to success this February as Chiron, a healing planet, enters for a long stay in your sign. Pluto in Capricorn all year may have you sorting out which relationships are worth your time and trouble and which ones have been too negative or wasting your time.

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