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Your Spring Break Horoscope
Spring Break Depending on where you live in North America your March 2011 Spring Break is going to take place anywhere from March 7-18. Most schools take it between March 14th and 18th.  Here is a look at the astrological forecast for the ten days between the 7th and the 18th. 


The moon in your fellow fire sign of Leo makes the 14th a night to remember. However be sure to watch your tendency to impress others by spending too much money. You might regret it by the 15th when you realize you might have caused yourself a cash shortage. Mercury in your sign makes it very easy for you to meet new people, especially if they are related to future job connections. Watch out for a jealous rival on March 9th.


The moon in your sign on the 8th and 9th increases your lust for life in all ways. Watch out for partying a little too hard on the 10th when a hangover and a big regret of some sort is highly likely.  Your ruler Venus in Aquarius on the 10th bringing a interesting but very eccentric individual who intrigues you into your life. Be careful not to tread on any toes on March 13th when Mercury and Pluto clash and a misunderstanding is likely; your sign is not likely to win if you let an argument escalate out of control.


The moon in your sign on the 11th   and the 12th  assures you a wild two day marathon of partying and you are bound to meet a lot of people including a possible new lover. On the 13th you may not be able to accomplish more than a day of recovery and vow to take it easy for the rest of your holiday. On the 10th, Venus in Aquarius could bring you a new love, or at the very least, a new best friend. Watch your tongue on the 18th when Mercury clashing with Saturn makes being snippy or sarcastic with others a bad idea.


The Sun in your fellow water sign of Pisces increases your popularity. You are generally a little bit luckier than usual these ten weeks. Many Crabs could find themselves pursued by an amorous type.  The moon in your sign on the 13th could very well bring you one of the funniest nights of your life.  The 15th is strictly going to be a day when you discover you have overdone it and need to take it easy.  On the 9th be sure to participate in a contest, as Uranus in Pisces makes you naturally lucky.


The moon in your sign on the 14th is your night to shine. Be sure to look your sexiest best as others are going to be attentive to your charms on the 15th as well. The 17th may be a day where you are too hangover to do much else but lie on the beach but that is okay with you because Lions love basking in the sun. If you are in a bad mood on the 18th you can blame it on a clash between Mercury and Saturn. If you are not prudent you can also be dealing with a money shortage on that day as well.


The moon in your sign on the 17th and 18th bring normally prim and proper Virgos a chance to show their wild side. Expect two days of rocking on a roller coaster full of new experiences with interesting new people. By the 19th you will be more interested in recovering from all the fun you have had rather than pursuing more of it. Be sure not to be too controlling or prudish on March 13th when the planet Pluto has others feeling rebellious and like breaking the rules.


Your wildest two days are on the 11th and 12th when a friendly moon in Gemini introduces you to all kinds of new friends who are bent on showing you the time of your life. On the 13th be sure to take a break so you are in good physical shape to enjoy the rest of your break; it  will be very easy for your sign to overdo it.  On the 10th keep your eye out for someone who may try to buddy up with you; Venus is introducing you to this person so that you can enjoy a friendship that lasts for life.


The Sun in your fellow water sign of Pisces brings you luck in gambling and also luck in love. You might feel a little crowded by all the people that are interested in your affection. Expect to meet more than a few men or women” gone wild.”  Be sure to play in a contest on the 9th, especially if it is a cash prize or if the prize is technology like a computer. Uranus in Pisces makes you a winner that day. One of your best days for love is the 14th when Mars makes your irresistible to anyone you desire.


The moon in your fellow fire sign of Leo on the 14th brings you one of the wildest nights of your life; try to stay away from too much junk food and drink or you could be sorry on the 15th. You also need to resist your natural generosity with your money as others are eager to take advantage of your generosity. Do not get into arguments on the 18th when Mercury clashes with Saturn and causes them to escalate out of control.


Trying to stay organized might be next to impossible on the 9th and 10th when planets in Aries make life seem a little more hectic than usual.  Be aware that others may tend to resent your tendency to be jealous on the 14th. Your wildest two days this Spring Break promises to be on the 17th and 18th. Be prepared to kick loose and enjoy meeting new friends, but beware of overspending. You could regret a few things by the 19th so be sure not to overdo it.


Moderation is the last thing on your mind while the moon is in the lively and self-indulgent sign of Gemini on the 11th and 12th; be prepared for a whirlwind adventure where you attend several parties in a row. The stray moon on the 13th makes it a good day to take a break as your communication skills will not be their best anyway. Your very best evening for falling in love is the 10th when Venus in your sign makes love at first sight likely.


The Sun is in your sign throughout the break which means sunny times are ahead for you. In fact several planets are in your sign throughout this entire Spring Break making you one of the most popular people on the beach. You are sure to be invited to all kinds of parties and you could even fall in love. On March 9th Mercury and Uranus indicate that you could win a contest, so be sure to be a “player” during this holiday.

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