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Are You A Sex Goddess?
Are You A Sex Goddess? Soul Mates and Life Ties!  Past life connections with soul mates, how to get in touch with your past life soul mates. Are you a sex goddess or do others see you as a frump? Taking this quick quiz and scoring yourself can tell you where you need to work on your sex appeal.

1. The sheets on my bed are...

a. Silk
b. Satin
c. Cotton
d. Polyester

2. Before I go to bed at night, I like to...

a. Watch television
b. Read a good book
c. Take a cold shower
d. Give myself and my partner a sensual massage

3. On my lips, I wear...

a. Nothing
b. Lip balm
c. Pink lipstick
d. Red lipstick

4. When my man calls me, I...

a. Grab the phone so I don’t disappoint him by missing the call.
b. Let him wait a few minutes then return the call after I listen to the message.
c. Let him wait a few hours and then return the call
d. Let him wait a day or two before I get back to him

5. I believe that...

a. Wrinkles show character
b. Moisturizing is all I need to stay young
c. Everyone looks better wearing a lot of make up
d. Plastic surgery

6. My favorite manicure or pedicure is...

a. Buffed nails
b. Clear polish
c. French manicure
d. Dark red talons

7. When my lover is far away I...

a. Spend time with friends
b. Enjoy spending time with other people
c. Try to meet other men
d. Make sure we have phone sex or I.M. sex long distance

8. The walls in my bedroom are painted...
a. White
b. Beige
c. Red
d. Pink

9. To bed I routinely wear...

a. A shirt and shorts
b. Nothing
c. A cotton nightgown
d. A sexy negligee

10. My favorite scent is...
a. Tiger Balm
b. No scent
c. Rose
d. Vanilla

How To Score:

For every a. that you answer give yourself 1 point.
For every b. that you answer give yourself 2 points.
For every c. that you answer give yourself 3 points.
For every d. that you answer give yourself 4 points.

How well did you do?

If you scored 1-25...

You definitely need some kind of makeover of either yourself, your bedroom, or both. You need to find ways to be less boring to the gods and goddesses of love so they will bring you a new partner.

If you scored 26 to 50...

Most people score in this area. They do know that they should try to be sexier but they just don’t have the time or energy. Being a love goddess takes time and effort, like a part time job, so take time out to pamper yourself a little.

If you scored 51 to 75...

You are above average when it comes to tantalizing the opposite sex with your charms but there are still things that you could do to optimize your sex appeal.

If you scored 76 to 100...

You have the art of romance down pat. You know how to keep a man hanging, seduce him in bed and make the most of what you were born with.  If there is any drawback to this it is possibly that you might have too many suitors to deal with at one time!

So are you a sex goddess? 

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By Darlene, Sunday, May 06, 2012 01:13:35 AM
Just sad.....They've been running this article for four years (or more!) and never bothered to fix the scoring. Doesn't whomever is running this realize (or care) that re-publishing these articles with errors reflects badly on the credibility of this website?
By Debbie, Wednesday, January 06, 2010 06:15:28 PM
I have to agree with all of you, very stupid quiz. I scored 26, and like most all of you who scored as I did, feel we are very sexy, and the questions were dumb...How many of you who want sexy sheets would use polyester???? Come on, that was what my grandmothers clothes were made of. And just how are you suppoed to score 100, when there is only 40 possible points to score out of the 10 in the first place??!!!
By felicia, Thursday, October 15, 2009 08:15:33 PM
my bedroom is all panel, my sheets r whatever is clean, before i go to bed i could be doing anything,i don' have a man but a woman,forget about the lips and wrinkles,spend time with whoever stops by,favorite scent is whatever i put on that day,and wear whatever my tried ass makes it to the bed
By Dru, Wednesday, October 14, 2009 05:51:26 PM
Nevermind the fact that the answers to each question are absurd... The scoring is outrageous...As everyone has stated 40 is the highest score... I, too as many, scored 25... Now if the answers to #8 reflected, my room is painted sage with white crown molding, Lace draw back curtains, one mirrored wall and lots of candles to highlight a queen size canopy bed draped with a comforter set of greens and maroons or the scent I wear is a fresh musk or on my lips I choose to wear a very light clear coconut flavored lip gloss...I guess because those choices arent there, I am not now or ever will be a sex goddess...Maybe I should ask my boyfriend..who is 10 years younger than me..and I'm 53 and he is gorgeous
By mishele, Sunday, October 11, 2009 09:23:24 AM
this is dumb...there is only 10 way you can score in the high 50's or above..I scored a 25 and I think that's a good score considering how many questions are here.
By Madolyne, Monday, December 01, 2008 03:53:08 AM
Really dumb quiz - big clue: top score possibility is 40. Who ever set up the feedback info on possibilities ranging higher than 26 to 50 must be full of twinkies and has way too much creative imagination rather than common sense. I really expect soooooo much more from this being on Silvia's site. I would expect to find this kind of nonsense in a teen magazine. There are so many better responses as to how sexy we are per our self image and creativity as opposed to red nail polish and silk sheets.
By Kimberly, Saturday, October 18, 2008 07:01:14 PM
This test, I believe, was pretty stupid. I scored only 25, yet feel very sexy and just fine about my sexuality. I'm in my 40's and being a full-time mother,don't feel the need to have to wear sexy clothing to bed every night or have my nails painted blood red very often. I really do wish that if your going to have a "love quiz", at least ask some better questions. Love, sex, and sensuality for that matter are really so much more than these eleven questions. Please improve upon your quiz questions. Perhaps you could ask some questions about personality or foreplay. Best regards, Kimberly
By Carine, Sunday, October 12, 2008 06:04:25 AM
I think there's something wrong with the score... please fix the scoring.
By Jennifer, Saturday, October 11, 2008 11:35:37 PM
Something is wrong with the scoring. I don't see how anyone could score 100, or even 50 for that matter. Can you please fix the scoring?
By Lorri, Saturday, October 11, 2008 10:13:42 PM
Whoever made this quiz needs to adjust the scores. there are only 40 possible points in this quiz.
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