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Are You Finding Love?
How To Find Love and Attract Your Soul Mate Soul Mates and Life Ties!  Past life connections with soul mates, how to get in touch with your past life soul mates.

Feeling as though you couldn’t attract a bee even if you were honey? Can’t find true love in any form? I think we’ve all felt this way at times, but no more! Anyone can develop irresistible attraction, and it has nothing to do with the way you look!! We are all magnetic; we just have to learn how to attract love and the things we want into our lives. It’s simple, especially if we apply the Law of Attraction.


To turn your love life around instantly and create irresistible attraction, keep these three tips in mind:


*To Be a Magnet, You Must Radiate Magnetic Energy


If you think you are lonely and boring, what will you attract? A wet mop if you’re lucky! You need to know how to find love. You’ve got to radiate confidence so that others will be automatically attracted to you. Confidence comes from knowing what you have to offer the world, so take a course in YOU! If you were to find confidence, finding love won’t be far off. This leads to irresistible attraction. We often forget who we are as we get lost in life’s rat race. Spend some time identifying your best qualities, and only focus on them! Your best qualities will expand, and get even better as a result! People will be drawn to you. See it happening every time you enter a room and you will radiate magnetic energy!

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*Love Yourself First


So, if you don’t love you, who will love you? You’ve got to be your best friend, and love the person you are today! Finding love will be much easier. Don’t pick yourself apart or wish your life away.  Be proud of every bit of who you are, and then you can nurture yourself well! The way we see ourselves is the way the world sees us. It just makes sense to think perfect thoughts about ourselves. If we walk into a party and think, “My butt looks big in this, no one will talk to me,” then the signal we’re transmitting is that we want to be left alone. Instead, love your curves, love who you are, and think, “I look fabulous, and I will meet many new people tonight!” I guarantee you’ll spend the night chatting away, and feeling great!


*Live Every Minute


Time going quickly is more than just a cliché. It’s a fact that our lives can pass us by if we don’t really live them. Embrace life, and live it! Do the things you love to do, and you will attract new people into your world all of the time! If you love nature, find places to go for hikes, get out and commune with nature. If you are a writer, buy a journal, grab a pen, and start writing! We spend too much time thinking about the things we wish we were doing, instead of just doing them! People are attracted to those who are authentic, and live their lives with passion. Visualize yourself happy in every experience you have, and you will become irresistible!



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By Lavern, Friday, July 18, 2008 11:50:05 PM
Well enumerated madame. Think of the ugly duckling, she went up to be the beatiful swan, if I remember right, was that the story all about? I think self-confindence is innate in each everyone of us. Bur sometimes shyness over powers our self-confidence so everytime we try something new there are always hesitations on our part. There are a lot of “what ifs” and “buts”. It says “love yourself first”, I think the is the main essence. We have to love ourself and in return it is much easier to give and share love to others.
By Melvin, Tuesday, July 15, 2008 07:08:44 PM
I like the first point. If you don't love yourself then who else will? It's so funny how many people are looking for love yet they cannot even give themselves the love that they deserve. Living every minute is also great because it helps you understand the importance of your own.
By Prasanna, Friday, July 11, 2008 11:12:08 AM
I think every article posted here is great. This not only gives the laws to attract love but also to live. If the points said here are followed,then for sure our life can be very joyous. Take a course in You is a very powerful sentence. Everyone first should analyse them so that they can understand what they are capable of.
By Melvin, Tuesday, July 08, 2008 09:25:02 PM
I like your point, very simple. Loving ourselves is one of the basic things that we should understand. I see people who are pitying themselves because they cannot find someone who will love him But the truth is there is so many people that love you and you just don't notice them.
By Green, Thursday, June 19, 2008 11:29:03 AM
Loving myself is one of the most important life lessons I have learnt. I first heard about the concept on oprah. Though it is so simple I never really thought of it. It makes such a difference if one learns to forgive and love themselves. It is the key to making you life much better and attracting love.

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