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Find The Name of Your Soul Mate
Find the Name of your Soul Mate Soul Mates and Life Ties!  Past life connections with soul mates, how to get in touch with your past life soul mates. There are several ways that you can find out the name of your soul mate. This is valuable to know if you are asking yourself, “is he my soul mate.”  Sometimes, having a clue even about the first letter of the name can give you a message about whether or not somebody might happen to be your soul mate.

Sometimes the soul mate can be divined by a very good psychic. A psychic with esp should be able to identify questions about the “love of my life, my soul mate.”  You can access a talented psychic by typing keywords like “love of my life” or “my soul mate” into a popular search engine like Google or Yahoo. This should turn up scores of results with regards to psychics willing to help you find out the name of your soul mate or whether someone who is in your life is already your soul mate.

Another way of knowing your soul mate’s name is to try an old spell. Simply take an apple and start giving the stem a twist as you say the letters of the alphabet in order. The letter that the stem of the apple breaks off at will be the first letter of the name of your perfect soul mate.

Another way to do a soul mate name prediction is to pick up a copy of the Bible. Close your eyes and pick a page. If your finger lands on a name, it is likely that your soul mate’s name will be the same or similar. If your finger does not land on a name, than keep reading downwards on the Bible page until you hit the name you are after. This form of divination is called bibliomancy and it has been practiced for thousands of dollars. You don’t have to be a purist and use a Bible. You can also use any novel to try and divine the same thing.

A talented psychic can also be a good soul mate name predictor as well as help you find your ideal soul mate. These types of psychics can read cards for you or look into a crystal ball. An Indian psychic might use special meditation methods to identify reincarnation soul mates. Some Christian cults also believe in reincarnation soul mates. The idea is that the two of you are reunited to ascend together in this life or accomplish great things in the name of the Lord.

Many sages and gurus say that you can manifest your soul mate to you simply by meditating on it. The idea is not to focus on the exact name so much as to be open to what the universe gives you.

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By kristine, Thursday, September 18, 2008 07:51:33 PM
will i ever find someone to be happy with?
By tabitha, Thursday, September 18, 2008 04:21:45 PM
my soul mate died last October and can you tell me what the name of my next sole mate is and when will i meet him and how on the net or around town thank you tabitha
By Candace, Thursday, September 18, 2008 01:38:59 PM
i want to know my soul mates name and am i with him right now? Daniel
By elva, Sunday, September 14, 2008 10:56:32 AM
i want to find my soulmate
By julie, Sunday, September 07, 2008 01:44:00 PM
i would like to know who my soul mate is what is his name.
By julie, Sunday, September 07, 2008 01:42:24 PM
By Mariah, Wednesday, September 03, 2008 06:51:47 PM
i did the thing with the apple and landed on Z. Afterwords i decided to do the bible one and landed exactley on the words (big and bold) ZEPHENIAH. I was stunned.
By Bailey, Wednesday, September 03, 2008 03:59:35 PM
I did the apple thing, and I came up with C, and that is the first name of my Fiance Chad..I truly hope I'm not making any mistakes. I love him with all my heart, and we plan on getting married next year, September 9th 2009, Sept 9th is the day of the accident in 2006 that almost took his life, he was trying to stop a fight, and turned around to walk away, and someone pushed him, he ended up being struck by a moving truck, he was sent to the hospital, they had to drill a hole in his skull to get to his brain, because it was about to explode from the amount of pressure, he was in a coma for 2 months, they asked his father if he wanted to go through with the brain surgery or pull the plug, there was a huge chance he wasn't going to make it, but they went through with it and prayed. He had a successful surgery. His arm snapped in two spots, but he is still working on the pyshio, the doctors said that he would probably never be able to move his arm, or walk again, or even talk, but he's a walking miracle, he is the most amazing young man. He prayed the night the doctor said that he would'nt be able to use his arm again, and yet the next day he was able to move his finger. It took him 2 years to get this far, and I pray every night that he will fully recover with all of the things that were wrong with him, and he's doing well. I love him so much! and when I met him I knew he was the one I wanted to be with, he's been with me through thick and thin, the last year I have had with him, has been amazing. He's cried with me when I was in the hospital (I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis, and the pills I was on made me have an allergic reaction to it, which I ended up with an inflammed pancreas called "pancreatitis" but I went through the treatment. Then I spent a month off of medication, and it was painful, the doctors were trying to find out what kind of medication I could go on. I ended up getting Crohns (which my mother and aunt have), the only reason why I have Crohns, is because of being off the medication made the disease worse, but I'm on medication for Cancer now, and it's helping me so much) I'm happy to be with him, he is such a gentleman, he has a bit of a problem speaking sometimes he slurs his words, but I help him with it... :D I am amazed that God helped such a perfect young man get back to his life :)....I love you Chad! Bailey..
By Theresa, Friday, August 29, 2008 10:04:03 PM
Dear Sylvia, Thank You So Very Much for all of your love and guidance that you have given to each and everyone of us. You are such a wonderful gift to us all. My sister, Kathleen, was married to a man named Michael. Michael began to become very seriously psychotic in 2004 through 2005. We believe that he became very seriously mentally ill as a result of a gene that was passed on through the generations on his father's side to him. Michael was always a very highly motivated man who worked hard and made some money to make sure that my sister was taken care of. During this time in which Michael became increasingly psychologically ill, my sister was unable to "handle" Mike and along with some other factors, my siter filed for divorce. I have not walked in my sister's shoes, but, it seemed very wrong to me that my sister would divorce poor Mike when he needed her most. Michael committed suicide in January of 2006. My sister wanted to read me the suicide note , but I could not handle it and I still don't want to hear it after 2 1/2 years. People have alienated my sister believing that she was the cause of his demise. My sister is now lonely and has a boyfriend that is not good for her. He has a history of using drugs and is an exconvict. He does not treat her that well. But, because she is lonely she just settles for second best. I'm wondering if she is being taught a lesson for what she had done to Michael. Will my sister ever find love , again, in this life time? Has she found her soul mate and if no, when will she and what is his name? She is suffering. She lives in Memphis, TN, far a way from family and long time friends. I live in MA with our 2 brothers. My Mom and Dad live in Holiday, FL. I want to help her but, I'm not sure how. I'm sorry for being so lengthy. Could you offer any thoughts or advice. Thank You and May God Bless You and Your Family, Terri, Peabody. MA
By Laurie, Friday, August 29, 2008 11:34:00 AM
I would love to find the name or first initial of his name of whom will be my soul mate, or is he right in front of me and I am not listening or open enough to pick up the vibes? What are the signs of when you have found your soul mate?

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