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How Meditation Can Help Your Love Life
Meditating for Love Life Soul Mates and Life Ties!  Past life connections with soul mates, how to get in touch with your past life soul mates. If you want to pep up your love life, why not try meditation? Believe it or not, meditation can help enhance your love life in every single way.

The first way that meditation can help you is in the actual manifestation of a new love. By calming your mind and not panicking about being alone, you put out the message to the universe that you are available and willing to receive love.

When you meditate about the type of partner you would like to attract to you, be very contrite and peaceful about it. Clear your mind of all resentments and bitter thoughts you might have about relationships in the past. Make sure your heart is devoid of expectations that other people may not be able to meet.

When meditating, do not focus on bending another person in your life to “do your will.” This will not work to manifest love. You will only manifest conflict. Instead, tell your Higher Power that you are receptive to a love that is for your “highest good” and everybody’s “highest good.” Tell your Higher Power that you have an open mind and open heart.

Meditation can also help resolve conflicts with a current partner. Very often, we are ruled by irrationality and emotions when it comes to dealing with our lovers. The good thing about meditation practice is that it can help you detach from emotions, obsessive thinking, and all forms of “stinking thinking” that can have arguments escalating. After a session of meditation, angry people become more understanding. It is also easier for you to step into someone else’s shoes and see a different side of the story.

There is also an old saying that you can’t "cure mind with mind." If you have an addict or mentally ill person in your life, then meditation can help relieve you of the stress and chaos that their behavior can cause you. You will spend less time analyzing their behavior and spend more time focusing on yourself.

Yet another benefit of meditation is that it is excellent for your physical health. People who take the time to meditate often practice deep breathing, which in the end can be good for problems such as erectile dysfunction or frigidity. You will also become a calmer, better grounded individual as the result of meditation because it is so good for banishing your psychological stress.

A relaxed and limber person is going to be a better lover. When you are relaxed, you are also better able to focus on "the task at hand"…whatever that may be while you are making love. Quite simply, you will be more physically and mentally grounded and better able to control several physical aspects of love making. Men who meditate tend to last longer and have more stamina and women who meditate tend to have more orgasms. If you meditate, you might also find that your love making takes on a more spiritual, relaxed quality as well.

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