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Using The Law Of Attraction
The Law of Attraction Soul Mates and Life Ties!  Past life connections with soul mates, how to get in touch with your past life soul mates. Don’t fall into the trap of believing you are just stuck in a rut and can’t get out! Want to know how to spice up your life? We all deserve the life we want to live, and the Law of Attraction can help us do just that! First, we must define our life. We just have to get clear about what we want our lives to be, focus on the positive, and dedicate ourselves to our vision. Sounds fun, right?


Keep the following tips in mind so you know how to use the Law of Attraction correctly.


*Be Present with Your Intention


The Law of Attraction teaches that we always place our intention in the present tense. Replace phrases like, “I wish I was successful” with strong statements like, “I am successful!” This not only assists us in feeling great about our current situation, but we live up to the expectations we set for ourselves. If we spend all our time “wishing”, we open the door to feeling bad about our current state, and that negative energy will just drag us down! Let’s live our vision like it is happening now!

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*Actions Speak Louder than Thoughts


Often we have a desire we’d like to manifest, but our actions are telling a different tale. Think of it like the guy who says he wants to settle down and get married, but spends every night at the bar flirting with different women. It’s sending a mixed signal to the Universe, which will never be interpreted. Our visions absolutely must align with our actions! So line it up right, and you will be on the path to achieving your dreams.



*Express Gratitude for Everything


Most of us say, “Everything happens for a reason”, but the Law of Attraction maintains that we’ve got to really, truly believe that in order to express gratitudeno matter what! For example, if you didn’t get the promotion you've been working towards, perhaps it wasn't meant to be. Is this the career you love or is there something better out there? Take this time to evaluate what you'd love to do! Be thankful for everything, and trust that your life will be exactly as you see it. Be confident, and express gratitude for the things that have happened and that there is something to be appreciative of all the time!



*Give Back to Receive


We tend to think of intentions, goals, or dreams as being self-serving. It’s the classic “What’s in it for me?” mentality. When we set out for something, there’s usually self-motivating factors behind it. Maybe we wanted the aforementioned promotion to earn money to buy a new home or car. OK- get ready, I’m going to give you a doozy! Throw that mentality away! Stop thinking about what’s in it for you, and start thinking about what you can do for the world. This will lead you directly to your purpose, and if you live your life’s purpose, the Universe will send you abundance in return! We all have talents, something we can contribute, and that will also allow us to live a full, rich life. So, turn it around and ask the world, “How can I help you?”



*Surrender Fear


It’s natural to be nervous about change. When we change our thinking, or want to change our thinking, it can be scary! I’ve had clients tell me they feel stuck in a rut, but fear keeps them at that status quo. Truthfully, most successful people aren’t “lucky” people; many have failed time and time again. But they held strong to their vision, and surrendered fear by believing in the powerful “Law of Attraction.” Fear can be debilitating, because it blocks us from taking inspired risks.  Believe in your purpose, and allow the Universe to deliver your desires!


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By Melvin, Thursday, July 24, 2008 06:42:57 AM
"It’s natural to be nervous about change. When we change our thinking, or want to change our thinking, it can be scary! I’ve had clients tell me they feel stuck in a rut, but fear keeps them at that status quo" I am guilty about this. I really am a coward person and especially in terms of decision making so I guess I have to further more improve it.
By Melvin, Saturday, July 19, 2008 10:18:57 PM
Giving back to receive. This is so true yet many people are not noticing the importance of it. The phrase sounds simple and easy but it is easier said than done. People are so selfish nowadays that they first look on someone who could make them complete before giving something away to others.
By Melvin, Wednesday, July 16, 2008 08:14:19 AM
"Action speaks louder than thoughts". I can say this one is very true. I had an experience before where I never made an action, all I did was put them all in my thoughts. At the end I really suffered from its consequences and I regret that decision so much.
By Lavern, Saturday, July 12, 2008 08:53:18 AM
Sometimes my mind is blank, I think I’m so over whelmed thinking of many things that sometimes my mind becomes “numb”. Thanks for this article; it can widen my horizon about the situations in life especially when feeling down. They say always think positive but in reality, we always worry of the things to happen. Well, that’s reality isn’t it?
By Prasanna, Wednesday, July 09, 2008 08:27:35 AM
This is a great one. I would like to give this link to some of friends to have a look at it. I understand that attitude is the most important thing in life. i always believe in that. Added to the article, i think that our thoughts are the most powerful tool in the world that can bring success to us. I have experienced this. So believe in you. Help others to the best. So that you will be placed well and will have some people to take care of you when you are down. Count not your money but your friends who can share your sad moments.
By Melvin, Tuesday, July 08, 2008 09:31:49 PM
I like your article. For me the hardest part is doing an action. I am such a very very shy man. And I just can make an action because of the fear. I hope I can surrender my fear and finally make an action. I really feel these are the only things that keep me from doing what is right.
By Marsha, Thursday, June 26, 2008 10:52:33 AM
I've been wanting to upgrade my home for awhile now and sometimes the amount of work seems so overwhelming. I've just now realized that the reason it has not happened is because of my wishing and not thinking in the present and not realizing what changes I've already made in preparing my home. Thank you
By Green, Thursday, June 19, 2008 10:53:20 AM
I think the most important aspect of the law of attraction is that of being grateful. One most be grateful and thankful for the blessings they have received. Creating a positive energy around you is also very important. So is being kind, loving and giving to the people around you. I've had experience with it - being positive attracts positive energy around you.
By Lisa, Tuesday, May 27, 2008 12:29:19 PM
Sometimes feeling like your stuck in a rut or settling for less can be overwhelming and it can take all that is left of you away. Trying to hang on or trying to figure a change is almost too much. But remaining positive and believing that there is a god helps.

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