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Is He Cheating? Signs Your Man Is Cheating on You
Signs that He Is Cheating Soul Mates and Life Ties!  Past life connections with soul mates, how to get in touch with your past life soul mates. Infidelity is a complex activity that requires a lot of covert behavior and acting, so there can be many signs that your lover is cheating.

Perhaps one of the most revealing things about a person is not what they are hiding, but what they choose to reveal. Studies have shown that many cheaters, liars, and criminals will try to foil detection by somehow putting the evidence right in front of your nose. For instance, a serial cheater who constantly receives phone calls on cell phone might leave his cell phone in your plain view. The logic behind this is that if you perceive that he trusts, you it would be just too stupid of him to leave the cell phone out of site.

Other cheaters will also try to put you off the scent by overdoing it when it comes to wearing clothing or jewelry given by you or stuffing their wallets full of pictures of you. This is a message to you that he or she loves you when in reality all they are doing is trying to throw you off track by compensating for what they are really doing in life – betraying you.

On the other side of the coin, there is the actual hiding of objects. If you suspect your partner is cheating and there are many locked doors, cupboards, and boxes in his or her abode, then it may not necessarily mean that the person is simply more private than most people. It is very possible, that like Bluebeard’s closet, that those locked places are full of the skeletons in that person’s promises including mementos, receipts, photographs, and other information about an affair.

Perhaps the biggest indication that you might be dealing with a cheater is if they stop acting as if they are a part of your life. They may lose complete interest in family, friends, or following through on mutual financial goals or plans for the future. Your mate also might be reluctant to go out of town for any reason, as that might cause a crisis in his or her other relationship.

Typically, when both men and women are unfaithful, they will not be as willing to get as cozy with you physically. He or she may roll over and make sure that you are facing their back all night. They may not hold your hand in public and if you attempt to do so, they may pull away in a manner that seems to say, “I don’t need your support.”

There are also some types of cheaters that practice a bizarre form of physical condescension when they cheat. They may actually feel sorry for you but their main intent is to show you affection and support (even when they don’t mean it). This can result in things like giving you a big hug followed by a series of small pats on the back (as if you need comforted). The person may also squeeze your upper arm or punch you playfully in the arm as if the two of you were cheerleaders. This is an attempt to establish the physical intimacy that is between you as being more friendly then sexual.

As you can see, telling for sure whether or not someone is cheating can be a very complex thing full of various confusing behaviors that can be quite difficult to analyze.

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By legho, Thursday, September 24, 2015 10:44:33 PM
I am very grateful to Dr. Bully The Mighty spell caster from India for helping me in my problem, I was almost losing hope in life when my lover of 4 years ended our relationship without any reason and I consulted an old friend of mine and explain my situation to her and she said she was in same situation 2weeks back but a wonderful man who was sent to help people helped her out of the problem and I thought it was all a joke and I ask her if it was real and she said if it wasn't real so how did her lover come back to her, then I decided to give Dr. Bully a try because I had nothing to loose in trying and I contacted him on his email address which is and he replied to my email very well.. and to cut the long story short Dr. Bully brought back my Lover in 48 hours.. I'm very happy he brought my man back to me and my lover promise that he will never and ever leave me again. Thanks to Dr. Bully of
By Sharonda, Tuesday, October 30, 2012 07:51:17 PM
Hi, my husband has been having an affair on me. No, I can't prove it but, all of the signs are there and I feel it in every bone in me. He went to Florida and stayed 2-3 days with so-called family. He didn't call from his hotel room and didn't want me to know the name of the hotel. He tried to pretend that damaging winds had nocked the power out so he couldn't call me. He had a cell phone with good coverage on it but, he said that he could only call locally (his family). Now, he's saying that he wasn't doing anything wrong and it's all in my head. Please, tell me why he's trying to make me feel as if I'm losing my mind or something? Ronda
By michelle, Wednesday, June 01, 2011 08:53:32 AM
my question is when you are with someone for 13 years you just know!!!!but how does one deal with a cheater when your love for them is so strong that you cant seem to let go....i mean will they change? well the other person ever deal with the infidelity and be capable of loving and trusting again? cuz i know he loves me i just dont understand why one cant be with just me.when one is satisafied with ones sex life there is no need to cheat...right
By Angie, Saturday, February 12, 2011 10:38:59 AM
Answer for Karen, I think a lot of them don't leave is because they are feeling guilty about cheating or because of money and material things they don't want to loose and another reason could be because of their mutual ties to one another (children).. And it happens a lot of committed people will fall for someone else because their marriage isn't all peaches n cream and one could be putting less effort into the marriage like sex, or showing you love that person and then the cheater will go off and find love el where without having to cause conflict and leaving their husband or wife.
By Karen, Wednesday, February 09, 2011 07:00:26 PM
My question is WHY? WHY do they go to such lengths to cover up an affair. I've seen it happen just like you said. If they are 'just not that into you' and love someone else, or whatever, why don't they just say so and move on. Is it about money? I'm at a loss. WHY don't they just tell the truth and move on? I really don't get it.
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