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Seven Resolutions to Make with Your Partner
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With Valentine's Day near, it's time to put the past to rest and begin working on improvements for your love life in 2011. While you work on your list of personal resolutions, don't overlook the opportunity to improve your relationship with your significant other. As a couple, sit down and make a list of resolutions you'd like to work on together. With a little creativity and ingenuity, this could be the best year you've ever spent together.

Don't know where to start? Here are seven ideas to get you started:

   1. Recommit to your relationship. Look each other in the eyes, and verbally commit to improving your relationship. Make it a promise to your partner to work on any issues that may arise during the year. Tell each other that your love is worth the effort.

   2. Let go of anger. Anger is never the solution to a problem. If you're carrying it around with you, you are chaining yourself to the past. Your spirit and your relationship will suffer from any negativity you are bottling up. Work through the past and use it as a tool for improving your future.

   3. Talk it out. Every couple experiences rocky moments. The best way to prevent small issues from becoming major problems is to simply talk it out together. Sit down and discuss the problem. Vow not to go to bed until you've come to some sort of decision. Take a look at a few astrology love readings, and you'll understand that this is the year for communication.

   4. Listen. What good is all of that talking if no one is listening? Don't expect your love to listen to you if you aren't willing to do the same. Your partner's thoughts and opinions are as valid and important as yours. A vast majority of arguments and misunderstandings can be avoided just by listening.

   5. Share your life. Find a hobby or activity that you both enjoy. If you can't think of one, choose something new to learn together. Having a shared interest can increase your friendship compatibility. Romance is important, but truly great couples are both lovers and friends.

   6. Spend quality time together. Hanging out with friends is great, but don't overdo it. A quiet night at home can be the perfect way to rekindle the flames. If you have children, hire a babysitter. Enjoy a few hours of being completely devoted to each other without distractions.

   7. Say “I love you” everyday. Don't overlook the impact this simple phrase can have on your relationship. There is probably no easier way to strengthen your connection to your partner than by simply saying “I love you” and meaning it.

Resolutions are not just for the first day of January. You can choose to change your life and improve your relationship at any time. Consider taking time every morning to resolve to make today a better day than yesterday. Crafting a meaningful relationship takes time, hard work, and dedication. Working together will make the process easier and a lot more fun.

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