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Ten Ways To Improve Your Love Life
Ten Ways To Improve Your Love Life Soul Mates and Life Ties!  Past life connections with soul mates, how to get in touch with your past life soul mates.

Here are ten easy spiritual ways to improve your love life.

1. Stop Talking About the Past

People who appear stuck in the past just seem less attractive to other people in general. Your insistence on comparing the present to a better time makes prospective romances feel like they will never measure up to what you have lived through already.

2. Treat Everyone Like They Are Your Soul Mate

Stop being so exclusive and only being on your best behavior when someone you find attractive is around. Be nice to everyone and treat them as if they are your soul mate and see what happens.

3. Stay Away From Negative People

Don’t join any “woe is me” or “ain’t it awful” type clubs. Stay away from friends that want to talk about how the opposite sex is or their bad experiences with ex’s. The more you talk about what you lack, the more likely you are to draw that to you.

4. Make Your Home Welcoming

There is a saying that Venus won’t enter a messy home. Clean up your abode and make sure it is in good shape for welcoming guests. Outfit your bathroom with second towels or toothbrushes in case a male guest stays over.

5. Make Yourself Attractive

Do what you can within your means to make yourself as attractive as possible. Well groomed people attract the favors of the goddess Venus, as well as the opposite sex. Don’t compete with women more beautiful than you. Instead accentuate your best attributes.

6. Do What You Love

To attract kindred spirits, join clubs and associations or online groups that specialize in your hobbies and interests. That way you will attract people on the same level as yourself.

7. Forgive Those Who Have Hurt You

Forgiving those who have hurt you in the past is your best way towards clearing a path so that romance can easily find you in the future. Hard feelings act as an astral block preventing love from finding you.

8. Make An Effort

You can’t win unless you play! Most people think that love will show up and ring their doorbell. This rarely happens. Make sure you attend parties and other events so that you can meet someone. You can’t be lazy when it comes to dating. You need to be prepared and be there when opportunities for meeting the opposite sex present themselves.

9. Make Every Day A First Date

Most relationships die out due to complacency. Treat every day like it is just like your first date. Dress up for your partner and be a little formal sometimes. This keeps the mystique going in the relationship.

10. Keep Things Simple

Intrigue, dishonesty, and manipulative behaviors kill relationships. Be honest with yourself and with others who you are attracted to and see what happens. Most people turn love away simply by making things so complicated that it cannot possibly thrive.

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By Darlene, Saturday, December 04, 2010 05:17:25 PM
Sensible advice!
By Katrina, Friday, September 11, 2009 11:38:36 PM
I will tell you I met my husband at work, I couldn't stand him for years. I started dating him and decided to give him a shot and its been 5 years and my husband and I are extremely close.I managed that by being friends first, then lovers. Make yourself available, my husband knew from the beginning there was nothing he couldn't tell me, and I kept his "past" in the past.Having openess and trust is everything, you go in negative expect negative back, its a repetition.
By sharon, Sunday, August 30, 2009 05:17:00 AM
soul mates can come into our lives at any age my first soul mate came to me in 1993 and was a woman who was my mother in a past lifetime. I learned so much from her. My 2nd one is a male and came to me in 2006 and wow my whole life changed and I looked deep inside myself and saw the good the bad and the ulgy,it was a great learning lesson but came with alot of pain. I love him dearly and hope one day he realizes that we are the real deal. It is an amazing experience and when it happens you will know and never quite be the same person. It is so enlightening and wonderful.
By Michel, Monday, August 17, 2009 03:13:09 PM
"Treat everyone like they are your soul mate"? You might be able to do that if everyone were projecting the same type of energy, or if you were lying to yourself and or the other person. But a soul mate feels completely different than any everyone else person, and you can tell the difference! Michel Massicotte
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