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What Are Natural Born Soul Mates?
Find your natural born soul mate Soul Mates and Life Ties!  Past life connections with soul mates, how to get in touch with your past life soul mates. Natural born soul mates are important life lessons, soul level lessons on legs. Lessons, as you know from your school days, aren’t always fun. Later you value the learning, but up front the lesson is often hard work. The same is true of soul mates, especially learning how to find your soul mate.

Soul mates very naturally come into our lives for many reasons, and a natural born soul mate can be just about anyone. We can find our soul mate when we least expect it. Soul mates come in three distinct basic varieties, and can move up the line from problematic to blissful, from Karmic to Heart mate. They can be short but incredibly powerful bonds. Or they can last a lifetime.

What are the different types of soul mates? The first kind of natural born soul mate is the Karmic Soul mate. This type of soul mate is someone with whom, on a soul level, you have unfinished business or a specific goal to accomplish. When that’s done, usually the relationship is too. Though not always.

Feeling an instant attraction? Careful, it’s a sign you’re dealing with a Karmic Soul mate. Souls are eternal, right? So there’s no need to rush things. Like a plant you nurture, a positive soul mate relationship needs strong roots to grow its best to find your Karmic Soul mate. Spend time putting down roots together.

A soul mate relationship doesn’t equal a problem-free relationship. And it doesn’t mean it’ll last forever without some ongoing attention and work. Soul mates are soul lessons, remember? Just like in school there’s always a bit of homework. Once you learn to view those Karmic Soul mates you run across as life lessons you’ll find they irritate you a whole lot less. Learn the lesson—and move on to the next level of soul mate, the Balance Partner.

Balance Partners are those always supportive people we adore and can rely on to tell us the truth even if it hurts. These often are the best friends, the great team members at work and play,  the favorite uncles—those who totally get you, that you feel completely at ease with. If you develop a Balance Partner bond and discover there’s also a sexual chemistry, you can grow into a long term romantic soul mate relationship, better called a Heart mate bond.

The Heart mate is the most evolved of the three types of natural born soul mates. Think of building a Heart mate relationship—romantic or not--as the grad school version of learning through relationships. Maybe you’ve heard that while you may have lots of acquaintances, true friends are very rare. Those true friends are your true Heart mates.

The good news is you’ve got potential soul mates all around you. Now pay attention and sort out which ones are Karmic with-potential to grow into some really powerful soul mates – those gems of relationships that make you feel rich indeed.

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By kate, Wednesday, September 04, 2013 09:56:26 PM
i am hear to give testimony of how i got back my husband, we got married for more than 9 years and have gotten two kids. thing were going well with us and we are always happy. until one day my husband started to behave in a way i could not understand, i was very confused by the way he treat me and the kids. later that month he did not come home again and he called me that he want a divorce, i asked him what have i done wrong to deserve this from him, all he was saying is that he want a divorce that he hate me and do not want to see me again in his life, i was mad and also frustrated do not know what to do,i was sick for more than 2 weeks because of the divorce. i love him so much he was everything to me without him my life is incomplete. i told my sister and she told me to contact a spell caster, i never believe in all this spell casting of a thing. i just want to try if something will come out of it. i contacted traditionalspellhospital for the return of my husband to me, they told me that my husband have been taken by another woman, that she cast a spell on him that is why he hate me and also want us to divorce. then they told me that they have to cast a spell on him that will make him return to me and the kids, they casted the spell and after 1 week my husband called me and he told me that i should forgive him, he started to apologize on phone and said that he still live me that he did not know what happen to him that he left me. it was the spell that he traditionalspellhospital casted on him that make him comeback to me today,me and my family are now happy again today. thank you traditionalspellhospital for what you have done for me i would have been nothing today if not for your great spell. i want you my friends who are passing through all this kind of love problem of getting back their husband, wife , or ex boyfriend and girlfriend to contact and you will see that your problem will be solved without any delay.
By Rosalie, Monday, August 16, 2010 08:30:10 AM
Find your natural born soul mate Soul Mates and Life Ties! Past life connections with soul mates, how to get in touch with your past life soul mates. Natural born soul mates are important life lessons, soul level lessons on legs. Lessons, as you know from your school days, aren’t always fun. Later you value the learning, but up front the lesson is often hard work. The same is true of soul mates, especially learning how to find your soul mate. Soul mates very naturally come into our lives for many reasons, and a natural born soul mate can be just about anyone. We can find our soul mate when we least expect it. Soul mates come in three distinct basic varieties, and can move up the line from problematic to blissful, from Karmic to Heart mate. They can be short but incredibly powerful bonds. Or they can last a lifetime. What are the different types of soul mates? The first kind of natural born soul mate is the Karmic Soul mate. This type of soul mate is someone with whom, on a soul level, you have unfinished business or a specific goal to accomplish. When that’s done, usually the relationship is too. Though not always. Looking for Love? Need Advice? Get answers NOW. Try it FREE! Click Here or Call 888-779-0033 Feeling an instant attraction? Careful, it’s a sign you’re dealing with a Karmic Soul mate. Souls are eternal, right? So there’s no need to rush things. Like a plant you nurture, a positive soul mate relationship needs strong roots to grow its best to find your Karmic Soul mate. Spend time putting down roots together. A soul mate relationship doesn’t equal a problem-free relationship. And it doesn’t mean it’ll last forever without some ongoing attention and work. Soul mates are soul lessons, remember? Just like in school there’s always a bit of homework. Once you learn to view those Karmic Soul mates you run across as life lessons you’ll find they irritate you a whole lot less. Learn the lesson—and move on to the next level of soul mate, the Balance Partner. Balance Partners are those always supportive people we adore and can rely on to tell us the truth even if it hurts. These often are the best friends, the great team members at work and play, the favorite uncles—those who totally get you, that you feel completely at ease with. If you develop a Balance Partner bond and discover there’s also a sexual chemistry, you can grow into a long term romantic soul mate relationship, better called a Heart mate bond. The Heart mate is the most evolved of the three types of natural born soul mates. Think of building a Heart mate relationship—romantic or not--as the grad school version of learning through relationships. Maybe you’ve heard that while you may have lots of acquaintances, true friends are very rare. Those true friends are your true Heart mates. The good news is you’ve got potential soul mates all around you. Now pay attention and sort out which ones are Karmic with-potential to grow into some really powerful soul mates – those gems of relationships that make you feel rich indeed. Get a FREE Live Psychic Reading! Need Advice on Love, Money, Your Future? Click Here or Call 888-779-0033 RSS Print This Article Email to a Friend Bookmark and Share Comments Page: 1 2 3 By Michelle, Sunday, May 03, 2009 02:30:31 AM How many soul-mates can one have within a lifetime? Is it possible to know them instantly-even in a picture? Michelle By Germaine, Wednesday, April 22, 2009 11:24:39 PM We can have many "soul mates" in our lives, and it is true, not all of them may be what we think they should be. There could be problems associated with them, but in all they are all learning opportunities and ways for us to learn more about ourselves. My fiance died 9 years ago,and when I met him it was like everything came into place..we had an instant attraction, very strong, like he was meant to be in my life at that time. We have a wonderful year together. I found out he and I had shared many lives in the past, but always something parted us. We wanted to get married, and were going to, but he was troubled about the way things were in his life. He said that he felt like there was a light in a tunnel, and as he rushed to it the light would go out. Unfortunately and tragically, he committed suicide and I felt so very lost and hopelessly depressed. I did come out of it with a lot that I had learned and took the good out of our relationship. Since then, he has been around me a lot and I know he protects me. I found out a lot about myself, and I grew stronger as a result and it answered many questions for me. One day, I will see him again, but he definitely was meant to be in my life, and for every day we had I felt blessed by him. By Diana SageSpiritWolf, Monday, April 20, 2009 01:43:42 AM No, not a Sylvia article.Someone else connected with Spirit Now wrote this. I personally would appreciate in the future if Y'all could put the authors name on the articles. You used to or sometimes do, it is important to do this with every article. The author should get credit where credit is due. However in this case this article is "Huooey" for those of us who know Sylvia's teachings & books. You have Kindred Spirits here, the reason why there are so many souls you can connect with. Being your soulmate is a part of you it makes sense they stay on the other side to be a support system while we are here in this classroom we call Earth. Peace, Love & Light SageSpiritWolf By joan, Sunday, April 19, 2009 11:06:07 AM Patty is right, SYLVIA DID NOT WRITE THIS ARTICLE. Your soul mate stays on the otherside, It is too difficult and emotional to incarnate together. You all are talking about kindred souls, one you have been in many lives with and are very close too on the other side. If you read any of her books, you would know this. By SANDRA, Friday, October 10, 2008 11:05:41 AM I do beleive i found my soulmate and then lost him .do to the fact i moved out of maimi to okc.i will never know if i will find him again.It's this strong connection between the 2 of us that i never felt before Like i had known him for a long time,and we had just met .And i know he felt the same way about me ,i could fill the vibes.i hope to find him again in the future. By brigette, Sunday, September 14, 2008 12:54:06 PM yes i have i met this men which at the time he was working with my son and for some reason would just call me,after the call day's or even weeks past i got this strong feeling for i have never since this man a day in my life but now im so attracted to him i dont know what to do,it's like this was meant to be,but im not sure if he feels the same i think he just have to. By Diane, Wednesday, September 03, 2008 05:13:35 PM I met a man that I felt an instant bond so I thought he was one of my soulmates, but then he told me he just didnt feel it for me. Does this mean he is not my soulmate? Why did I feel like that. I was not physically attracted to him,is was not infatuation, just felt some kind of bond. Will he come around sooner or later and realize or should I give up on him? By Prasanna, Thursday, August 14, 2008 01:38:23 PM Lol. Just because we have engaged ourself in relationship, it does not mean that we should get adjusted to everything as elma said. There may be many difference of opinion. We should take utmost care at that time. I feel like nothing other than understanding the soul mates will be the key solution for any problems. By Elma, Wednesday, August 13, 2008 04:09:10 AM The line about being in a soul-mate relationship does not necessarily mean a problem-free relationship just validates the fact that for any relationship to be successful, there is corresponding work needed. I think it would be so beautiful to be with your soul-mate, someone who on a deeper level can relate to you and your thoughts, but it would also be such a bore that just because you are soul-mates, the relationship has no bumps along the way. By netizen, Tuesday, August 12, 2008 05:33:47 AM Can soul mates come into your life for just a short period of time? There are some people from whom I have learned important lessons but they were just there for a while and then we lost touch. Yet I always remember them. Page: 1 2 3 Post a Comment A gifted psychic advisor, specializing in your area of concern, will provide you with a personalized answer. All information is kept completely confidential. Type Your FREE Question Here. A psychic advisor will provide you with a personalized answer. Love Money Astrology Tarot Birthday: Please send me my FREE Daily Horoscope - Get Your Free Reading Today! - Your Online Psychic Destination! Free Psychic Readings & Chat Free Tarot Readings & Chat Psychic Money Reading Live Astrology Readings & Chat Medium Readings & Chat Psychic Chat Angels and Spiritual Guidance Psychic Dream Analysis Feng Shui Psychic Love Readings & Chat Powerful Psychic Advisors Psychic Relationship Readings Psychic Career Guidance Customer Matc
By Michelle, Sunday, May 03, 2009 02:30:31 AM
How many soul-mates can one have within a lifetime? Is it possible to know them instantly-even in a picture? Michelle
By Germaine, Wednesday, April 22, 2009 11:24:39 PM
We can have many "soul mates" in our lives, and it is true, not all of them may be what we think they should be. There could be problems associated with them, but in all they are all learning opportunities and ways for us to learn more about ourselves. My fiance died 9 years ago,and when I met him it was like everything came into place..we had an instant attraction, very strong, like he was meant to be in my life at that time. We have a wonderful year together. I found out he and I had shared many lives in the past, but always something parted us. We wanted to get married, and were going to, but he was troubled about the way things were in his life. He said that he felt like there was a light in a tunnel, and as he rushed to it the light would go out. Unfortunately and tragically, he committed suicide and I felt so very lost and hopelessly depressed. I did come out of it with a lot that I had learned and took the good out of our relationship. Since then, he has been around me a lot and I know he protects me. I found out a lot about myself, and I grew stronger as a result and it answered many questions for me. One day, I will see him again, but he definitely was meant to be in my life, and for every day we had I felt blessed by him.
By Diana SageSpiritWolf, Monday, April 20, 2009 01:43:42 AM
No, not a Sylvia article.Someone else connected with Spirit Now wrote this. I personally would appreciate in the future if Y'all could put the authors name on the articles. You used to or sometimes do, it is important to do this with every article. The author should get credit where credit is due. However in this case this article is "Huooey" for those of us who know Sylvia's teachings & books. You have Kindred Spirits here, the reason why there are so many souls you can connect with. Being your soulmate is a part of you it makes sense they stay on the other side to be a support system while we are here in this classroom we call Earth. Peace, Love & Light SageSpiritWolf
By joan, Sunday, April 19, 2009 11:06:07 AM
Patty is right, SYLVIA DID NOT WRITE THIS ARTICLE. Your soul mate stays on the otherside, It is too difficult and emotional to incarnate together. You all are talking about kindred souls, one you have been in many lives with and are very close too on the other side. If you read any of her books, you would know this.
By SANDRA, Friday, October 10, 2008 11:05:41 AM
I do beleive i found my soulmate and then lost him .do to the fact i moved out of maimi to okc.i will never know if i will find him again.It's this strong connection between the 2 of us that i never felt before Like i had known him for a long time,and we had just met .And i know he felt the same way about me ,i could fill the vibes.i hope to find him again in the future.
By brigette, Sunday, September 14, 2008 12:54:06 PM
yes i have i met this men which at the time he was working with my son and for some reason would just call me,after the call day's or even weeks past i got this strong feeling for i have never since this man a day in my life but now im so attracted to him i dont know what to do,it's like this was meant to be,but im not sure if he feels the same i think he just have to.
By Diane, Wednesday, September 03, 2008 05:13:35 PM
I met a man that I felt an instant bond so I thought he was one of my soulmates, but then he told me he just didnt feel it for me. Does this mean he is not my soulmate? Why did I feel like that. I was not physically attracted to him,is was not infatuation, just felt some kind of bond. Will he come around sooner or later and realize or should I give up on him?
By Prasanna, Thursday, August 14, 2008 01:38:23 PM
Lol. Just because we have engaged ourself in relationship, it does not mean that we should get adjusted to everything as elma said. There may be many difference of opinion. We should take utmost care at that time. I feel like nothing other than understanding the soul mates will be the key solution for any problems.

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