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2010, 2011, 2012 Predictions by Zachary Selig
2010 Psychic Predictions with Zachary Selig Psychic Sylvia Browne, World-renowned Psychic Sylvia Browne pictures 2010 Unexpected Predictions

The Unexpected: There will be a global epiphany via Internet that creates a new union amidst chaotic natural and manmade events.

2010 Economic Predictions

The Economy: The governance of economic power and directives for global financial stabilization will be divided between Europe and Asia. The US will continue to restructure itself into new models of commerce that integrate with this foreign system for another 3 years. The U.S. will begin to eliminate the concept of an individual commissioned-based 'broker, 'expert', or 'middle-man' with new organized Internet-driven service agencies that provide direct access for consumer to product, and vice-versa for products to market.

2010 Social Predictions

The Society: The prioritization of human rights values will be at forefront to balance former injustices. Old spiritual and political laws that are prejudice or hateful will become obsolete. The world becomes obsessed with knowing the truth in all matters of life to gain a sense of true identity with fairness. Honesty becomes the celebrated value.

2010 Political Predictions

Politics: The heads of power or those of legal authority that lie or are selfish will fall quickly with immediate exposure. New leaders will rise to power that are sincerely compassionate. The negative imbalances in governments will swiftly self-destruct. Many new ideals will come into political plans. Those that are practical will work, while the Utopian ones will be sent back to be redesigned.

2010 Health Predictions

Health: Many diseases and epidemics will become more acute and prevalent, while astonishing healings and new cures will occur through alternative applications in traditional medical models. New effective cures for disease will be on the rise and quickly administered.

2010 Nature & Environment Predictions

Nature & The Environment: There will be an unusual high number of hurricanes, floods, and tornadoes in the Gulf and South East U.S. There will be 2 tsunamis in Asia and Australia, flooding in Europe, and several large earthquakes in Latin America. 2010 will have volcanic activity all over the world where populations must be prepared.

2010 Spirit Predictions

Spiritual: The poorer nations will lead the world as role models of Faith-Based Cultures, and many affluent countries will use these cultures as examples in the media to instill principles of faith free of religion.

2010 Media Predictions

The Media: More sophisticated, challenging entertainment properties and programming will occur to feed a more informed public that requires clever entertainment platforms.
About Psychic Zachary Selig

Zachary Selig's background as a Spiritualist, Kundalini Master, and Yoruba Priest has established him as a leading Psychic, Paranormal Consultant, and Healer. A consultation with Zachary can address and help structure a solid plan with prescriptive solutions for optimum peace, health, love, and wealth that can advance your life.
As a clairvoyant who works through his Ancestral Spirit Guides, Zachary is able to answer a client's inquiries by accessing the Akashic records that clearly relate to the soul of an individual. Through this innate gift, he is able to identify the root cause in any given challenge. Zachary delivers specific spiritual diagnostics and prescriptions to correct relationship, health, and business imbalances.  After a near-death experience in the tropics with encephalitis in 1977 where traditional medicine could not cure him, Zachary was miraculously healed by a group of Tarascan Indian shaman-healers near Zihuatanejo, Guerrero, Mexico that he later apprenticed with for three years. These adept teachers were a treasury of spiritual knowledge, who enabled his soul to awaken to its purpose through activating his innate connection with the spiritual world of the Dead. For more with Zachary, visit him online at

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