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Are You Clairvoyant?
Are Your Clairvoyant? Psychic Sylvia Browne, World-renowned Psychic Sylvia Browne pictures Are you clairvoyant? One of the ways to find out might be to take a clairvoyance test. This type of test is developed to check your psychic ability. The clairvoyant test can also help you test your ability to predict the future. This is certainly of some value if you have a disturbing dream and not sure if it is one that will come true. Usually, it is anxiety over something that has been dreamed that causes an individual who is not used to psychic experiences to take a clairvoyant test. If you fail at the clairvoyant test, then it is likely you are not that psychic.

You can find all kinds of different versions of a clairvoyance test online. The current conclusion is that it is hard to measure this scientifically. There are many tests to do with cards that are online. You need to guess which card will come up first or try for the best two out of three. Mostly, all you need to do is guess the color of each card coming up. If you beat the 50% rate of guessing whether black or white comes up, you might be a bit psychic. You are definitely a psychic clairvoyant if you guess 80% or more of them correctly. However, you might want to make sure you guess over 80% three times in a row at least before you call yourself gifted. Odds are that you might guess 80% of the cards correctly at least part of the time.

A popular theory is that we are all psychic clairvoyants, but that our abilities are suppressed. We sublimate them and repress them in favor of “blind rationalism.”  Numerous places both online and off offer training courses to train you how to see the future.

Not everyone sees what will happen in the future when they practice this type of psychic ability. Instead, they are only able to have feelings about things or be able to accurately analyze a personality or a situation. Some psychic clairvoyants can see people from your past and some also see ghosts.

The third eye (also known as the inner eye) is a metaphysical and esoteric concept referring to a spot on the forehead just above the brows. In uncertain Eastern and Western spiritual traditions, this is thought to be the gateway to other worlds as well as the center or second site. It is New Age spirituality. The third eye may also symbolize a state of enlightenment or the illusions of reality. The third eye is often associated with visions, clairvoyance, precognition, and out-of-body experiences. Meditation with the third eye is certainly a place to start if you want to start to develop your own clairvoyance.

Some people who do well on the clairvoyance test are often able to go into business for themselves as a psychic expert. If you are wondering how talented you are psychically, try taking one of the many clairvoyance tests that assess how psychic you are online.


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By Piet, Friday, September 28, 2012 06:52:13 PM
Where can i find the test i am very curious a href=""paragnost info/a
By alma, Sunday, May 22, 2011 10:28:35 AM
I am very intrigued and I want to take a test to measure my abilities as a clairvoyant. Where do I need to sign up to take this test?
By Randy, Monday, October 18, 2010 01:02:41 PM
Who do I contact so I may join the SpiritNow team as an Psychic Advisor, Astrologer, and Numerologist? Where do I send my Bio. Please email this info to me a.s.a.p. Thank you & blessings to you and yours, Randy WhiteWolf (Raven)
By Christine, Thursday, January 28, 2010 01:43:31 PM
I would like to talk to a pychic on healing what kind of pychic would that be? could you let me know? I know ther is a certain type. Please e-mail me and let me know. Thank-You Christine
By Nicole, Monday, January 25, 2010 10:08:37 PM
So; where's this test?!?!?
By Kimberly, Friday, July 03, 2009 07:45:53 PM
Maybe a little misleading :) There should be a test.
By Dr. M, Saturday, September 13, 2008 12:06:52 AM
I would love if had a clairvoyance test. I am psychic through dreams sometimes and have a very good intuition. I LOVE this subject, right next to animals and wildlife and environmental conservation.
By Amelia, Thursday, September 11, 2008 02:50:19 AM
If you are interested in being an instructor in this field please email your resume to
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