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Be Careful What You Wish For
Wishing for Love Psychic Sylvia Browne, World-renowned Psychic Sylvia Browne pictures Perhaps the main value of making a wish or doing a ritual or spell is that these activities help get the ball rolling in terms of encouraging an individual to “fake it ‘til they make it." After all, practicing magic or rituals is just another way of "acting out" your intentions. The theory is that the more you act as if something is already so, the more likely it is to come true in real life.

However, there is a whole school of spirituality that is more about letting your Highest Power choose your life path for you rather than embark on manifestation techniques like the ones expressed in The Secret.

There is an old adage "Be careful what you wish for - you just might get it!"This really does seem to apply, especially when it comes to something like love magic. Resignation to what some call God and others call Fate is sometimes better for us than what we think we want from the future.

Unfortunately, most people fit in with Oscar Wilde’s definition of love: “love is the desire to be desired by someone else.” The failure of love is also the failure of others to reflect what we want to see back to us. When we are rejected, even by a jerk, we want it more than ever.

Love is something we want, yet so many times, we refuse to give it ourselves. It is an expectation. Yet so few of us take the time to examine what it is that we have to offer others in a relationship. In today’s modern world, love is often reduced to an opportunity to act out our so-called passions (which are often neurosis's) on individuals that we believe are our soul mates.

True love is more than just a flattering reflection of our desires. Love is not loving it if it is accompanied by feelings that are antithetical to its nature such as resentment, jealousy, anxiety, lust or attachment.

No matter how you look at it, making wishes or doing spells is an attempt to control the free will of another person so they will do what they want.

Have you ever noticed that the people who seem to be luckiest in love are those who are able to let go and let other people be themselves?

People who seem to be "lucky" in love, who seem to always create loving relationships, and be friends with each other tend to share some practices in common. They take care of their health, see choices and options where others see none, find happiness in living in the present, and give love freely without expecting approval in return.

This conviction is crucial as it raises your vibration, in accordance with the principle of "like attracts like." If you are anxious or attached to finding love, then you will only attract more anxiety and anxious attachments into your life. If you feel that love must cost you in some way, then you will probably lead a life that is enslaved by this notion. That is why when you wish for something, you need to be very careful as you might just get it!

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By Patricia, Saturday, August 07, 2010 04:41:18 PM
What about the things you wish happen to others, or just happen does that count?
By Grace Betty, Saturday, August 07, 2010 03:38:37 PM
This is very true what you wrote above.
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