Psychics (Sylvia)
Psychics (Sylvia) Articles
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By cindy, Friday, September 03, 2010 06:08:55 AM
why dont you post all te answers to the questions? why did my son really die? could it of been prevented by his doctor? is he safe on the other side or is he hanging around because of unfinished bussness and the crap his wife is pulling?
By sarah, Monday, May 31, 2010 12:06:53 PM
hm,...How does someone get in touch with their past lives? Certain clues, certain feelings or dreams? Who are you in a past life and who are you today? What motives or direction did you lead in a past life that makes you who you are today? The desire burns deeply for an answer to these questions. I had one dream in which I think I might have been experiencing a past life situation but how do you know for sure? -Struggling to find out who I am in the past
By Katrina, Sunday, September 27, 2009 01:34:25 AM
I remember 4 of my past lives becausethey came to me pretty clearly.Although I cannot pin point te exact place and time, I can come pretty close. One I have dreamed abou is being a male in what I thought was ancient Mexico in ajungle laying stones on the ground like trying to build a road. Another I vaugely remember was being a native woman from an island owned by Spain, I was in a fortress on the ocean I was a cook and I wore early 1800's dress.In this particular dream I was fighting with my husband (in that life) and pushed him into a pot near a fire (he wasn't hurt). Another was when my sister,my father (who are preasent in my current life, in the exact same rolls) we were all together enjoying a day at the beach.I was about 5 and I was Asian or part Asian and it was the 1940's.My sister and I were playing by the beach diggin' in the sand, my father was sitting reading a paper and we noticed the water kept creeping farther back.I looked up and we were taken under by a wave.I have to mention my sister and I have had the exact same dream. The worst most vivid life I remember, which at times still brings me to tears impacted me for weeks after I had it.By the way all these past lives were dreams in sequence. I was a Russian male soldier in about 1935 assigned to look after a foreign person who was in allot of trouble.Apparently this person was tricky and no one trusted him to be alone so I spent my time keeping an eye on him in his cell.He couldn't be around the others for whatever reason.Every cell was cold and bleak, they each had a brick taken out of every wall.The room next to mine was filled with elderly peasents.The bars were wide, and I would frequently joke with the guards on top of the walls around the prison because I thought we were friends.I got a knock on the door and I was told I had to see somebody, apparently I'd talk to much to the "foreign guy" that they didn't trust me.So when my back was turned I was grabed and drug down stone steps I felt each step in my dream.I was drug into a court yard and shot in the head, at this point I seen the people I talked to, who killed me in and out.I kept screaming because I wanted to know why the my eyelids were sticking together, and I knew it was blood.That dream was the most traumatizing experience I have ever had, I couldn't snap out of it for quite sometime
By Cassandra, Tuesday, May 12, 2009 05:23:57 PM
Sylvia, I don't know why but I am extreamly afraid of death, for me and my family, I actualy think about it every day and I don't know why. Could this have something to do with a past life.
By Desiree, Monday, May 11, 2009 11:42:47 AM
I have experienced several very physical, painful things in the past. I realized while I was pregnant with my daughter that her father was "the one" and that he and my daughter were saving my life. I had gone down the wrong road and I was headed back towards the right road. I know that every single one of those awful things that has happened brought me to where I am today. Without them, I would have never met my fiance, I wouldn't have my daughter, and I could be living a very BAD life. Now having said this, I can't figure out why I have awful nightmares of what has happened. I look at what has happened as a past experience that has help mold me. I am no longer afraid or living in the shadow of what happened. So why do the memories haunt me?
By Kimberly, Wednesday, March 18, 2009 03:45:36 PM
I feel like I have an old soul. My mother tells me that when I was a small child, I would tell her I wasn't going to live to be old. I have always felt I will die young. Can you tell me how many times I have been on this earth? Also I have dreams of things and within a couple of days, they happen. There are alot of things going on around me that I don't understand and I was hoping you could help me.
By Rosalie C.A., Wednesday, March 04, 2009 10:49:39 AM
Silvia, I`ve know as a child that I was different, don`t know why, feel out of place, depressed. 1. nightmares, 2. panic attacks, 3. anxiety, 4. siezures, 5. travel in my sleep, 6. see things that later happened or read, 7. recognize places never seen before 8. friends & family pop into my head 9. wake to find a person or image in front of me 10. witnessed incidents, accidents 11. have incredible need to sing/perform, create & many more. Believed I was crazy & put on meds for these feelings. Have health problems & now damage from these meds. Divorced once & left an abusive relationship with another & fought to protect my children. Feared what I was seeing & feeling. Ignored them for yrs after my 20`s & now late 50`s theyre returning. As a child, kept seeing a dream, a night club singer during the war. Knew it was me & seen others. Recently had a panic attack to my 1st visit back east in a forest. Hearing you I want to know more & past lives. Found my mother has them too. Rose
By cindy, Wednesday, February 18, 2009 08:19:44 AM
sylvia,i have major depression,panic attacks,p-t-s-d, and agoraphobia and absolutely no reason for any of it!how do i get to my past lives to stop them from messing with me now---without money? im on s.s.i?
By hortencia, Saturday, February 14, 2009 12:11:06 PM
By Katrina, Thursday, January 22, 2009 02:21:45 PM
Dear Sylvia, my Mom and I both love you! We had an interesting conversation yesterday about past lives. I made a joke and said, maybe one of us girls (I have 4 sisters) used to be your Uncle Mike or Grandma. As soon as I said "Uncle Mike" she got chills all over. My Mom was sure he looked over her when she was younger. They were very close and he died in a car accident at 19. He used to come to her and she could feel his presence, but after I was born it stopped. My Mom had me at the very young age of 16. It could be just a coincidence but after thinking about it...I think it is possible. I realized after talking with her that I used to have terrible fears of dying young in a car accident. I even wrote it down in a journal I kept! The strange thing is, after I got into college those feelings stopped. I was so afraid of driving that I didn't get my license until I was 18 years old. I am now 29 and I love to drive! My Uncle Mike grew up in the 1950's and I have always said to my husband, "I feel like I used to live in the 1950's." I love the way they dressed, how they lived, the music, and even diners to this day. I also feel very connected with my Grandparents (Grandma is Mike's sister). I seem to always know when something bad is happening to them. Is it possible I used to be my Mother's Uncle Mike? Before I go to bed, I ask Mother and Father God to please show me a sign of who I used to be. I'm hoping to find an answer, can you help me Sylvia? Thank you for all that you do, you are truly an inspiration and blessing in my life. Light and blessings to you always, Katrina. Page: 1 2 3 You must log in to post a comment. If you don't already have a My Spirit Now account, sign up now. |