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Discover A Spiritual Awakening Journey
spiritual awakening Psychic Sylvia Browne, World-renowned Psychic Sylvia Browne pictures

Discovering your spiritual path usually isn’t based on simply finding your personal path. Wouldn’t it be nice if it were that easy? Ah, but then you’d miss the adventure of self-discovery. Most people have taken a side roadprobably several side roadsbefore discovering that centered, calm space that resonates deeply with their soul spirit and personal path. That space where you simply know you’ve found itwhatever "it" isand feel at ease, balanced and content: that’s where your spiritual path will take you.

It’s this spiritual journey that requires your attention, not the destination. Discovering your spiritual path isn’t something you can put on a ‘to do’ listTuesday: discover spiritual purpose in lifebut you can make it easier to chance upon or stumble into your spiritual path. You can heighten the probability of finding that calm, centered personal space with a few simple techniques.


First, quit worrying about whether or not you have discovered your spiritual path. Anxiety and fear only serve to move you further away from that very path your soul is seeking. Spending time wondering whether you’re on your spiritual path cheats you of this moment on your spiritual journey. And this moment is part of your spiritual path. Actually, the present moment, your spiritual journey, IS your spiritual path. The rest is simply details.



Naturally you wonder about these detailswhether you should live in a certain place, take a particular job, study a particular religion or philosophy, stop or continue your educational endeavors, or stay in a relationship with someone. Always pay attention to your inner sense, your intuition, about what is right for you and your soul spirit when it comes to those details. And don’t forget to use your common sense, too.


With practice, you’ll learn to access and apply that inner voice, your intuition, in decision-making, along with those other handy tools like common sense, logic and analysis. Learning to listen to your inner voice and tuning out your own emotional chatter and the well-meaning advice of others isn’t easy. But you’ll find yourself on a far less stressful spiritual path if you put what feels best to you on a gut levelan intuitive levelfirst.


Second, meditate on your choices. Meditation is powerful. Ponder the possibilities. Allow yourself to imagine what your ideal life would involve so you can discover your spiritual path. If you still remain completely baffled about the ‘right’ choice, do nothing for a while. Allowing things to unfold is fineas long as you’re not avoiding what you sense, deep down, is the right (and probably more difficult) choice and allow your spiritual journey to progress.


Be kind to yourself as you seek your unique spiritual path. Pay attention to your soul spirit as you search. Give yourself time when you need it. Don’t rush. Savor the process. It’s the spiritual journey after all, not the destination, that’s important. Otherwise, it’d be called a spiritual destination, not a spiritual path.


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By Anida, Friday, January 30, 2009 02:45:10 PM
thank you so much I realy enioy this web site it helps me to understand so much about myself, well actually it makes me see things I already new and suspected. not only that butI learn new things every time I am on.
By feyoracle, Wednesday, June 25, 2008 02:04:31 PM
"Discovering your spiritual path isn’t something you can put on a ‘to do’ list—Tuesday: discover spiritual purpose in life—" LOL, I think that's funny. And it reminds us as well that we don't need to take it all so seriously! Life's supposed to be an adventure of discovery, and I find when I get all fired up about finding my spiritual purpose in life, zero happens. It's only when I relax and go with the flow a bit more that things work beautifully and become more clear.
By Rick, Wednesday, June 18, 2008 12:27:41 PM
You have been a important part of my life in all aspects for a very long time. Seems that lately I am seeking but am not sure what it is. Will just let the whole thing go and when it is the right time my answers shall appear. Love you Always- Rick from Connecticut Taking in a long breath, thinking to let go.. and exhaling very slowly
By maylin, Tuesday, June 17, 2008 01:19:04 AM
thank you for sharing this Sylvia. This is very important in our lives. if i have time i will try to meditate and feel inner peace. i believe that meditation is really a great way to find our inner self and have a peaceful mind.
By Rosie, Saturday, June 14, 2008 04:48:31 PM
Sylvia, Thanks to you I have found inner peace, answers to a lot of questions and talk to my spirit guide every day. It works, I ask a question or ask for guidance at night as I go to bed and in the morning...there is the answer. You have changed my life for the better in so many ways, thank you, thank you. Miss seeing you on Montel, but pray that you will continue your spiritual journey, and many others will find the joy that comes from heeding your words. Sincerely and with love Rosie
By Jennifer, Friday, June 13, 2008 10:00:40 PM
Sylvia I am found because of you s I am very greatful for your unwavering faith in God and to do right by him no matter who judges or lies about you... I am suprised how much ppl exspect you to be perfect when no one is here. Anyways I enjoyed the article as usual and think it is definately food for thought. I am sometimes in too much of a hurry to get where I need to be spiritually, so thanx for reminding me that it is a long process but if I keep at it I get where I need to be. I love and admire you and yours, thanx for giving us all hope in such a negative and cruel world... Not all of it of course but there sure is more than enough to go around. God bless and I can't wait till tomorrow for ur new seminar!!!! Love and respect Jennifer Penrose
By colette, Tuesday, June 10, 2008 07:29:25 PM
Hi Sylvia, I love you, your books have opened my eyes and my heart to so many things. I will truly miss you and montel!!!! I am trying my best to go on your cruise in october. thankyou so much for everything.
By Lau, Monday, June 09, 2008 12:55:51 AM
Dearest Sylvia, I have been reading some of your very enlightening books(two so far). Thanks to you that I have now come to feel that much of which I have experienced and am experiencing, does make me feel that I am not the only one. It has been a very long time now and has now come to pass with reassurance in your books. It has given me comfort to my true beliefs, yet at the same time continuous learning. I have to smile at that, and some times face the facts. It comes from the heart, God centered, to really know and feel this. I still try and endeavour to do my very best at doing "my homework" as I call it. Sublime and divine going through these earthly and divine experiences has brought me much comfort in finding my path to going home. Putting things on a scale, weighing them out and see where they weigh most, filter it all out. Deep reflection, understanding that which we cannot resolve or have no control of at times but helps in accepting our challenges we have chosen to face and moving on to become a better person always.
By Janice, Sunday, June 08, 2008 10:23:29 AM
Hi Aries. i did not know about that. well anyway, thank you for that. Buddha as in the God of Buddhists? how did you know about the story of buddha? hehehe. can you share it with me? thank you again.
By Aries, Saturday, June 07, 2008 12:23:23 PM
Many people in history have gone on spiritual journeys, like Buddha for example, and look how well he turned out. He led a happy life and founded one of the most peaceful philosophical religions in the history of the world. It's always worth it, it can really change you.

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