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ESP In Your Psychic Readings
ESP and Psychic Readings Psychic Sylvia Browne, World-renowned Psychic Sylvia Browne pictures Is ESP, which stands for extra sensory perception, necessarily a component of a live reading? It really does depend on who you call and what kind of service you get. In a live psychic reading, you might be offered all kinds of options, but not all of them necessarily have to do with being able to channel or see the future. It is entirely possible to get a completely dogmatic reading where the psychic acts more like a spiritual counselor who tries to give you advice. Not everyone even wants the mystical component in a reading. 

So if you call a psychic, you may just be getting spiritual advice and not a psychic experience at all. For instance, ESP is not part of an astrology, numerology, or horoscope reading. Some would say that a tarot reading means using ESP, but not necessarily. Not all forms of divination use it. In fact, it is very common for large psychic operations that offer readings by phone or chat to hire people who have absolutely no clairvoyant talent at all. They simply learn the meanings of tarot cards and flip them over. Usually, in this kind of reading, the psychic reader is not using any kind of clairvoyance, but simply taking you through the process as quickly as they can and by putting the least energy that they can in it.

However, if you are offered a clairvoyant or paranormal reading directly, chances are that the psychic is using ESP in the readings. The same thing is true of a psychic that calls him or herself a channeller or if he or she is claiming to contact spirit guides.

If you are looking for a true reading with ESP involved, it is not a bad idea to go for a live psychic reading. There are all kinds of psychics online that specialize in areas like trance channeling, contacting angels, contacting dead sprits, and that type of thing. Some readers out there will even allow themselves to be possessed by dead spirits.

To find out if a psychic is using cards when they read you, it is a good way of telling whether or not they are using ESP. If they are using cards they are probably not using as much of their clairvoyant powers, as if they were reading “straight” without the use of any tools.

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