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How Do Spirit Guides Contact Us?
How Do Spirit Guides Contacts Us? Psychic Sylvia Browne, World-renowned Psychic Sylvia Browne pictures Spirit guides do not necessarily whisper in our ears or appear before us. Instead, they are more likely to offer us signs and omens. However, the challenge is to recognize these signs and omens when we see them. This does not mean that you have to be a professional psychic. You need merely be aware that signs from the world of spirit often look like coincidences.

When you ask a spirit guide or angel for guidance, you may not immediately hear an answer. The questions are often heard but the answers (the coincidences or omens) don’t appear for days. You don’t have to wait. Just go about your life and be open to receiving your answer when you are ready. Spirit works in many ways to reach us and they know that if we are not telepathic or clairvoyant that they can get our attention in other ways. So you don’t have to have to be psychic. You won’t be left out of the loop. The spirits will find some way to get their message to you.

The signs, the omens, the guidance is all around us, at all items. All we need do is open ourselves to receiving the messages.

Spirit guides often try to reach us through music. The message may be in the first song you hear on the radio or the song that keeps repeating in your head.

They love to give us messages via contemporary media. An example is when you turn on the television and someone is speaking about the same thing that is on your mind.

Another example is when you overhear a conversation between other people that has meaning to what you are thinking about or questioning in your mind.

You may see or hear something repeatedly. An example is constantly seeing the number "11". You may see "11" on a clock, a label, a license plate. Seeing "11" many times means that something spiritual is happening or about to happen in your life.

You open to a page in a book and the pages fall upon to a paragraph that has meaning to your current situation.

Guides could also be throwing obstacles in our path to prevent you from taking wrong action. Perhaps someone has wronged you and you want to have it out with that person.

However, every time you dial their number the line is busy or out of service. This could be a spirit guide telling you that now is not the appropriate time to talk about the situation.

Signs often come from the animal world. Maybe every time you leave the house, a bluebird flies by or you constantly see two chipmunks chasing each other. Perhaps these signals from nature make you think of a certain someone.

Don't have expectations and don't read into things. Just ask for guidance and allow it to happen. Not everything you see or hear is a sign. But, if you are open and receptive, the signs will appear of their own accord!

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By Rosemary, Sunday, July 28, 2013 04:05:03 PM
This has been very helpful to me..Yes I'm extremely open to Spirit Guides and seeing the number ..11..couple times a day just by out of the blue look at clock at that time or see the number elsewhere also. Now I understand WHY!!! I knew it was a sign of something or someone reaching me..I dream all the time of my husband and also many loved ones who have gone home to heaven.Are there any books out that I could read about this?
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