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How The Time of Your Birth Affects You
Birth Time Numerology Psychic Sylvia Browne, World-renowned Psychic Sylvia Browne pictures Birth time numbers are also known as natal time numbers. They constitute a very simple form of numerology where you examine your birth time and then reduce that down to a single digit (from 1-9). In fact, there is no simpler numerological way to predict your future then to simply perform these simple birth time equations.

For instance if you were born at 10:15am, then you would add in 1+0+1+5 to get the number 7.

Please note that it is customary when doing birth time numerology to use the 24-hour clock to add digits of time, if you were born in the afternoon. So if you were born at 6:15pm, then you would figure out what those numbers would be on the 24 hour clock. In this case, it would be 18:15 pm. You would then add 1+8+1+5, which equals 15 and reduces to a 6 (1+5). You would then read the interpretation for a 6.

Here are the interpretations of natal time numerology based on the reduced digits.


A "1" is a natural born leader. It is also likely that this child will always be in the right place at the right time.  If you are a 1 you have a strong will or ego.

A "2" will always find love easily and is probably destined to marry early. He or she always knows the right thing to do. Sensitivity, creativity are personality traits.


This is the number of fame but sometimes the "3" walks a lonely path. They tend to be involved in love triangles. They do not have to worry much about money.

The number "4" individual usually has a harder time of it than most. There could be challenges with money or health. They are respected for their ability to transcend great odds.


This is the number of the loner who loves to travel. A natal birth time number of "5" can also create a great business person or entrepreneur.

This birthdate will become very attached to their parents and not move very far away from home or alternatively they could be blessed with many children.


This is the number of genius. However it is also the number of the criminal or the eccentric loner. Staying disciplined is crucial for this individual.


This number predicts bodes, health, wealth, prosperity and true love. This person is destined to become a pillar of the community. He or she may only be short of time to do all he or she wants.


The natal birth number 9 is a visionary. They are usually highly intuitive or psychic.  Many become doctors or healers of one kind or another.

Another way to look at natal times is as if the numbers add up to double digits. If you were born at 11:11, 12:12 18:18 or 22:22 you might be considered to be a master number and somehow destined to become a leader of society.

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By Joshua, Thursday, April 15, 2010 11:06:05 AM
i was born @ 4:07 am that comes to 11 but there is no eleven so should i to it to 2? thanks
By maria, Saturday, September 05, 2009 11:41:16 PM
hi to everyone i think this is awesome.
By Debra, Sunday, August 02, 2009 02:32:04 PM
I was born at 4:45am. This equals to a 4. The reading was kinda right. Debra, August 2, 2009
By Cathy, Sunday, July 26, 2009 07:31:45 AM
For anyone needing a copy of your Birth Certificate, call 'Vital Records' in the Blue Pages of the phone book. There is a Low Fee to send for a copy.
By Cathy, Sunday, July 26, 2009 06:51:34 AM
For anyone needing a copy of your Birth Certificate, call 'Vital Records' in the Blue Pages of the phone book. There is a Low Fee to send for a copy.
By Laurie, Saturday, July 25, 2009 04:11:52 PM
I got my birth time from the hospital where I was born. My mom never remembered if it was morning, afternoon, or evening. I was born at 5:51 AM and that breaks down to a 2. According to this, always finds love easily. That is SO WRONG! I am almost 46 and the closest I ever came to being loved is through a computer! I give my heart, my love, my care, everything and I NEVER HAVE BEEN LOVED! CUrrently I am going through the pain of thinking I was loved, but that was through the computer and one weekend he fell in love with someone else so goodbye love for me. this is a crock!
By Michael, Saturday, July 25, 2009 01:44:21 PM
What if your birth time reduces to 11...11 being a master number Light and should not be reduced in numerology ?
By Hannah, Saturday, February 07, 2009 02:40:03 AM
Number-"8", with the reading I've done and listening to Sylvia... I don't think this means you will die early or anything like that. It has more to do with your life chart and how time is with you personally in accordance with your chart. Sometimes things in life take precedence over others, whether it is emotional, physical etc... :) in this case you just would not have time for it all-you are too busy doing/dealing with other things.
By Tiffany, Saturday, January 31, 2009 01:03:17 AM
My number in this case is 4. And it's pretty accurate in the sense I've had a very hard life but I have managed to pull through.
By Ashley, Tuesday, January 27, 2009 12:30:20 AM
i was either born 3:50 am or 3:05 am,they both add up to 8 and it says "he or she may be short of time to do all he or she wants" does that mean i am going to die an early age?

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