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How To Become Clairvoyant
How To Become Clairvoyant Psychic Sylvia Browne, World-renowned Psychic Sylvia Browne pictures You may already know by now that there is no college for clairvoyants, nor is a school for clairvoyant children in your area. So how do you become clairvoyant?

Stranger things have definitely happened: there exists today a number of accredited institutions with degree programs in what was once considered the realm of the fantastic, the arcane and the ridiculous. But while clairvoyance is more universally acknowledged today as existing at least in theory, it is generally viewed as a gift and not a learned behaviour, a craft or a trade.

But the question remains - can anyone be taught, or even acquire through focused study, a psychic ability like clairvoyance? In recent years, the more we understand about this particular ability, the answer is getting closer and closer to “perhaps.” One of the difficulties involved in the determination of such a possibility is the absence of any sort of regulatory system for clairvoyant practitioners. It’s much easier to spot a clairvoyant fraud than to identify a genuine article, which further complicates the task of examining those born with a genuine gift to measure the degrees of temporal development versus automatic ability.

All the same, as long as there is communication, there will be worthwhile information out there, and a lot of psychics have spoken on the record about their abilities. There is a body of information which would repay a lot of careful study, and it seems to point to a tentative conclusion. While it may not be possible to “learn” clairvoyance, it is nonetheless an ability we all possess to different degrees, from the barely perceptible to the most intense. As such, it is therefore possible to suggest that someone can become “more” of a clairvoyant by utilizing a set of tests and practices.

Perhaps the most important of these tests is one of self-confidence. Psychics have spoken of the ability to be so calm and confident in their own skin that the perception of outside signals becomes less and less difficult. It can perhaps be compared to a strategic placement of antennae to catch stronger cable signals. The receptor requires the optimum condition of a calm and unblocked field for psychic clairvoyant play to begin.

Another precondition for clairvoyant activity is the absence of negative signals from within. It’s no accident that there is such a sharp division in the psychic community between those who more often deliver messages of hope and others who have no hesitation to point out foreboding and often frightening harbingers of your future. If negative forces in your life are given a place of honor in your unconscious, the signals you receive may easily be misinterpreted by you misunderstood by others. A good way around this problem is a commitment to your ideal form of meditation, which should slow down the mind and give your thought processes a rest.

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By Emily, Tuesday, November 27, 2012 06:51:35 PM
By patricia, Monday, July 20, 2009 09:43:03 AM
i love meditation. i pray that through meditation i will become more clairvoyant each day. i will also keep reading sylvia browne's books which i love, love, love. blessings, patricia
By aidie, Wednesday, October 22, 2008 11:35:49 PM
Ah, this is interesting, however, there is much negativity in our atmosphere to affect normalcy to begin with, so how can and we are becoming much more clairvoyant daily. I do believe the ideal way of becoming more clairvoyant is through meditation and listening, paying attention, the more attention you pay the more you hear. That's the tough part. I've had people ask how to pay attention. All you can say is listen and trust.
By Suzanne, Sunday, October 05, 2008 08:25:44 AM
I found this article very enlightening. Anyone who feels that they have this gift should set up a quiet area with lots of positive energy flow. Reading more about this gift may help people who are scared of it to more fully understand the amazing "power" they were blessed with and appreciate and utilize their gift to the highest potential.
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