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How to Calculate Your Personal Day Number
How to Calculate Your Personal Day Number Psychic Sylvia Browne, World-renowned Psychic Sylvia Browne pictures To help people make the most of their time, numerologists have come up with a universal day number. This can help you schedule tasks so that you are going with the cosmic flow of things instead of fighting against the tide. 

It is very easy to calculate your personal day. All you need is today’s date and your birthday.

Let’s take Angelina Jolie as an example:

Angelina Jolie’s Birthday is June 4, 1975.

Let’s say that today’s date is September 10th, 2008.

You simply add all of these dates together to find out the personal day number.

Here is the calculation for finding out what kind of day Angela Jolie is having today.

6+4+1+9+7+5+9+1+0+2+0+0+8 = 52 = 7

On this day, Angelina is having a personal day of 7, which means she may be feeling creative and moody and be more shy and retiring than usual. She may feel the need to retreat and brainstorm.

Here is a brief breakdown of what each Personal Day Number is best for:

1 – Best for starting a project, initiating new things, pitching, making proposals, branding.

2 – Best for finding a partner of any kind, either business or romantic. Good for asking to borrow money.

3 – Best for performing, launching products or events or promoting oneself in anyway. It is also good for meeting new people.

4 – Best for taking care of personal matters such as health, cleaning, and paperwork.

5 – The best personal day for travel, adventure, and athletic pursuits.

6 – A good day to spend time with family or write letters to relatives. Quality time with pets and relatives is also highlighted when number 6 energy prevails.

7 – Best for spending time alone, retreating, getting rest, reading and meditation. This is a good day for brainstorming.

8- A good day to take care of financial matters. Pay your bills, ask for a loan, and make efforts to improve your credit. It is also a good day by equipment for a business or make a proposal to a partner. Marriage proposals are also favored.

9 – This is a good day to retreat a bit, pursue spiritual matters, and pamper yourself. It is also good for making peace with others, forgiveness, and meditation. 

The above formula can be used to look back at the past to find out what a Personal Day Number was on a particular day.

You can also use Personal Day to predict what might happen in the future by doing the math. For instance, if you have job interview scheduled on a 9 day (which is a little inward looking), then you might want to schedule it on a 1, 3, or 8 day instead.


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By Gillian, Saturday, June 20, 2009 02:00:57 PM
Mona, when the total number like yours is 12 then you do it like this: 1+2= 3 so 3 is your personal number. You round it up as nothing is higher then a 9 as Sylvia has said this a number of times. Like Denise with your number is 11 then you do 1+1=2 and that is your personal number. Janet, you don't add all the numbers together so it's not 135 as you add each number individually so yours today is 54 so then you add it with 5+4=9 and that's your personal number. Hope that helps some and everyone understands it more. Have a nice weekend.
By Mona, Friday, June 19, 2009 09:21:30 AM
my numbers add up to 66 6+6=12 so how do i figure out my personal day number chart only goes to 9
By Muriel, Tuesday, June 16, 2009 10:50:49 PM
Janet, you added wrong. Add up all the numbers. In your example the answer is 54. Adding 5 plus 4 equals 9 so your personal day number is 9. I hope this helps.
By Janet, Tuesday, June 16, 2009 03:12:15 PM
My birthday is 3/27/1935 and the date is 6/16/2009. which I believe comes up to 135. Now how do I reduce that ? Janet
By Ellen, Tuesday, December 09, 2008 09:57:14 PM
Master numbers being 11 and 22, what then? I did not find anything written for these numbers...would one use 2 and 4? Thank you very much, Ellen
By DENISE, Tuesday, December 09, 2008 03:09:20 PM
I know how to do numerology. Therefore, I know that normally one would not reduce to a single digit any MASTER NUMBERS. My question is regarding MASTER NUMBERS when determining the Daily number. My daily number would boil down to an Eleven using my birthdate of Nov.11, 1956 (11+11+1956) plus today's date of Dec.9,2008 (12+09+2008). That comes to: 11+11+30+12+09+10=29/11 So now with 11 as my daily number and also being a MASTER NUMBER should it be reduced or will you just tell me what's the outlook for me today? Thanking you in advance, Whispering Winds
By Gayla, Tuesday, December 09, 2008 01:29:54 PM
christopher, when your number came to 55, which is 10,then you would add 1+0=1
By Christopher, Tuesday, December 09, 2008 12:40:14 PM
My question is simillar to those already asked, which is what about numbers that total higher than 9? For example my birthday is 10/9/1949 and I used the date 12/9/2008 which adds up to 55. When you add 5+5 you get 10. So how does one calculate the numbers above 9 to determine one's personal day number? Chris
By andrea, Tuesday, December 09, 2008 11:39:42 AM
The personal day chart only goes to 9...what about the higher numbers? And how do you boil them down to get your #...?
By Denise, Tuesday, December 09, 2008 11:37:50 AM
the total of the numbers you added together = a 2 digit number. Add the total together. For instance if the total is 25, 2+5=7..

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