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How To Develop Clairaudience
How To Develop Clairaudience Psychic Sylvia Browne, World-renowned Psychic Sylvia Browne pictures Clairaudience is the reception of signals directly into the mind, as if delivered by a spoken word or sound, but occurring silently from the outside as the recipient “hears” and processes the information. Many psychics possess clairaudience along with clairvoyance and many learn how to develop clairaudience as an extra weapon for their “psychic toolkit.” Getting better control of this gift can enable the psychic to receive clear messages from spirit guides, souls that have passed over, and other forces without recourse to visual manifestation or transference.

We also know of the myth of psychic ability restricted to only the chosen few. Humans are thought to possess at least some level of this psychic ability. Much is made of athletes’ heightened senses: of “reaction time” for goaltenders in soccer, the ability to “anticipate” where the ball travels in basketball, or the “adjustment” factor as a batter awaits a pitch. If these are legitimate mental instincts honed to a fine point from years of practice and on-field experience, then what can we do to take advantage of the oft-tiny measures of psychic ability we are said to possess?

Want to know how to develop clairaudience? Luckily, we are already in possession of a barometer that, if we wish it, can measure levels of clairaudience development and help us understand better when we are experiencing, or about to experience, a clairauditory event. This is our intuition. Used correctly and carefully, it can give us the best idea of our psychic abilities.

Intuition can be trained and managed so that you can even measure the different frequencies of your clairaudience development. It is the best vehicle we have for seeing into the future and understanding decisions made in everyday situations. The most highly intuitive people in the world are said to be chess grandmasters, who manage to remain neck and neck with computer technology almost solely due to the human ability to intuit, an ability computers are unable to replicate. Grandmasters have often reported the sudden reception of chess patterns in their head in a way strikingly similar to a clairaudience event; moreover, a handful of those at the top level are experts at blindfold chess, relying upon their intuition to replace the board in front of them.

But we’re not all grandmasters, so how can we work on our intuition so that know how to develop clairaudience? It’s not that impossible, and the key may very well be your own confidence. Remember, the people who claim to be possessed of absolutely no psychic ability are most often the same people who claim it doesn’t exist in the first place. An open mind is the necessary first step on a long journey to self-confidence in your intuitive ability.
If you are able to invest faith in your ability to receive and understand signals of all sorts, you may notice not only a greater ability to tune in to that “little voice” people often acknowledge hearing when facing a conscientious decision, but you may also find out more about yourself than you expected.

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By Diane, Saturday, May 08, 2010 06:53:36 AM
In 1985 I was told by psychics that I was someone who had the gift of cairaudio. it seems at times I have understanding of things beyond wahat I would ahve been exposed to. I am presently involved in the world of intrigue, meaning I am in the middle of certain situations several where I was entangled in the world of criminal minds and their victims and there are 3 seperate groups. I am now trying to process this as it has been overwhelming.I am not sure of the outcome for any involved
By vicky, Sunday, September 06, 2009 03:00:13 AM
By Kitty, Thursday, September 03, 2009 09:07:48 PM
The best thing you can do is meditate daily. You will be amazed at the things that start to happen to you. And dont be scared...I was blessed with this gift and the first time something happened, It kind of scared me, but then I said to myself, it was a wonderful feeling that came over me before it happened and only good came from it, so I decided to go with it and let them have control. I have not been scared since. I dont really understand some of the things, like what I am to do with being able to see mucsles under the skin when I touch someone, but I know its suppose to do something with helping and healing, so I will just carry on and I know soon the answer will come to me. Good luck to you all, and trust...also, ask your guides and angels to help and to show you ina way that you can understand. Be open to what comes.
By Karen, Thursday, September 03, 2009 09:56:05 AM
I have actually heard a voice several times when there was nobody else around. Once was when I was driving a car (alone)in a snowstorm and a whispery voice told me what was ahead and what to do, and it turned out to be true. It prevented me from having a disastrous accident. That same voice walked me past a very dangerous situation and it later turned out that I could have been killed if I hadn't listened. The whispers only seem to happen in extremely dangerous situations. I also, though, have had thoughts and information pop into my head without my knowing where they came from, without hearing actual sounds, but they were always helpful.
By Tina, Sunday, October 05, 2008 03:50:19 PM
I have read books on the study of psychic abilities, I am drawn to clairvoyance, Telepathy, astrology, numerology, Tarot readings and psychics. I have been told by several psychics that I have a very strong ability but I also can't tell. I have had several occasions where I had these happen and several guesses that has been so accurate it is scary, I have had dreams that come true and I feel like there is someone nugging me to a certain direction. How do I explain this?
By Tammy, Friday, August 22, 2008 04:59:47 AM
I feel as if i have a gift, but i think i lost it or have not gotten it yet. Im confused and not one book i ahve read yet has helped... HELP
By Dartz, Tuesday, July 29, 2008 01:28:23 PM
@ Aries: You should, from what I've read of you, you've got a good interest in psychic powers, especially ones I've never heard of (Or attempted to pronounce for that matter).
By Aries, Friday, July 25, 2008 04:15:31 PM
Donna knows quite a lot on the more obscure parts of psychic powers. Maybe I should buy a few of her books sometime.
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