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Let Your Psychic Senses Help You Buy Holiday Gifts!
Using Psychic Senses to Buy Holiday Gifts Psychic Sylvia Browne, World-renowned Psychic Sylvia Browne pictures As the holidays approach, many of us are thinking of exactly what type of gifts to buy our loves ones. Some loved ones can be more difficult to buy gifts for than others.

You know exactly what I mean. The loved one who says something like:

“I don’t know,  just get me anything” or

“I don’t really need anything special this year” or even worse:

“Just don’t get me what you got me last year – that was really awful!”

Now is the time to use your psychic senses to help buy the best holiday gifts. Did you know that your psychic senses can help you do this? Your psychic senses can lead you to the best type of gifts for that oh so difficult loved one on your holiday shopping list. Try this exercise to tune into your psychic holiday shopping skills:

Sit quietly in meditation for a few moments. You’ll need a place where you have uninterrupted peace for at least ten minutes. Try unplugging the phone or turn off your cell.

Bring your attention to your heart chakra, located in the middle of your chest (where your heart is). Fill this with love and warmth for the loved one. Focus your attention now on this loved one and think about what would make them happy. What gift would they like to receive? What would they like more of in their life? Let the images and sensations come to you. (Write them down so you’ll remember your thoughts.)

The second step to psychic holiday gift shopping is very simple – even doing this step on its own can give you wonderful results!

As you enter the mall or shop, ask your angels, spirit guides, or other spiritual helpers to help guide and direct you to the best holiday gifts. Now relax and trust that they will show you where the ideal holiday gift is for that difficult to shop for loved one is!

Sometimes as you do this, you may be lead to go into a store you haven’t been into in awhile. Or you may go into a store that doesn’t make logical sense to you. You might go into a baby clothing store for an adult – only to find that a beautiful silver picture frame there does indeed make the perfect gift! Letting go and learning to trust your psychic senses and working with your angels and spirit guides truly does lead you to the best holiday gifts.

Wishing you a very Happy Holiday season – and Happy Holiday Shopping (Psychically!)

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By Sarah, Sunday, December 12, 2010 06:06:08 AM
Sylvia is not longer associated with this site. If you would like to hear more from her, go to her site.
By Christina, Friday, December 18, 2009 04:08:00 PM
As I amonst many others see the truth of the future unfolding by god himself and have had several visitations with angels who show me much worse despair and destuction as you unfold abhorous vanities to the people be forwarned a cataclysmic earthquake from the elbow of san andreas 1266 miles up ending in seattle will befall you and very soon the sespool of adultry,fornication,materialism,vanities,wickedness and selfish self righteous self centered state will fall away to not condemn the rest of the country and to bare witness to the power of the alpha and the omega the beginning and the end the king of kings and lord of lords it has now become the final countdown!
By Christina, Friday, December 18, 2009 04:00:22 PM
Sylvia you are full of hooey the reason your accuracy has dwindled to none is because you deal decietfully with the children of GOD. your quest for materialism will be to your undoing and God has punished you for greed. Get back into gods fold lest he cast you down into that pit of his justified disdain.
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