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More Halloween Superstitions
More Halloween Superstitions Psychic Sylvia Browne, World-renowned Psychic Sylvia Browne pictures Halloween is just days away. Get ready by checking out some more common superstitions that have long been a part of the folklore around Halloween.

If you catch a snail on Halloween night and seal it into a flat dish by morning, it will spell the initial of your true love.

If a girl puts a sprig of rosemary and a silver coin beneath her pillow on Halloween night, she will dream of the identity of her future spouse.

It’s good luck if a black cat crosses your path on Halloween and even better luck if a white cat crosses your path!

If you go to a crossword on Halloween and listen to the wind, you will learn about all the most important things that will befall you in the next twelve months.

It is bad luck to go hunting on Halloween night, as you are sure to meet a wandering hungry spirit that is eager to take your soul.

Don’t look at your own shadow on Halloween night or you will be the next to die!

If you see your own shadow, but without the head, then you will likely die within the year!

If you scatter hemp in a harvested field on Halloween night, you will think of your future husband.

If a bat flies into your house, it means you have a ghost in your house that let it in!

If you carry a piece of bread covered in salt with you on Halloween night, then you will be protected from the curses of witches.

It is bad luck to travel after sunset on Halloween night.

Duck if you see an owl diving at you on Halloween eve, as it means that the bird is going to steal your soul.

If you place an apple under your pillow on Halloween night, you will dream of your future husband.

If you comb your hair while looking into a mirror on Halloween night, you will see the reflection of your future husband looking over your shoulder in the reflection!

Knives were hidden on Halloween night, so that returning spirits could not harm you.

There should be no conversation between humans at dinner, as talking encourages evil spirits to join you at the table.

You should light candles along the pathways to your home and along your driveway so that evil spirits can find their way back home.

Good luck is bestowed on you if you burn an orange candle at midnight and allow it to burn until sunrise.

To ward of a witch from entering your home, put a horseshoe over your door.

Tie a handkerchief tied into nine knots will help ward off evil spirits.

Girls who carry a lamp to a spring of water on this night can see their future husband in the reflection.

If bats are seen before the sun goes down on Halloween, it means that it will be a mild winter.

If you wear a disguise (a costume) on Halloween, then evil spirits cannot seek you out.

On Halloween, a bonfire was built and watched until it went out. Then the ashes were used to make a huge circle where every family in the village would place a stone just inside the circle. The next day, if any stone was moved or damaged, then that meant someone in that family was going to die within the next year.

If you drive by a cemetery on Halloween, you need to hold your breath to avoid having evil spirits enter your body.

Placing a picture of animal bones in your front yard will help ward off evil spirits.

If you hear three knocks at your door and nobody is there, that means there will be a death in your family before the end of the year.

Walking around a ghost nine times will cause it to disappear.

If you place a turnip on your gatepost on Halloween night, then you cannot be harmed by evil sprits.

A person who is born on Halloween will be able to see and talk to ghosts and spirits.

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