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Our Soul Spirit
Our Soul Spirit Psychic Sylvia Browne, World-renowned Psychic Sylvia Browne pictures The spiritual sages say that each and every one of us is inhabited by what can be called a sacred spirit, or soul spirit. This type of energy in our psyche is also known as our higher self. It is what we used to access a higher sense of moral corrections or direction in life.

There is a difference between soul spirit and the ordinary spirit that we summon up each day to get us out of bed. Our bodily spirit refers often to our physical energy and our chi, which is the energy that surrounds us and fuels us throughout the day. That kind of spirit has to do with your health and maintaining a healthy and cheerful sense of optimism and well being from day to day.

Some people also house a soul spirit in their aura in the form of a spirit orb. These spheres are often bright and hover around us. Only psychics and seers seem to be able to see these energy balls, which are actually concentrations of astral energy. Sometimes they symbolize people and at other times they are simply entities. Sometimes a spirit orb can even be a personal angel or a spirit guide. People with deceased pets sometimes have these glowing balls in their auras.

Examples of spirit orbs can often be seen in photos of auras. These show up as little round balls of light floating around the person’s body. Usually, they float around the head area and, in particular, around the ears and above the crown of the head. The spirit orb above the crown of the head is often thought to be the astral embodiment of the higher self.  This orb is used in some spiritual disciplines as a way of attaching the crown energy to the higher self which, in turn, talks to the highest power of all – God.

These spirit orbs are not to be confused with religious concepts, such as the Holy Spirit, although there is a Holy Spirit school of metaphysics that believes in the gifts given to people. Gifts of Holy Spirit are considered to be empathy, telepathy, clairvoyance and clairaudience. You can even attend a Holy Spirit retreat center that specializes in this type of spiritual development.

There are many different types of churches that deal with Holy Spirit possession. Usually, the spirit is summoned by the calling of “holy spirit come.”  Elizabeth Clare Prophet is an excellent example of a modern prophet who uses these types of chants in order to draw things like money and love into her life.

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By Tatianna, Tuesday, April 19, 2011 10:22:51 AM
Since birth I have had nothing but harm following me til this day. Evetyone I have invited into my life has set me up for failure. I have been good to others and worked to hard to purtain a happy life but nothing I do makes things better. I have psychic powers that wont allow be to use. I'm not the best person in the world but from where I been I still keep hope and faith alive. Will I make my happiness come to life?
By lupe, Wednesday, November 04, 2009 01:44:20 PM
By Sierra, Wednesday, October 28, 2009 03:48:08 PM
I have had my alarm clock forever, since I can remember at least. When I found out about spirit orbs my alram clock did this certain buzzing when I would come in the room. A few months after that the phone that sits on my desk at work started doing it as well, and since my alarm clock doesnt buzz anymore. What I would like to know, is that my spirit orb doing that or just a coincidence? Any advise helps, I have had many people ask me about the phone on my desk so I know it isnt just me.
By sandy, Wednesday, October 28, 2009 12:53:32 PM
I was with a friend in the Carribean who was taking pictures at dusk around Puerto Rico. There were literally thousands of orbs everywhere, you could see them in color in her view finder. She also took pictures on the ship and there they were!When the pictures were printed in color they showed up exactly as they appeared that evening. Fabulous. My friend is a psychic. She used no special equipment.
By Lina, Wednesday, October 28, 2009 08:42:51 AM
The only time I have seen orbs in pics are when they are done in black and white photos, it is very rare that you will pick them up in a color photo. Have someone take a picture of you with a high speed camera in Black and White ask your spirit guides to reveal your aura before taking the pics. Your spirit guides will help you in any given situation all you have to do is ask. You can always tell when someone has a very strong aura you can feel it enter the room before their physical being does so you always know they are coming. At least that has been my experience anyway. Hope this helps. Have a blessed day all.
By tracy, Wednesday, October 28, 2009 03:10:37 AM
how can i get a pic of my aura?
By Tiffany, Thursday, October 02, 2008 03:19:52 AM
I've had pics of my aura taken and in every one of them has at least one orb, sometimes two. I have heard of the higher self thing and have several friends who know theirs and I know mine too. Oh, Mary, about your spirit activity, you can always try to ask those bothering you to cross over or 'go home' if that's help. Or if it's anything else, you should try building up shields or asking your guides to deal with them.
By name, Wednesday, September 10, 2008 02:12:20 AM
I'm glad to read this article because I've been noticing spirit orbs around my head, at night. I also have experienced tapping over my head, some clanging, and the fire alarm buzzing, in the middle of the night. But, the other night, I saw the shadow of what looked like a mechanical bird on my ceiling. It seemed to realize that I saw it, and it stopped and reversed direction, and then disappeared down the side of the wall. Has anyone else had this? I'm a Christian and I keep praying for protection, but I'm getting concerned about the amount of spirit activity in my bedroom. I seem to be surrounded by entities and it's a little nervewracking.
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