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Positive Affirmations For Prosperity
Positive Affirmations for Prosperity Psychic Sylvia Browne, World-renowned Psychic Sylvia Browne pictures Are you rich or poor? Your financial state might relate to the types of worries and concerns that are constantly on your mind. This is something that can be changed by the power of positive thought.

By now most of us subscribe to the idea that “You are what you think! “ This is as true about prosperity, wealth, and money as it is about anything else in your life. The subconscious mind also works by word association, linking words to other words that create feelings and impressions that can bring your fears about money to life.

For instance, if you find yourself saying "I am always broke", the subconscious mind picks this up and you soon find yourself creating this situation over and over again as the subconscious mind associates itself with the word money. Some writers of positive affirmations also believe that the subconscious mind does not pick up negative phrases such as "I'm not poor." The subconscious hears the "I'm" and the "poor" but not the "not." That is why it is important, if you are writing your own positive affirmations, to phrase them in the present and in the positive. Example "I am rich."

Every time you make a negative remark about money to others, such as "It is impossible to get ahead" or "the wolves are at the door," you are adding negative connotations, not only to your subconscious, but to the world’s perception of you. You become the block to your own well being and nothing else. You manifest the circumstances that make you poor. You are in effect, poisoning the very wells from which the fountains of prosperity spring.

Positive Affirmations are also a form of prayer. Their purpose is to use the written word to mold or impress the subconscious mind. This encourages the manifestation of positive events in your life. Here are some positive affirmations for prosperity.

Divine Spirit please brings to me what is mine, at the right time, and in the right way.

All that is mine by Divine Right is now released to me under grace and in perfect ways.

I welcome an avalanche of cash.  My good fortune starts now!

My Higher Good showers money, love and abundance each day.  I always receive what I want at the right time and I am always in the right place.

I am increasingly magnetic to money, prosperity and abundance.  Manna falls to me from heaven.

I create what I want and when I want it through the energy that is guided by the Divine Imagination.

Unexpected happy surprises greet me each day. I look at wonder at that which is before me. My greatest expectations come to pass in a miraculous way.

The Universe is my unfailing supply and large sums of money come to me at the right time under perfect grace and in perfect ways.

Money comes to me easily and with very little effort.  I am always rich and cared for by a benevolent universe.

I cannot lose that which is mine by Divine Right. If I do then it is replaced by its equivalent or better.

My highest good flows to me in a steady unbroken increasing stream of prosperity. My happiness is between my Higher Power and myself and therefore nobody can interfere.

Unexpected opportunities present themselves, unexpected paths to prosperity open and endless avalanches of abundance are given to me, under grace and in perfect ways.

As I am made in God's image, and his power is limitless, my own power to create a prosperous future is limitless as well.

Infinite intelligence guides me and solves every problem.  I always have what I need and more.

What I ask comes to me manifold – sometimes ten times or more.  I am deeply loved by what has made me.

I give thanks for the millions, which are, mine by Divine Right that now pour into my life and pile up in my bank account. I am grateful for my cup runneth over with everything that I need and more...
My reality is a reality of plenty and I now receive all that I desire or require and much more. All I have to do is ask and I immediately receive!

I spend money wisely and with confidence, knowing the universe has a supply for every demand.  I know that what I give will come back to me manifold.

Divine imagination inspires my right actions. I now let go off worn out conditions and bad habits. Divine order is established in every corner my mind body and financial affairs. My seemingly impossible good now happens.

There is no competition on the spiritual plane. What is God has done for others, he can do for me!

My good fortune is written indelibly in my future and nothing can change the fate I was destined for – to become rich, wise and happy!

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By Leola, Wednesday, April 11, 2012 03:13:53 AM
Thank you for providing encourging quotes. It really helps me alot to understand and to stay positive..........................................Thank you,Phone.
By Franklin George, Tuesday, September 15, 2009 01:19:25 AM
Thank you for the inspiration on Positive Affirmations For Prosperity! YOURS TRULY FRANKLIN GEORGE
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