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Programming Your Will through Meditation
Programming Your Will Psychic Sylvia Browne, World-renowned Psychic Sylvia Browne pictures Programming your will through meditation is a way to manifest desired results from your actions and also reality. The reason this is so important is because your success in life does depend on where you place your attention. Many of us do not get what we want because our minds are always busy multi-tasking. This keeps our brain waves in a constant Beta state, where our attention is always scattered. Meditation, affirmations, and visualizations just don’t take root if they are done while you are in a Beta mind state.

When you meditate, your brain is focused on a single point. The result is an alpha mind state that allows you to create something out of nothing. It can help you manifest the best possible life and circumstances for you.

The secret to manifestation is meditation because you manifest exactly want. This is because your attention is focused like a laser beam on your will and your intention. When your attention is fine-tuned, you get result quicker than you ever thought possible.

To change your life, all you really need to do is meditate about ten minutes away. This sounds like an outrageous promise, but if you can master meditation then results are guaranteed.

When you start the manifestation process with meditation, you are working with yourself instead of against your best experience. Many expert mediators claim that when this works they feel a bit of a "click."

To manifest your will, all you have to do is meditate for ten minutes a day for seven days. It works as long as every day you practice the same set of steps.

Step one is to completely empty your brain of all thoughts. Enjoy the silence as you do some deep breathing. If thoughts come up, dismiss them. Do not try to understand them or reacting. Just let them arrive and leave.

Step two is to bring to mind what it is that you want to manifest. Tell yourself this is a kind and benevolent universe in which all is possible. Feel kind towards the universe and ask it to be kind to you back.

By the way, it is quite common after meditating for what you want to manifest to start changing. This can mean your higher self is correcting your vision for your ultimate highest good. If this does not feel right, keep focusing on what you would like to will. However for the most part, most people are blessed with something better to manifest.

One thing you can look forward to after meditating is more lucky coincidences and synchronicity in your daily life. If you have some kind of synchronicity in your life, there are a sign that you have made a connection with your higher self and that the connection is working.

Step three is to make yourself feel very happy about what it is that you are about to receive. Smile. Believe it has already happened. 

If you do not feel happy, fake it until you make it. Pretend you are the happiest person in the world and state aloud what it is you want to manifest. Say it out loud. 

Say "I am manifesting a positive, sweet change in my relationship and the improvement will delight us both!" or "I am manifesting all of the cash that I need to pay all of my debts and more!”  Or “I am manifesting health, wealth and happiness in all areas of my life."

It is very important to act as if what you desire is already yours. State things in the present such as “I now have all of the cash I need and more!  All debts are squared.” And “I am now with the love of my life."

During the meditation, you should also allow yourself to feel happy and grateful for everything that you want and will have. Give thanks as if everything that you have asked for has already been given to.

Step Five is to activate your will. This is the decision to act, as you have to make your desires come true. It is also an acceptance that your great good fortune, and no other outcome in inevitable.  In martial arts, this is called sourcing your hara. The hara is a point inside your body about two inches below your body which is the center of your chi – your life force. Imagine this point in your solar plexus as a golden ball or glowing red point of light. Let this light burn and glow and as you do, begin to relax. Feel all resistance to what you want melting away. Get rid of any restrictions or tightness you may in your hare center by asking all blocks to what you want to flow up your spine and out the top of your head.

Always give great thanks as to what you are to receive and then during the day access your manifestation mind state as often as you can throughout the day. In our busy schedules, we can find all kinds of times and places to meditate – while commuting, while in an elevator, or while waiting in line at the bank. See these times as an opportunity to practice a meditation of a minute or two so you can manifest your will.

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