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Special Rituals for the Summer Solstice
Summer Rituals for Summer Solstice Psychic Sylvia Browne, World-renowned Psychic Sylvia Browne pictures The Summer Solstice happens today. The Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year in the sense that the length of time elapsed between sunrise and sunset on this day is a maximum for the year. The Summer Solstice marks the first day of the season of Summer in the northern hemisphere.

It also marks a time for the purification of self. Many use this holiday as a time to release any fears or sadness that is inside of us. It is also a time for renewed energy.

There are some simple rituals that you can do on your own to celebrate the positive energy associated with the blossoming of spring into summer.

A very simple thing to do, beginning eight or ten hours before the actual solstice, is to make a list of all of the things you want to renew or manifest in your life including health, joy, faith, love, happiness, luck, fun, and abundance. Then on the day of the Solstice and at the exact time of the Solstice, light two candles – one sky blue in color and one a sunny yellow in color. Read the list out loud and then pray that what you want will manifest easily and magically your way.

The Summer Solstice is also known as St. John’s Feast Day. It is also appropriate to light a blue or white candle to St. John and simply ask that there always be food on your table, a roof over your head, and love and laughter in your life. Feasting on sausages, sweet rice, and corn while lighting a bonfire in honor of the Saint is also recommended.

If you are in need of healing, it is a Danish tradition to gather healing and aromatic herbs and toss them into a bonfire. In the 1920s, a tradition of putting a witch made of straw and cloth (probably made by the elder women of the family) on the bonfire emerged as a remembrance of the church's witch burnings from 1540 to 1693. This had the dual purpose of protecting you from witches, but also protecting any witches in your family from being persecuted. This is because healers were often mistaken for witches in that culture.

The Vikings also burnt a bonfire near a lake to ward off evil spirits. To this day, bonfires are lit along shorelines during the Solstice. In some Southern cultures, horns or conch shells are blown.

If you are attracted to someone, it is a tradition in Lisbon to offer a manferico (a flower-pot with a sweet basil plant) and a love poem to the person that you are in love with.

In Romania, the Solstice is celebrated with a dance performed by five to seven young girls. The lead girl is called the Dragaica. She is dressed as a bride and wears a crown made out of a wreath of wheat and bedstraw flowers. This is a fertility ritual that you could do a simpler version of by simply wearing white garments and dancing around a bonfire.

In Russia, the rites associated with this holiday are also connected with fertility and purification. The girls would float their flower garlands on the water of rivers and tell fortunes from the way they floated. Nude bathing on the evening of the Summer Solstice is also thought to bring you a new love.

In Europe, herbs including fennel, rue, rosemary, dog rose, lemon verbena, mallow, St. Johns Wort, mallows, laburnum, foxgloves, and elder flowers can help usher in the season. These herbs are cremated in a fire.

If you want to be fertile, then it is also traditional for women to bathe in the sea on the evening on the solstice until they were washed by nine waves.

It is also said that if you jump over a bonfire three times on this evening, then you can ward off the devil.

In Greece, a beverage containing Galician Grappa mixed with sugar, coffee beans, and pieces of fruit is lit on fire and then drunk. An incantation against evil spirits is then chanted.

As Midsummer was thought to be one of the times of the year when magic was strongest, it was considered a good night to perform rituals to look into the future. Traditionally, young people pick bouquets of seven or nine different flowers and put them under their pillow in the hope of dreaming about their future spouse. In the past, it was believed that herbs picked at Midsummer were highly powerful, and water from springs could bring good health. You could do the same in modern times.

If you dislike metaphysics, there is a tradition in the English church where men and women come with candles and lights and pray all night long. If you want to reach God, it is thought that your prayers will be more powerful on this evening.

Druids call the Summer Solstice Alban Hefin. The traditions go back as far as Neolithic times and the tradition of gathering around a fire at the top of hilltop was thought to originate with this culture. To build your own Druidic fire, take branches from different types of trees and burning them is part of the ritual.

There are more contemporary forms of this celebration. One is held on Casper, Mountain in Wyoming at Crimson Dawn Park. Crimson Dawn is known in the area for the great stories of mythical creatures. A large bonfire is held and all are invited to throw a handful of red dirt into the fire in hopes that they get their wish granted.

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By jessica, Sunday, August 09, 2015 10:26:30 AM
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By NancyJane, Monday, June 21, 2010 09:34:31 PM
Summer Solstice Eve is a very mystical magical time. It should be used for conception & divination. Peace.
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