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The Art of Divination
The Art of Divination Psychic Sylvia Browne, World-renowned Psychic Sylvia Browne pictures The art of divination goes back thousands of years. The ancient divination methods primarily involved looking into a pool of water or a bowl of water to try and see the future in the depths. There was also the ancient divination art of throwing ashes or other floating objects on water to see which way it floats. In ancient times, there was the also the oracle divination. The oracle divination can be considered to be the ancestral origin of all kinds of psychic divinations.

Since then many different types of divination have evolved, including card divination with tarot cards, crystal divination (also known as crystal ball divination), and inching divination.

Yet another method of divination is the Kabbalah, which is a mixture of written predictions and numerology. There is a lot of symbolism in Hebrew letters that can help predict the future. Either way, Kabbalah energy is considered to be like a transmission of divine energy that makes you behave in a more spiritual way.

There are several types of crystal readings that exist in the world of divination and this type of reading is thought to originate with divination oracles from long ago. When most people think of crystals, they think of a clear quartz crystal reading.

In this instance, the practitioner or the diviner will take the crystal and hold it. They may use the qualities of the crystal to access the powers of the angels and other entities. Some readers do a crystal reading accessing the dead ancestors or angels. Yet others perform a crystal reading by using it to access their own higher self, which has access to information that only exists on the higher plane. Crystals are also used as objects for scrying by many psychics. They are one of the oldest of divination tools.

Clairvoyance can be defined as a human ability to see beneath the surface – of a person, a situation, an intention, or anything not seen by the human eye or easily deduced by human logic. Originally from the French, it can be translated as “clear sight” and is often also referred to as a “second sight.” Clairvoyants can also be said to be “precognitive” or to possess a “sixth sense.”

If you are curious about how all of this could work for you when it comes to a reading, then it is in your best interest to find articles on divination or books on divination to help explain what type of divination method best suits you.

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By Tracy, Thursday, December 17, 2009 10:34:34 PM
I also am highly interested in learning new ways of being more spiritual and open minded as well. It seems no matter how much I relax, concentrate on meditating, nothing works and I would like to be able to communicate with my deceased brother and mother and my spirit guide.
By kathryn, Sunday, November 29, 2009 01:01:07 PM
Anyone have intuition about a cats behavior i have a cat that is mean to another cat that lives with me. It's been a year and a half that the two have lived together. I am wondering if will is ill or just does not like amelia.
By Constance, Sunday, November 29, 2009 09:30:12 AM
I use a combination of tarot cards and crystals to do psychic work. The tarot cards give me a direction and the crystals give me clarity. I put the crystal up to my "third" eye to see what I need to see to help others with their future and whatever questions they may have.
By Tiffany, Saturday, January 31, 2009 01:35:25 AM
I use tarot as a way to grow. I rarely use it to see into the future, which isn't my strong point, but I have had premonitions.
By Anida, Friday, January 30, 2009 02:37:20 PM
I am highly interested in learning new ways of being more spritual and open minded. I want to know where I could find books about crystals and angel and you.
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