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The Sixth and Seventh Levels: Adulthood and Old Age
Adulthood and Old Age by Sylvia Browne Psychic Sylvia Browne, World-renowned Psychic Sylvia Browne pictures by Sylvia Browne

Adulthood and old age blend into each other. In face, we find that many of the levels of Earthly life merge together before they become more defined and singular. Several of the traits and problems that would seem to be indigenous to a certain level can also be carried over to another level…that’s just life as we know it to be.

So, in adulthood, we have our careers and relationships; and we begin to get into insurance, credit, the IRS, buying a house, and the inevitable bills too. This level also tends to be where we start raising a family. We used to just do the best we could by talking to our kids; disciplining them; praising them; spiritually teaching them, and, of course, proving food, clothing, and shelter. Now we have thousands of books to tell us what to do and what not to do, or what we shouldn’t have done and how we can rectify it. Not that this is wrong…but if we’re caring, loving parents and become role models, that’s the end of it.

My chart led me into teaching, spirituality, the psychic arts and writing. Could I have tried to do something else for a time? Of course, but my chart would have kicked me back on the course I’d already written for myself. The one thing that I should explain in greater detail is that no matter what path you take, your chart will win out. (It also bears mentioning here that Mother God can intercept your chart, for She is the miracle worker. I’m sure that miracles can be preordained to a certain extend without disturbing the ripple of destiny, but She is known as the Great Interceptor. Most of my study groups, congregations, and ministers pray to God, angels and even our loved ones; but when we need something in particular, we petition Her. This just shows that there can be lateral movement in our charts without interrupting the major tapestry of our life.)

Sometimes I believe that on the Other Side we “bite off more than we can chew,” as the old saying goes. It seems that when we’re Home, we’re in such a state of bliss that we simply pick more than we can handle on Earth. Even though our guides and the Council (advanced entities on the Other Side who advise us) may try to dissuade us, my spirit guide Francine says that more times than not, we feel that we know better…only to yell uncle when we get here. It’s like being in college, when we come in all gung ho and want to take every course imaginable. Then after the grind, the homework, the professors, the other students, and the living conditions set in, we wonder where our mind was! But in order to advance our souls, we have to bit the proverbial bullet and go through it.

So many of you will rightfully ask, “What in the hell was I thinking about? Was I just crazy or drugged to picked all this heartache and pain?” No, you were in full consciousness; after viewing you past lives and making up your chart, you took on this life to perfect. Think about it – if things were easy, where would the learning be, and how would your soul expand? So be good to yourself and realize that you had the courage to come to this hellhole and expand your knowledge.

Francine says that for every negativity that we go through, big or small, our spirit guides can view our souls expanding. We can bitch about it, but we’re going to go through it – and that alone will elevate us. Each thing we go through, whether we realist it at this time or not, does not make us stronger. It’s also really okay to say to God, “Enough is enough,” for that won’t take away the learning. Like I’ve said, you can’t change your chart, but you can shorten or modify it. It’s like finishing college in three years instead of four – you still did it, but you were able to give yourself a type of reprieve.

The final stages of life on Earth can actually be the most difficult (although I certainly don’t mean to disregard all of the hardships we’ve experienced on the other levels). It’s like Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol, when the Ghost of Christmas Past came to show Ebenezer Scrooge his life in a montage of what he’d reaped or sown.

On this level, financial challenges become more apparent and even frightening. Do we retire or do we keep on going to work? Retirement is great if we have something of interest to do or a long-awaited passion that we can indulge in. If it makes us money, all the better, but if all our needs are met, that is truly bliss.

If a husband dies and leave the wife with very little cash (or illness has eaten up any kind of savings), this can be a scary scenario, just as if we retire early and don’t have enough to live on. The idea of depending on our children is repugnant to most of us, as is the very real possibility of losing our independence.

As we near the end of our lives, we start thinking about our legacy – where will our money go and who deserves it? Will there be bickering over what we have (or what the family thinks we have)? If we’re smart, it isn’t morbid to make a will early on in adulthood. We can always add to or subtract from it later on, add a codicil, or even change it completely. Trust funds are also good, especially for grandchildren, as the money can mature and then be withdrawn for college or whatever is needed.

It makes me crazy when people get down on themselves and say that all they’ve done is live, work, and take care of their loved ones. To survive each level of live is a big job, and we do the best we can. And who would trade in hearing a baby’s laugh, holding a puppy or a loved one’s hand, or seeing the face of a beloved friend?

Every one of us has to go through tough times, but we must find our passion and joy and not sweat the small stuff or worry about things that won’t happen. We have to remember that when we go Home to the Other Side, this Earthly life will have been like a dream – some of it bad, some good – but we’ll have graduated, and that truly and simply is what it’s all about. So let’s keep on with our journey and know that we’re in it together, just as we all meet up together in God’s beautiful domain. 

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.

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By Joseph, Sunday, May 24, 2009 10:11:20 PM
I never really had a whole lot of interest or understanding of the paranormal, psychics or spirituality in general, but I did have some degree of belief. That was until I had a major revelation occur in my life when my father passed on twelve years ago. My father was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer and lived roughly one year after his diagnosis. He passed on in our home in his bedroom. It was the first death of a family member that I experienced, and I was in my father's bedroom along with my Mom, brother and sister and a wonderful Hospice nurse (a real angel of a human being this nurse is). To see my father take his last breath was an unspeakably painful moment. The revelations that I experienced were the unexplainable events that occurred shortly after my father's passing. My Mom, brother and sister witnessed them too so I KNOW that it WASN'T ANY kind of imaginary play in my mind! The occurrences we witnessed first involved a television in our family room where the volume instantly shot up to maximum volume (this was a newer TV and was NOT a defect in the electronics of any kind). A few days later, the television in my brother's room did the same exact thing with the volume spiking to maximum volume instantly! And this TV was only a few years old and is a different brand from the one in our family room! That TV used to be in my Dad's bedroom before it was in my brother's. NOTHING like this had EVER happened before my Dad's death and has never happened again! And YES, the wiring in our home is in excellent condition, so no problem there. Now the last occurrence was quite possibly the most dramatic. At around 12:30 AM, roughly three days after my Dad passed, my brother and I were in the family room watching television when all of a sudden a brilliant flash of golden white light illuminated the entire room. It really startled us! The duration of the flash of light was akin to that of an electronic camera flash. There WAS no possible way that light was something generated outside and coming trough the windows. All the window coverings were drawn as they always were then. And our family room is in the back of the house. My brother and I ran in to tell our Mom what had happened and my Mom didn't want us to leave her room after that. I was just in awe over these occurrences! My interest in spirituality, psychics and the paranormal grew substantially. These subjects have become a significant part in my life after experiencing it firsthand. In researching the paranormal I STRONGLY ADVISE to by EXTREMELY CAUTIOUS if you're new to understanding and researching the field of the paranormal, psychics and spirituality, to AVOID ANY skeptics websites especially if you've recently lost a loved one. People like James Randi and Michael Shermer are heartless, vengeful atheists who'll stop at nothing to discredit ANYTHING paranormal or spiritually related. I made that mistake when researching the occurrences following my Dad's passing and foolishly clicking a link that brought me to a leading skeptics website. The content in those skeptics websites threw me into a deep, deep depression. Overtime I've come to realize how people Like James Randi and Michael Shermer all too often mis-quote other reputable psychics and flat out lie just to get their fringe views across. Some of you may be aware of James Randi's so-called million dollar giveaway to any psychic who can be proven via Randi's testing. Give me a break! I'm sure it's just a cheap advertising ploy on Randi's part. The "negotiable bonds" he claims he'll relinquish to a psychic he can prove is authentic is a fallacy. People like Randi, Shermer, etc. NEED not to be taken seriously even though they present themselves in a "matter-of-fact" fashion. A true skeptic will approach the subject with an open mind and go on from there; these so-called skeptic's (Randi, Shermer, etc.) are cynics. They're nothing more than opinionated, heartless, mean spirited atheists who are anti-psychic, anti-God, anti-religion and anti-spiritual. in other words:THEY'RE DARK, DARK ENTITIES. These so-called skeptics also totally disregard the plethora of scholarly research and data supporting the paranormal and psychic phenomena. So I urge ANYBODY, especially if you're grieving over the passing of a loved one and you intend to do some research later on regarding the paranormal, after death contact and near death experiences to STAY FAR, FAR AWAY FROM ANY SKEPTICS WEBSITES! I guarantee you it will pull you into a significantly elevated level of despair and depression. The web has many soothing and beautiful places to visit for comforting the bereaved. So PLEASE be careful what sites you visit. I made that mistake and am still reeling from some of the hurtful content printed by those jerk atheists. I'm grateful for the growing media exposure of authentic psychics, authentic paranormal activity, etc. It's time that this closeted subject matter is given the positive exposure that it deserves. My heart goes out to those who've recently experienced a passing of a loved one or a beloved pet. We need all the positive reinforcing we can get. Kind words, love and hope is the greatest virtue we can offer to anyone. So we must keep up or guard and not let ruthless, insensitive jerks like those pesky skeptics and outspoken atheists break us down. Remember! they are what is know as dark entities. Thank you for taking a moment to read my post. it's my first on Spirt Now. God Bless!
By Rhonda, Monday, September 15, 2008 11:24:44 AM
This is a beautiful article Sylvia! My husband and I have strugled financially for years while raising our kids. Now our kids are grown and we are feeling the sting of empty nest, but we also have the joy of grandchildren which is so nice. I guess my hope for the future is that my husband and I will do well enough that the last few years of our life will smooth out and be a little easier. Love you Sylvia, you are the best teacher I have ever had and I've never even met you, Rhonda
By sandra, Sunday, September 14, 2008 06:24:49 PM
oh I am so happy for you that you have met someone to be a companion even now in the midst of all that you do. Funny that you mentioned that you weren't even 'looking' at the time you met him. Blessings to you!! It makes me happy that you have even more love to experience and to share. Sandra
By Laura, Sunday, September 14, 2008 03:12:39 AM
Hi Sylvia,Will you please tell me my spirit guides name and my animal totem.Can you give me the nmes of my family members that is watching over me.I love you and vikki and Thank God he has sent you to help people out..God Bless you both...Will I ever hit the lottery... Laura L.
By Debbie, Saturday, September 13, 2008 11:36:26 AM
I am so greatful for all the understanding why we are here, what we are to learn and why...funny as you say Sylvia why in the world would we choose some of the things we experience...I am greatful mine were not as bad as some, but I think I got my share. I am begining to love myself or this body I chose to come into. I am letting go of all the mental abuse my Mother caused... that one is hard. I have cut her out of my life because I honestly feel she is a gray soul. I am sad I don't have a lot of close friends and go places with others, even though I am 56, that one is hard for me, growing up we were not allowed to have close friends. So co-workers are my enjoyment to share with. Anyways I am greatful for all the understanding and I have no regreats, everything was to be experienced I accept all that now. And the rest of my years here I hope are joyful ones... thank you for opening my eyes and all the books to help me understand. I will see you in Fresno, as I have done twice in Sacramento. Some day I will be the one you choose for a reading.. I feel it... love you deeply... Debbie
By Karen, Thursday, September 11, 2008 09:39:46 AM
I am forever grateful to you Sylvia for your wonderful teachings and your guidance through this life.Love you always,karen
By lola, Tuesday, September 09, 2008 03:29:45 PM
Chris, Your mom sounds alot like me. . .I do not like when people do something because they have to. Love is when you do something because you really want to. I know we should not pass judgement on others, but maybe you can talk to your brother. Just say, "hey bro, I don't know how much longer mom is going to be around, and I know you have things going on in you life, but going over to check on mom for just five mins a day would bring so much joy in the womens life. I mean she is your "MOTHER", thats the least you could do. You dont have to bring your wife, just your self." Tell him how happy it would make her. Tell him she took care of him his whole life and this is no way for an adult to treat the women who carried him. I dont know you family history but. . .oh my GOD. . .your brother needs to grow up. It hurts me to think of this, because my grandmother is 88 and my dad and aunt are always there for her. And I see her face light up when I see her. If your brother still wants to treat your mom this way and doesnt listen to you. Just tell your mom not to worry about him. Tell her you love her and that is all she needs.
By lola, Tuesday, September 09, 2008 03:08:55 PM
I do hear a lot of people say what Sylvia said in the second to the last paragraph. And I love Sylvia words; she is such a character, when she stated “IT DRIVES ME CRAZY”. Not only do I agree to everything Sylvia wrote in this article, but I especially agree with the second to the last paragraph. Life is so wonderful!!!! Yes we all have are ups and downs but sometimes the more simple life is the more beautiful it is. I love puppies and babies and being with my family and would not trade it for anything. What a wonder article. Sylvia really put her soul into this piece of literary genius. And yes Sylvia is so correct, on the other side all of this will be like a dream. How cool is that.
By KaraokeChris, Monday, September 08, 2008 03:17:39 PM
Sylvia is SO right. I'd like to add a gentle reminder to Sylvia's readers to not allow their parents to get lost during the hustle and bustle of life. My mom is 82yrs.old, and suffers from macular degeneration. She had to stop driving a couple of years ago...otherwise, she's a real dynamo. One of my brothers, and his wife, take mom to dinner, once a month. They only live 10 miles away. It's not that they're mean or uncaring...they're just caught up in life. But it's still hurtful to mom. It's gotten to the point that she really doesn't want to go uot so they can "fulfill their duty" (her words).

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