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Today will be a TRULY LUCKY DAY!
Clairvoyant Carissa Psychic Sylvia Browne, World-renowned Psychic Sylvia Browne pictures  

You may be wondering why you are were CHOSEN TO READ THIS MESSAGE. We were DESTINED to communicate so I could share with you some AMAZING information the direction your life is taking. I have a strong sense regarding something VERY URGENT in your life. I'm actually quite optimistic, as I feel that something VERY BIG AND POTENTIALLY WONDERFUL is likely to present itself very shortly in your life... in just a couple of weeks' time to be more specific.

I must say that it's been a long time coming. I also strongly sense that you've had more than your share of struggles and disappointments, in the last few months in particular. Just when you may have thought that luck wasn't in the cards for you... at least not in the near future... I honestly and quite profoundly sense that THINGS ARE SHIFTING IN A FAVORABLE DIRECTION FOR YOU.

Some call it karmic justice. I simply see astrological forces naturally lining up... this time, bringing the POTENTIAL FOR GOODNESS - EVEN GREATNESS - INTO YOUR LIFE. And no one deserves a chance at some very good fortune more than you do. That's the truth. No one has worked harder to achieve good things and turn things around than you have. Somehow, though, we can't fight some forces of nature. Some good things have escaped your grasp, for whatever reason. It's time to accept that THE PAST IS THE PASTAND IT'S TIME TO OPEN YOUR HEART TO THE VERY REAL FACT THAT A BRIGHTER AND VERY DIFFERENT FUTURE FOR YOU COULD BE HERE BEFORE YOU KNOW IT!!!

HOWEVER, I need to also caution you that you NEED TO BE AWARE of astrological happenings and be VERY ATTUNE to reading the signs that appear before you. With that said, I would like to offer my assistance to you at this very pivotal time when you certainly DO NOT WANT TO MISS OUT on an opportunity simply because you weren't prepared to see it for what it is: A POTENTIALLY GREAT TURNING POINT IN YOUR LIFE. More than ever, this is the time when you need to be MOST AWARE of universal signs and signals. Why? Because this opportunity might not seem like a great opportunity at first sight. You might misinterpret it. You might not understand the ramifications involved in making a decision in the very near future.

I'm here to tell you RIGHT NOW that this is an extremely interesting time in your life. A time for AMAZING CHANGE! The kind of change that only happens once in a great while. While you may have lost hope that things could dramatically improve in your life, please understand that I certainly see that CHANGE IS IN THE AIR and GOOD FORTUNE is on the horizon where you are concerned.

As I mentioned, at this time, you MUST BE VERY AWARE of certain signs in order to see this opportunity for what it is. What signs do you need to look for? What kind of event could soon take place in your life, requiring you to make a very critical decision? I would love the opportunity to gain more insight from you so that I may be much more specific.

I urge you to contact one of my trusted advisors as soon as possible so that I may get an even more accurate read on the major events that are taking place in your life right now! As a special invitation, I would like to extend to you a FREE 5 MINUTE READING. It is my pleasure to do so and my greatest wish that you'll reach out to me now so that can share my insights about you!

CLICK HERE to begin your FREE reading or call


Your Trusted Friend,

Clairvoyant Carissa

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By Karen, Monday, March 19, 2012 01:12:59 AM
By theresa, Friday, January 07, 2011 08:49:06 PM
I do not use credit cards and i did call last time and the lady on the phone was bieng rude and igorant call me if you know me or give me a personal email address to email you back
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