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Top Halloween Superstitions
Top Halloween Superstitions Psychic Sylvia Browne, World-renowned Psychic Sylvia Browne pictures Halloween is one of those holidays that actually promotes the idea of being superstitious. Superstitions have been around for thousands of years and reflect our fears about those things we don’t understand.

Here are some common superstitions that have long been a part of the folklore around Halloween:

Burning candles inside a Jack O’ Lantern keeps evil spirits away.

If you don’t burn candles on Halloween, you will suffer bad luck the rest of the year.

If you gaze into the flame of a candle on Halloween, you will be able to see the future.

If you hear footsteps behind you on Halloween night, do not turn around to see who it is or you could be confronted by the personification of Death and pass away!

If you allow a fire to burn out on Halloween, you will have bad luck the rest of the year unless it is relit by a priest.

If you see a spider on Halloween, then it is likely that the spirit of a dead loved one is watching you.

If you want to meet a witch on Halloween night, put your clothes on inside out and walk backwards.

If you give out nuts to children on Halloween, you will be protected from the Devil.

If you ring a bell on Halloween, then the dark spirits will be scared away! It’s a good thing that a lot of doorbells are rang on that night.

If a bat flies around your house three times on Halloween, you will die within the year.

To ward off bad spirits, bury animal bones in your front yard.

If the flame of a candle flickers and turns blue, there is a spirit in the room.

If a crow caws at night on Halloween, then death is very near.

All souls in purgatory are released for 48 hours to roam the earth on Halloween.

If you float egg yolks in a bowl of water on Halloween night, you will see patterns that will tell you about your future.

If you eat a hazelnut on Halloween night and fall asleep, you will dream of your future spouse.

The first person to go apple bobbing and successfully catch and entire apple in their mouth would also be the first to marry.

Knocking on wood on Halloween will keep bad luck away.

Gazing into the flame of a candle on Halloween will allow you to see your future.

If you look down and you are casting no shadow at all, then you are in danger of having an evil spirit steal your soul.

If you walk backwards down a staircase holding a mirror and candle, you will see the face of your future wife or husband.

If you blindfold yourself and go out into the garden on Halloween and pull up Kale, the roots will tell you whether or not your future wife or husband will be tall or short, old or young, or healthy or unhealthy.

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