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Using Numerology to Play The Lottery
Numerology and The Lottery Psychic Sylvia Browne, World-renowned Psychic Sylvia Browne pictures Every time people play the lottery, they use some form of superstition about numbers. Very few people just pick random numbers. They use special numbers that are associated with significant dates such as birthdays. When people do this, they do not realize that they are actually performing a very common form of numerology that pertains to winning the lottery.

One of the basic concepts behind numerology is that the same numbers are going to show up in significant repetitive patterns or combinations that keep repeating themselves throughout your lifetime. These numbers are considered to be part of your own absolutely distinctive lucky vibration and, if they show up in your life, then good fortune is bound to follow too. Whenever a number or number combinations shows up again and again in your life, it is considered to be significant. For instance, if your address and license plate both happen to be 52, then there may be something to 52 being a personally lucky number for you.

The impure science of numerology also has its own lucky systems for picking lottery numbers. When it comes to numerology, you’re lucky numbers come from two sources: your date of birth and your name. Both the numerical value of the name that you were given at birth or any nick names are considered lucky. If you have achieved fame during your lifetime, the numerical value of that stage name would also be very lucky. For instance, the numerical value of the name of Bill Clinton would be luckier than his full name—William Clinton – as that is the name that drew worldwide attention to him.

Your date of birth is a fantastic source of lucky numbers to play in the lottery. This number gives us your Life Path, birthday, and your Fadic birthday, while your use name gives us your Name lucky numbers. From these numbers, you can also determine what days are luckiest for you to play so you can not bother playing on those days that are less lucky for you.

Here is an example of how these values are calculated. Let’s just say that your birthday is June 7th, 1960.

To calculate your lucky number according to your birth date number, you simply note the day of the month you were born on. So if you were born on the 8TH, your lucky number is 8. If you were born on the 19TH, you can reduce it so you get a couple of lucky numbers. They would be 1 and 9, which is then reduced to 10. The number 1 would be doubly lucky because it reduces to a 1.

You can also get your lucky numbers from looking at your name value.

Just to refresh your memory the letter values for a person’s name are – A-J-S = 1, B-K-T = 2, C-L-U = 3, D-M-V = 4, E-N-W = 5, F-O-X = 6, G-P-Y = 7, H-Q-Z = 8, I-R = 9

These lucky numbers are calculated by converting each of the letters in a name to its position in the alphabet, reducing each number by addition, and then calculating the result.

The lucky numbers that will result come out of the total numerical value of your name plus each individual name as well.

Let’s take the following name:

Kent Bennett Armstrong

According to numerology, the name’s value will be:

Kent  2+5+5+2 = 14 = 1+4 = 5

Bennett  2+5+5+5+5+2 = 22= 2+2= 4

Armstrong  1+9+4+1+2+9+6+5+7= 44 = 4+4 = 8

5 + 4 + 8 = 17 = 1+7 = 8

This means that Kent Bennett Armstrong’s luckiest numbers are:

5, 4, and 8 with the number 8 being doubly lucky as it occurs twice as an important number. The predominance of 2’s and 5’s also make them lucky numbers. If this person were smart, they would play the number 8 all the time in the lottery.

The subsets that each name adds up to also matter. These are called secondary life path numbers.

This person would also be luckiest on days that add up to 8. Let’s just say that this person’s birthday was May 6, 1965. That birthday is adds up to a 5.

The Universal Day number is calculated by adding the date, month, and the year together. For instance, if the date is August 11, 2009, it would reduce to 8+1+1+2+0+0+9, which equals 3. Kent Bennett Armstrong’s luckiest day to play the lottery would be on one that adds up to a 5. 

Some numerologist also says that to play on the same day of the month that your birthday is on is also a lucky day for you and that your birthday is especially a fortunate day to play the lottery. This is something that many lottery players just instinctively seem to do when they play the game. They instinctively know that the day that they were born was literally the luckiest day on earth for them and that it could happen again if they played the lottery.

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By Jimmie, Sunday, February 13, 2011 02:42:29 PM
Hello. Why isn,t there a 0 for the personal names? It goes from 1-9. I was just curious why not?
By Maria E., Tuesday, January 25, 2011 07:49:16 AM
Hello Happy New Year, I am confused about how to add up the following January 29,2008 for secondary life path number and also the calculation of the universal day number.Thank you
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