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The Nostradamus Prophecies
Nostradamus' Predictions and Prophecies Psychic Sylvia Browne, World-renowned Psychic Sylvia Browne pictures The name Nostradamus has created wonder in humans worldwide for centuries. Who was he and how was he able to accurately predict the future? Is Nostradamus accurate?

Nostradamus was a seer who was born in the 1500’s. He created almanacs that detailed his predictions of coming events in the world. He made over 6,000 predictions. The prophecies of Nostradamus foretell of major events, such as the French Revolution and three world wars.

Of course, there is debate as to whether Nostradamus is correct in his predictions. Skeptics think that it is discrediting because he is so vague in his prophecies in terms of actual dates. Others point to situations that have occurred, such as the two World Wars and believe this as evidence that Nostradamus actually predicted them.

How did he do it? Texts indicate that Nostradamus when into a meditative state and had visions of the future. He would supposedly delve into a realm unknown to others and emerge again with his mystical knowledge intact.

If Nostradamus could predict what is forthcoming, then can he also predict the end of the world? As close as can determined, Nostradamus predicted that the end of the world will occur in either the year 3787 or 3797, depending upon different scholarly interpretations.

The list of Nostradamus predictions include:

The Death of Henry the Second
Nostradamus predicted that he would be pierced through the eyes and killed, and he did die in this manner, during a jousting tournament.

The Fire of London
Nostradamus said: The blood of the just will be demanded of London, Burnt by the fire in the year 66. It was in September 1666, that the fire of London began with a singular spark.

World War Two and Hitler
The prophet Nostradamus also published several quatrains about a young man born to poor people who would rise over the masses and take control. This is believed to be Hitler.

The assassination of JFK

Decoding the Nostradamus code continues to occur today in order to determine which predictions by Nostradamus have been accurate. His work is studied to determine which predictions are still forthcoming. The prophecies of Nostradamus are at least highly-coincidental and worthy of consideration.

Nostradamus’ predictions for the future include unparalleled earthquakes (continental shifting), World War Three, extreme climate change (obviously happening) and of course, the ultimate end of the world.

The end of the world as predicted by Nostradamus is most closely deciphered to be caused by nuclear war. The theories of Nostradamus are either rooted in a special brand of mystical logic or just completely ludicrous, depending on your outlook. What is certainly notable is that the writings of Nostradamus have been studied and believed for centuries by millions, and they continue to be today.

The predictions of Nostradamus may or may not be accurate; perhaps a mixture of both. Only the future will truly reveal the future and having hints to it may only cause greater confusion. The perplexities of life are best dealt with through direct experience and intentional shaping.

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By Maria Helena, Thursday, February 16, 2012 09:36:15 AM
Dear Sylvia,thank you so much for you Amazing work,You and Chris are A Great Blessing to the World...I realy Wish to have a reading done by You or Your Son Chris...Few years ago I stay on a line but then was no time for You... GOD'S BLESSINGS OF LIGHT AND PEACE... Love Maria
By Donna, Thursday, May 07, 2009 06:52:48 AM
From what I understand Obama wants to help bring in a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT. I have read the bible and everything seems to be getting really close to the end of days as predicted from Jesus and Revelation of John The Divine. They also want every person on earth to be micro-chipped. Which would be the Mark of the Beast..
By Barbara, Wednesday, May 06, 2009 05:41:41 PM
Hi Sylvia Love your books and you. I have seen you 3 times and enjoy your lectures very much.I never had my number picked to ask you a question though. I have put in question for your webcast.I find the predicions of Nostradamas intersting.I have read a bit about this 2012 Mayan prediction it is scary!They are even making a movie about it coming out in this fall? What do you think of it? Barb
By andysmith, Wednesday, May 06, 2009 04:15:13 PM
hi sylvia, thanks for your work and books that you have created over the years, they are out standing, and helped me cope with a few things in my life, and also answered a lot of questions. Norstadamas also cant be wrong, if it was just guessing, he was very good. keep up the good work sylvia. all my love andy smith ( uk )
By jose, Wednesday, February 25, 2009 04:04:12 PM
boo! :P
By cathy, Thursday, December 11, 2008 08:14:26 PM
Thank you sylvia for these articals. I hope to see more of them. They are very educational and eye opening.. Thanks again.. Cathy
By Amber, Wednesday, November 19, 2008 06:08:09 PM
Sylvia I and Many others would love to see more future predictions and is there any predictions about Oboma or even just the US its self.
By Carrie, Friday, November 14, 2008 05:33:24 PM
Did he describe what would be left after the "End of Days" or the year 2012, which is fast approching. Will Obama help or hinder the world situation? Where can we find these answers simply. Looking at his writings is a bit (a lot) confusing. Carrie
By Lisa Michelle, Wednesday, October 08, 2008 01:06:43 AM
Anida, go to your local library or search through or
By Anida, Tuesday, October 07, 2008 12:42:08 PM
Sylvia were can i find more of Norstadamas predictions. And yours I would love to see more of them.
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