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What Are Your Psychic Gifts?
What are your psychic gifts? Psychic Sylvia Browne, World-renowned Psychic Sylvia Browne pictures

We’ve all heard words like clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience, precognition and telepathy. Now it’s time to find out how these psychic abilities work in your own life. Do you have psychic gifts? Discover your natural psychic talents!



1)  When you are falling off to sleep, how often do you see images in your mind’s eye?


            1—Often          2—Sometimes   3—Rarely        4—Never


2)  When you close your eyes to meditate or to focus on someone you love or something that is important to you, how often do you see actual images in your mind’s eye?


            1—Often          2—Sometimes   3—Rarely        4—Never


3) When you are falling off to sleep, how often do you hear voices or noises from people that are clearly not in the room?


            1—Often          2—Sometimes   3—Rarely        4--Never

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4) When you close your eyes to meditate or to focus on someone you love or something that is important to you, how often do you hear voices or sounds, either inside your head or outside in the environment?


            1—Often          2—Sometimes   3—Rarely        4—Never


5)  When you are going about your day, whether driving, running errands, or working, how often do you experience a feeling of just knowing what to do to next that is often correct?


            1—Often          2—Sometimes   3—Rarely        4—Never


6)  When people call or talk to you for advice, how often do you just have a feeling about the right course of action?


            1—Often          2—Sometimes   3—Rarely        4—Never


7)  How often do you have dreams with elements that seem to come to pass in your life or the lives of those around you?


            1—Often          2—Sometimes   3—Rarely        4--Never


8)  How often do you just say something to someone in regular conversation that just happens to come true later?


            1—Often          2—Sometimes   3—Rarely        4—Never


9)  When you are talking to people close to you, how often do you say something and their response is something like, “I was just thinking the same thing”?


            1—Often          2—Sometimes   3—Rarely        4--Never



10)  When you haven’t spoken to someone in a while and you have the urge to pick up the phone and call them, how often do they say, “I was just thinking about you”?


            1—Often          2—Sometimes   3—Rarely        4—Never


What psychic gifts do you possess?


Questions 1 and 2 highlight clairvoyance. Add up the numbers to your answers for these two questions. If your numbers add to 2-3 you have the gift of clairvoyance. 4-5:  this is a gift you can easily develop. 6-8: clairvoyance is not something that comes easily to you.


Questions 3 and 4 highlight clairaudience. Add up the numbers to your answers for these two questions. If your numbers add to 2-3 you have the gift of clairaudience.  4-5:  this is a gift you can easily develop.  6-8: clairaudience is not something that comes easily to you.


Questions 5 and 6 highlight clairsentience.  Add up the numbers to your answers for these two questions. If your numbers add to 2-3 you have the gift of clairsentience.  4-5:  this is a gift you can easily develop. 6-8: clairsentience is not something that comes easily to you. 


Questions 7 and 8 highlight precognition.  Add up the numbers to your answers for these two questions.  If your numbers add to 2-3 you have the gift of precognition.  4-5:  this is a gift you can easily develop. 6-8: precognition is not something that comes easily to you.


Questions 9 and 10 highlight telepathy. Add up the numbers to your answers for these two questions. If your numbers add to 2-3 you have the gift of telepathy.  4-5: this is a gift you can easily develop. 6-8: telepathy is not something that comes easy to you.


Want to know what these gifts mean? Search on for more on intuition.




Powerful Psychic Readings, Talk Live, 24/7 Answers on Love, Money, etc. Click Here or Call 888-773-8999

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By regina, Thursday, February 18, 2010 03:43:52 AM
Well i Read'' This Psychic Gifts'' But i Really Do Not Understand it At All... And Plus i Do Not Think This is For Me'' i Don't Have No Psychic abilities., That i Know of'' But Thanks For Letting Me Read This Psychic Gifts., From Regina'' Loll !!1
By Mandy, Sunday, July 19, 2009 01:48:48 PM
i think i need to learn more about clairsentience. I do hear spirits -- but it's not a literal voice it's more like a thought in my head that i know is that person. sometimes it's a sound but most of the time it's a thought. i don't physically see them but-- do you know what it's like to picture something in your head when you're reading a book almost a drawing? it's like a cross between that and a feeling i know what they look like but i haven't exactly -- SEEN-- them. It's a feeling combined with a picture in my head and a thought it's something i know that i can't explain exactly...same thing with people that haven't crossed over and emotions i don't always feel exactly what they are feeling but-- i know what they are feeling sometimes it is an actual physical empathy but most of the time -- it's a knowledge for lack of a better word a little tug that says hey this is what is going on -- i'm not sure exactly what that is :)
By Tami, Saturday, July 18, 2009 10:51:26 AM
I have always been able to see visions and hear voices since i was little . But since i grew up i quit seeing and hearing them. But 3 years ago i remarried and have been hearing voices again and seeing things ,gone to the doctor he said that i need sleep .I can always feel when something isnt right but they say its my anxiety. I did your psychic test and i scored high on it. Please tell me im not crazy. Email me with what i can do. Thank you tami
By brittani, Friday, July 17, 2009 12:09:34 AM
I have unusal things like the quiz points out..i choose often on all of is slightly irratating i can't zone in on particular things when i want..i have no control of what i see,hear, or sense...i have tried before and everytime i try unclear images of people or things i have never seen or heard of appear. it us very okward to me and at times i fear it..even though i am a 25 year old adult. I have to drown them out with music...with out music i get images and voices/unusal thoughts that aren't mine in any moment of silence.. i am egar to get help on tuning into these whatever they may be but at the same time am scared to try on my own because i have a slight fear of it... anyone with willing words of advice please email me at
By patricia, Wednesday, July 15, 2009 11:45:36 AM
i am very spiritual and trying to develop psychic gifts. i read sylvia browne books and i love them. i cannot afford a psychic because of serious chronic health proplems. please, if someone wants to help me with a reading or any help they can give me, contact me at i guess my gift is i have the patience to pray all day long. i would pray for those willing to help me. blessings, patricia
By jane, Monday, April 13, 2009 09:34:55 PM
I'm a gift i share with the world. I'm just so glad i'm not alone. what is it called when you can read thier mind and their not talking?
By Anida, Monday, February 02, 2009 11:19:18 AM
On questions 1 and 2 I got a 4, and onthe rest of them I got a 2. I noticed this happens alot with my sisters and my very bestfriend. I wonder why is it.
By Helen, Sunday, February 01, 2009 10:53:40 PM
I took this test out of curiosity but realize if this is accurate that there are certain things I have that I kind of realized I did, especially when others seem to have brought it to my attention. I guess I kind of took it for granted and then I doubt myself at times. I am not sure how to hone these qualities honestly. It would be nice to know. Helen
By marquetta, Sunday, February 01, 2009 10:06:43 PM
I have all those, very strong at times. I have seen plane crashes in my sleep. The one that crashed in Pennsylvania in 1994, I dreamed that I was on it and I remember the crying, screaming to this day, it woke me up with a jolt that woke my husband up and I told him about my dream and he knew I have never been on a plane, told me that it was crazy and go back to sleep. Well when the plane crashed that very next day, he looked at me in a strange way, but I couldn't explain the things that were happening to me. I had a sign of my son dying(he was 9 and died of severe Asthma)but I did not know it was a sign, until it happened. I can go on, but it's to much to tell. I have alway's known that I was special, but I don't talk about it. I know that they say if you have died and come back, something happen's, I was about 2 month's old and my mom found me turning color's and not breathing, She had not checked on me for about 30 minute's or so after she put me to sleep. I was having stomach problem's and was found to have been born with upside down intestines, after they revived me, I had surjery. It dosen't scare me being like this and I never know what's going to happen next.I wish I knew how to use this to make thing's better.
By Violet, Sunday, February 01, 2009 06:34:49 PM
Spirits talk constantly to me. Sometimes they are my friends that are over there; for the last 3 years Ive lost an alarming many of them. I repeat things they say hoping to help other people realize there is life after this but I think I live in that world so much I might depress other people or bore them or make em think I,m crazy!(some of 'em) I need to develop theese gifts more. I'm always listening!! So little sleep! It's neat but confusing to say the least when I'm not sure why Im being told something or trying so hard to hear exactly what is being said to me. Gives me headaches sometimes! etc. etc. Violet in Wa.

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