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What Does Your Phone Number Say About You?
Telephone Numerology Psychic Sylvia Browne, World-renowned Psychic Sylvia Browne pictures Is your telephone number lucky or unlucky? It is true that some numbers are more fortunate than others when it comes to numerology.  Also some numbers may be more suited to some occupations while others aren’t. 

For instance, most people would find having a telephone number that adds up to 4 to be unfortunate. However, if you are a psychologist or a doctor, this is actually a fortunate number to have as 4 is a number that means ill health.

To determine the numerology of your telephone number, all you really need to do is add up the digits the same way that you would your birthday and then reduce it to a single digit. You can also look at the predominance of digits in your phone number. For instance, if you have a phone number that has a lot of 8’s in it, then you are fortunate in business, even if the phone number itself does not add up to 8.

For instance, if your telephone number is 400-555-0031, then you would add those digits together which equals 25, which reduced to a single digit of 7. In this case the number would be good for a science lab, musician, or a creative artist.

Here is a bit of a breakdown of the kind of vibe that you can expect if your telephone adds up to a certain single digit number.


If your telephone number adds up to a 1 or if you have a lot of 1s in the number, then you will be heard and your orders will be followed. This number is good for any self-starter, politician, or entrepreneur. Having a lot of 1s in your phone number can also stand for creativity and individuality.


This is the best phone number numerology to have if you are looking for love. It is also good for restaurants, caregivers, and salons. If you have a lot of 2s in your name, then you might find yourself dating a lot or presented with more than your fair share of romantic options.


This is the perfect telephone numerology to have if you are an actor or performer. It is the number of fame. However, in terms of a personal life, it can bode love triangles and infidelity.


This is not a lucky number in general as it symbolizes hardships. Your job may be boring or routine. It may be a good number for a doctor, bankruptcy counselor, or anyone who makes a living healing or helping others.


This is a great number if you want to travel and it is good for freelancers, outsourcers, or travel agencies. It is not as positive for love as it symbolizes a lack of commitment. A 5 is also not good for a real estate agent.


This is a number that means hard work and responsibility and it is good for caregivers, babysitters, cleaning businesses or contractors. The number six is also suits a teacher or a school.


This is the number of a genius and is good for inventors, creative types, and rebels. It is one of the worst telephone numbers for finding friends or a romance.  This number could attract prank calls.


This is one of the best numbers to have in terms of money or love, as it ensures prosperity as well as success in business. If you have a triple 8 in your phone number, it is considered to be especially fortunate.


This is a good number for a psychic, undertaker, mid wife healer, or counselor to have as it has to do with death and rebirth. This is a karmic number and is not that prosperous. It can bring problems in relationships.’

Of course, if your telephone number adds up to a number that is not that lucky, always remember that it can be mitigated if there are other lucky digits in the phone number itself.

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By A, Thursday, June 15, 2017 09:33:06 PM
Based upon articles I've read on the subject of telephone numerology, it either states to calculate the entire number or only the last 4 digits. This is extremely confusing because more often than not the calculation of the entire number versus the last 4 digits will not result in the same number. Please explain why both have been suggested and which is more significant if either.
By A, Thursday, June 15, 2017 09:13:55 PM
Based upon articles I've read on the subject of telephone numerology, it either states to calculate the entire number or only the last 4 digits. This is extremely confusing because more often than not the calculation of the entire number versus the last 4 digits will not result in the same number. Please explain why both have been suggested and which is more significant if either.
By Leila, Friday, October 12, 2012 06:39:37 PM
what if I have 10?
By samantha, Friday, October 12, 2012 11:43:38 AM
Only the last four numbers of your telephone digits should be added this is the only part of the phone that is unique to you and your phone number.Master numerologist which I don't know if I can name here says this on numerology. I have a number eight phone number according to their website but if I add up the whole numbers like you guys say then my phone is a 2 and my number is really an 8 since I have been having alot of prosperity lately since getting this new number and moving in to my number 1 home.
By Darlene, Saturday, June 06, 2009 08:37:28 PM
Both my home and cell come out to '7'. Am I a genius or a rebel?? Sure glad the part about attracting prank calls doesn't seem to apply!
By Debra, Sunday, March 22, 2009 12:22:40 PM
My home number and my cell number both come out to 4. I am trying to decide if it is good because I am a nurse by trade, or bad because I have not been able to work in close to 5 years. I most certainly am having a lot of hardships. I have several autoimmune diseases and my health keeps getting worse. So I guess I prove that 4 is able to work both ways. Wish it would get back to me nursing, not much chance of that happening.
By Debra, Sunday, March 22, 2009 12:16:43 PM
Hello people it is not hard to figure out that there was an adding mistake or a typo. Quit trying to make it something else. If you can not figure it out then you really need help. Better get a reading to see if you are just not to bright.
By Joana, Tuesday, February 24, 2009 02:32:11 PM
Do have to add the are code? cause my number with out the are code adds up to a 4 and to be it does come out is true because I am in to phycology as my major career.
By Hawk, Monday, February 02, 2009 06:43:11 PM
Add it up like this example folks. 4+1+6+2+2+5+3+5+0+9=37... and so now you add again 3+7=10 and so now you add again 1+0=1 of course and "1" is your number For another example as follows: 5+1+9+2+2+2+3+4+5+6=39 so then add the two together 3+9=12 so add the answer together! 1+2=3 IF you get 23 or 32 as your answer ADD 2+3=5 and 3+2=5! Always bring it down to a single digit! Even when there is a zero involved. :) Thanks for reading
By CATHERINE, Thursday, January 29, 2009 11:41:50 AM
my phone number and cell each add up to 46 which if i make a single digit comes to 10 and there is no writing for number 10.

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