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What Is A Good Psychic?
How To Find a Good Psychic Psychic Sylvia Browne, World-renowned Psychic Sylvia Browne pictures A good psychic is, first of all, a good person. A psychic is someone you feel comfortable opening yourself up to and discussing your concerns with.  A good psychic is someone who has worked on their own self-development and spiritual unfoldment—and continues to do so.

A good psychic isn’t perfect. No one is.

If you were looking to find a good psychic for a live psychic reading, do your homework before bearing your soul. A psychic might claim to be clairvoyant or possess ESP, but too many people feign their psychic ability to con unsuspecting clients.

How do you find a psychic? Finding a good psychic can be difficult. But a good psychic is real and professional. A good psychic is someone who is authentic and uses his or her real name and real likeness. Anyone who fears using their real name or picture publicly is in the psychic closet. What are they afraid of? How can you be sure they are even doing their own work if you don’t know who they really are? Aren’t they proud of who they are and what they do?

A good psychic isn’t focused only on the income derived from their work—but neither is a good doctor, a good accountant or a good hairstylist. Just like other professionals, good psychics charge for their time and services. But they also give back.

Just as doctors might volunteer their services at a local health fair, professional psychics are willing to share their gifts. Whether donating proceeds of a psychic fundraiser to a charity or taking calls on a call-in show, good psychics understand the power of service to others.

Good psychics have a strong personal and professional code of ethics. Good psychics don’t allow you to consult them too often. They don’t ask you for gifts. They don’t tell you that you have a curse or negative energy that only they can remove. And they definitely don’t cross personal boundaries or become sexually involved with their clients. They use their psychic ability for good causes.

A good psychic also respects your confidentiality. Anyone who ‘name drops’ about their clientele is someone to watch very carefully. While it’s entirely possible that celebrities have given their permission, or perhaps received a free psychic reading in exchange for allowing their names to be used, you probably wouldn’t want your name mentioned publicly. A good psychic respects the confidentiality of all clients—including well known ones.

Good psychics know their limits. They refer clients to the appropriate professionals, including mental health practitioners, attorneys, physicians and others when necessary.

Good psychics don’t impose themselves on others. They step in when their services are requested in the appropriate setting—which is probably not the grocery store, the gym, or the airport. If they feel a very important message must be imparted, it will be done compassionately, gently and often with no mention of the fact that the message is from a psychic or a medium.

Good psychics focus on the message, not themselves as the messenger. They have their egos in check. They don’t take themselves too seriously. They are aware that they don’t know everything, that they aren’t better than others, and that they may well be mistaken at times—just like every other human being.

Who are the best psychics? John Edward, James Van Praagh, and especially Sylvia Browne come to mind. The really good psychics, the best psychics, are spiritual coaches and teachers who encourage you to learn to access your own inner wisdom and spiritual gifts.

Dr. Lauren Thibodeau is an intuitive consultant, psychic medium, teacher and author of Natural-Born Intuition and Natural-Born Soulmates.


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By Anida, Sunday, August 30, 2009 06:15:06 PM
Silvia I have a sister and nefew and myself that seem ot have a gift. We dont know exactly what they are but we so need a teacher to help us understand them. And learn to use them wisely andto know what they are.
By Anida, Sunday, August 30, 2009 06:09:10 PM
By Aries, Sunday, August 03, 2008 04:54:52 PM
Good psychics don't flaunt their talents. Sure, you can read minds and predict the future, but you don't need to brag about it. Also, a really good psychic doesn't lie about his power.
By June, Thursday, July 24, 2008 11:05:53 AM
Thank you for this input. I have had some experiences in the past with these so call psychics.I know Sylvia is the real thing. Maybe one of these days she can get to my questions.I really trust the things she says. Also when she talks about people from our past lives, I see this at work. New employees being drawn to the others that work there. I just smile because I know that they have been together in their past lives and have hooked up in this lifetime.
By Dartz, Wednesday, July 23, 2008 08:16:04 PM
@Sally: Ask around, or better yet, learn how to utilize certain psychic tools and see how they do it, or just converse with them off the clock. Also, a decent psychic wont charge huge sums of money and waste most of it with his head down. I do tarot readings free of charge myself.
By Sally, Monday, July 21, 2008 12:09:22 PM
I appreciate the info you offer on what makes a good psychic but how do you even know how to pick one? There's so many out there!
By Becki, Saturday, July 19, 2008 03:28:00 AM
Thank you on this article. It has been a verification on what I believe as well.
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