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What Your Birth Month Says About You
What Your Birth Month Says About You Psychic Sylvia Browne, World-renowned Psychic Sylvia Browne pictures

The month that we are born can say a lot about who we were destined to be when we were born. Determining a person’s character using the birth month is also a standard practice in numerology.

Our calendar is based on the Gregorian calendar, which has been in use since the late 16th century. Here is an indication of how the month that you were born in can shape your life path.

If you were born in January, you are ruled by the number 1. You are independent, analytic, and a born leader. You need to stand out from the crowd and are known for your creativity, ingenuity, and ability to make things happen. People naturally follow you without question because you are so charismatic. Males will play a greater role than females in helping you find success in life. Chances are you will lead a more traditional life than others.

If you were born in February, the number 2 influences you. You are especially empathic and psychic. A relationship means all to you and you will spend a lot of your life searching for that special someone. Women tend to shape and mold your fate, especially in the early years. You are also voted most likely to become codependent or depressed if you do not find that special someone to love. It may be difficult for you to be self sufficient. People born in February enjoy caring for others and also make great parents.

If you were born in March, the number 3 is an influence. You often find yourself in the right place at the right time. You may also be destined for fame. You have an ability to make a lot of money, but also lose it just as quickly.  It may be for you to hold onto a relationship because you are prone to being unfaithful. You are also more prone to addiction and vices than those born in other months. You have a tendency to never grow up, but that is partly makes you so lovable.

If you were born in April, you are influenced by the number 4. You may be perceived as being stubborn, bossy, and impulsive. On the other hand, you are also very creative, sexy, and intelligent. You are a born leader who is very ambitious and your natural charisma will have you attracting many friends and lovers throughout your entire life. You have to make sure that you do not push people away by being too bossy. Once you apply yourself, nothing stops you from achieving your goal.

If you were born in May, you are ruled by the number 5. Self expression may be important to you and you may be a talented musician, actor, or writer. You have a high respect for authority and you believe in the sanctity of marriage. You value your friends above anything else and spend a lot of time socializing. Still, you may have an exaggerated need for solitude every now and then. Time spent alone in nature is very good for helping you find your balance. You are a born hunter and enjoy stalking prey, whether it be romantic or the animal kind.

If you were born in June, the number 6 rules your fate. You are a very romantic individual, but also a very jealous one. You are also very sensual and a fantastic lover. Your love life tends to be very complex and it is easy for your sign to get too hung up on the past. A career in the creative arts suits you best. Your biggest character flaw is a tendency to gossip, although at heart you are a very kind hearted and philanthropic individual. You do not like children, but older relatives in your family mean a lot to you.

If you were born in July, the number 7 is your numerological ruler. You are a sincere, candid, and sympathetic individual. You care deeply for your family and will go to great lengths to maintain and protect your relationships. You can be cynical and sarcastic, which gets you into trouble with loved ones sometimes. You are also a bit of a loner, which can confuse those who care for you as well. People born in this birth month can be very eccentric, especially when it comes to the way they dress and some of their lifestyle habits. Many people born in July are geniuses, but they are also very sensitive and prone to depression.

If you were born in August, you will strongly identify with the number 8. You are destined to become a pillar of the community. You are a loving, well-rounded individual who values marriage and strives to see the good in everyone. One of your weaknesses is developing health related problems from working too hard. Often you are known for your philanthropy, team spirit, and ability to inspire others to be the very best that they can be in life. Money comes to you very easily.

If you were born in September, the number 9 is important to you. You are destined to play many roles in your lifetime because you are so intelligent and flexible. You are also very organized. You are highly intelligent and spiritual, but tend to take adversity very personally. Your biggest weakness is becoming depressed. In order to succeed, you need to turn off the voice of your inner critic sometimes. A tendency to over analyze situations can also get you into trouble.

If you were born in October, the number 10, which is a higher vibration of 1, will be significant. You are naturally very lucky. When you decide on a goal, you almost always meet it. The downside of your personality is that you can be very argumentative when crossed and you also have a huge capacity for revenge and deceit. If you can deal with your inner demons, you can succeed beyond your wildest dreams in life. You have the potential to be a well known leader in your field.

If you were born in November, the number 11, which is a higher vibration of 2, will be of great importance to you. You are psychic, empathic, and positive. However, sometimes you get overwhelmed by your own sensitivity and develop stress related health and psychological problems, such as chronic fatigue and depression. You often set an example for others and make a great teacher.

If you were born in December, you have a strong affinity to the number 12, which is a higher vibration of 3. You are a practical philosopher who values a stable lifestyle. You are also unusually lucky and wealth and love find you easily. You also have an active social life, but to the extent that you sometimes ignore your responsibilities. The danger is that you consider yourself to be so lucky that you take dangerous risks sometimes. The key to success for people born in this month is to realize that they are not immortal.

As you can probably perceive this is a very old way of analyzing character, but also oddly very accurate and in sync with the meaning of the twelve signs of the zodiac and the months that are symbolized by those numbers!

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By theresa, Sunday, April 10, 2011 09:16:41 PM
I was born june 19th and I have 3 kids of my own i love kids i spoil them and I got many nieces and nephews thats mean to say us geminis hate kids only thing we don't like is people lying or whining ok .I take care of my kids and my family's kids very well .no we do not gossip we let the truth out and the world hates us ok yeah we do get jealous only if we get cheated on and feel our mate wasn't faithful and we feel they took advantage to use us for something else
By Tiffany, Saturday, April 09, 2011 10:40:16 AM
Wow...This is right on the mark.
By Debra, Wednesday, September 09, 2009 02:51:46 PM
My birth month decribes me to a T
By Laurie, Saturday, July 25, 2009 04:18:36 PM
I think the negative is listed as "the downside" in them.
By aidie, Friday, July 24, 2009 09:58:01 AM
It so happens that most of the people I know in several of these months function in the negative and not the positive aspects, it would be nice though to see the negative as well. This way we can understand the well rounded of the individual and know if this person is functioning in the positive or the negative.
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