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Angels Come in Every Shape, Style and Size!


How often do you see commercialized images of angels? They have long blonde or brown hair and are most often female. They are wearing soft, flowing robes. Their wings are white and sometimes have golden or sparkly touches to them. But most often we see the same type of angel over and over again!


Your angel may look nothing like this angel! Your angel could have short red or black hair and be wearing something more modern. Our angels appear in all different shapes, styles, looks and sizes.


One of my angels wears turquoise and purple. His wings are most often tucked back. His hair is short, and it is blonde. He seems very tall—I have no idea how tall he actually is—but he does seem very tall.


To see what your angels look like—simply ask them! Sit quietly in meditation and ask them, “My angel, please show me what you look like.” 


Tell us what your angel looks like!

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By Melvin, Sunday, June 22, 2008 06:22:32 PM
That's what I am always saying Crystal. The movies and television shows have influenced most of us on the perception on angels. It's really sad actually because kids are bound to believe that angels indeed work that way which in reality, they do not.
By Crystal, Saturday, June 21, 2008 02:12:06 PM
What I don't like is that often, angels are seen in some movies as something a little creepy as well, and that is sad. I have to admit, that most of the angel statues and figures that I see, I probably wouldnt' want in my house. They just bother me because of the other things I associate them with. I really like it when I find one that doesnt' look creepy. I do have some angels in my house, and a small angel necklace. I just like for them to look happy and sweet, or protective and colorful. I don't like them to be eyeless and creepy.
By maylin, Friday, June 20, 2008 10:57:33 PM
I believe that it does not matter what your angels look like. even if they come in every shape, size, and style, they are all the same. not physically, but they have the same purpose and they are all sent to us by God to guide and help us. They are all very important.
By maylin, Thursday, June 19, 2008 10:11:04 PM
I agree Crystal. People describe angels as women but it is believed that angels are men. it is true that angels does not need to have wings for them to be called angels. sometimes people with good deeds and heart are considered to be angels. it is your doings not what you look like that will consider you as an angel.
By Crystal, Thursday, June 19, 2008 11:21:47 AM
It is interesting that most people's view of angels are as women and the Bible usually discribed angels as men. Angels are not all identical, and sometimes you dont' know that they are angels. I mean, they dont' always show up with wings and in a long robe. Sometimes they do look like normal people. There are good angels and bad angels. God created angels with a free will just as he did us.
By maylin, Thursday, June 19, 2008 06:41:48 AM
Hi Xiflada. Did i get your name right? I just want to ask how come you know that your angel is a guy? Can you also help me figure out what kind of angel i have? I want to know if i have a girl or guy angel.
By maylin, Wednesday, June 18, 2008 02:27:28 AM
yeah angels does not have the same features. just like human or earth angels, they can be anyone. and people are really unique so i think angels are also unique. i still don't know how and what my angel looks like.
By Xiflada, Tuesday, June 17, 2008 03:52:41 PM
I think my angel is a man. He's strong built and a dark complexion, he's tall and has a smell to him. I can always smell it when something good happens. It's like a minty smell. I can't see a face nor do I know if he has wings or not. But he's there nonetheless, everyday and sometimes at every moment.
By Melvin, Tuesday, June 17, 2008 10:28:53 AM
I have something to add. My friend told me something about angels. She said that her angel was a small girl who looks very beautiful. So upon saying this I have realized not all angels are tall.
By Melvin, Tuesday, June 17, 2008 09:59:08 AM
I think it's a misconception that an angel looks great or is beautiful. I believe anyone can be our angel. I haven't really tried to ask my angel what he/she looks like but I always feel he is there to guide me.

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