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By Melvin, Sunday, August 10, 2008 06:31:16 PM
"Close your eyes for a moment and say “Angels, please be with me today!” Envision yourself surrounded by angels. See their wings surrounding you with love and protection. Often when you do this you will start to feel calmer and a sense of peace will wash over you as the angels come nearer" I find these tips really helpful, thanks
By Melvin, Tuesday, July 29, 2008 05:26:41 PM
But these glimpses of life beyond the veil are only occasional. The angels of the Bible generally appear in the role of God's messengers to mankind. They are His instruments by whom He communicates His will to men, and in Jacob's vision they are depicted as ascending and descending the ladder which stretches from earth to heaven while the Eternal Father gazes upon the wanderer below.
By maylin, Sunday, July 20, 2008 06:09:48 AM
well, they are our guardian angels. and they are willing to help us in their special ways. sometimes, we think that they are not with us but they will always watch over us. and it is still important for us to call and give them recognition.
By Melvin, Sunday, July 20, 2008 03:38:00 AM
I think it also shows that I am very focus on what I am doing that is why I don't even recognize them. But the truth is they are always there. Every night I always reflect and think of the things that could have had gone the other way easily. It didn't because I was guided by my angels.
By maylin, Sunday, July 13, 2008 04:37:33 AM
Well, you are right Melvin. Maybe you just don't feel them when you are tired and stressed because your mind is focused on many things. but like what you have said, you can feel them during weekends because you are relaxed and not worrying about so many things. angels are always watching over us, sometimes we just don't realize it.
By Melvin, Saturday, July 12, 2008 10:31:41 PM
The angels never come to me every weekdays. I feel stressed, depressed and really really tired. But during weekends I always feel their presence because I don't do much things. Maybe they are always their and I don't just feel them but still I'm glad they guide me.
By maylin, Saturday, July 12, 2008 01:04:03 AM
Yes Aries, we as normal people always need assistance and guidance. and i think that our angels are always doing that. but it is not also not wrong to call to them and ask them to guide us. calling them will let them see and feel that we do recognize them.
By Aries, Thursday, July 10, 2008 03:51:44 PM
Always a good idea to have a little divine assistance in your life. Puddles are a lot deeper than they look or so they say. If they ever said something like that.
By maylin, Thursday, July 10, 2008 02:02:57 AM
Hi Julian. Well, i am also just like you. i don't do this but i can feel and hear my angels with me every time i am alone. maybe by being alone, that is the time i realize that i have my angels beside me. sometimes it is hard to always ask for our angel's help and guidance but that won't stop them from giving us guidance because they always know when we need them.
By maylin, Wednesday, July 09, 2008 12:58:51 AM
I usually don't do this when i wake up each day. But i do pray sometimes when waking up. thank you for sharing this article. now i have realized that we can also call our angels to guide us everyday. and we can do that by asking them to come to us. and we will never go wrong. Page: 1 2 You must log in to post a comment. If you don't already have a My Spirit Now account, sign up now. |