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Being Aware For Angel Messages
Some people may wonder, "But I don't get any angel messages!" Often their angels are communicating with them, but they simply are not sensitive to these messages. Other times, these messages do appear in their life but when they happen, this person considers them a "lucky" break to run into the right person or the right information, not something that comes from the angels.

The first step in angel communication is opening up the conversation. Say, "Hello!" to the angels and let the angels know what is on your mind. You don't necessarily have to ask for something big or special, sometimes just talking to the angels about your day is a great way to communicate. Try asking them questions that interest you. 

Sitting quietly is an important part in angel communication. This is your time to receive angel messages. Keep in mind that some people receive auditory messages or other types of messages while they are sitting waiting to receive. But others receive their angel message as they go about their day. Be open to receiving angel messages at sometime during the week.

Your angels do want to communicate with you. Try the first step and ask them questions. Wait while sitting quietly for the answers. They will speak to you in their own way.

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By cheryl, Thursday, May 21, 2009 02:31:29 AM
I always see the number sequence 444,I didn't understand why.I was walking up at 444,looking at the clock at 444 seeing it everywhere.I thought it was a sign from my Dad,since he had 4 daughters.Then I heard about a book "Angel Numbers 101 by Doreen Virtue.It turns out that one of the most common ways in which Angels speak to us is by showing us repetitive number sequences.My message for 444 is,There are Angels-they're everywhere around you! You are completely loved,supported,and guided by many Heavenly beings,and you have nothing to fear.Since I picked up this book listing all numbers 1-999,I've been getting a lot more messages from my Angels.What a wonderful feeling to know they are always there with me.I know Angels saved my life on the freeway 1 day,an obvious miracle.
By Mary, Thursday, September 04, 2008 01:21:53 PM
When my sin called and asked if he could go to the store to get some candy, I hesitated. I think my angel was talking to me telling me not to let him go. I ignored the feeling. He was hit by a car about three blocks from the pool. Almost a week later, I was awakened from sleep and had a feeling that I had to get into Jimmy's hospital room. I went to the bathroom, washed my face, but still I felt I had to get in his room. I got there, told him how much I love him, how proud I am of him and how hard he fought to stay alive, and that if I could choose a little boy, I would choose him. When I finished talking to him, he went brain dead. He waited for me to be there. I have thanked his angels and mine for allowing me to be there when he died.
By melissa, Wednesday, September 03, 2008 06:02:22 PM
I was visited by a wall-sized dark looking shrouded figure before my children's father was attacked at work by an uncounselable youth. The large being appeared to have it's head bowed in prayer and had no real facial features. I wasn't afraid but I thought I was dreaming. The angle did'nt say anything. I slept and the next morning when I awoke I heard the word Peace come out of my mouth. Within hours the kid's dad was jumped and beaten so badly the local newspaper called it a Bloodbath. Since then. I have had visits and signs.I believe without a doubt!
By karen, Monday, August 18, 2008 11:15:09 PM
I don't know if I was vistited by an angel or not but it was pretty nice to see and feel such a sight and feeling. One night after the christmas holiday about 7 years ago. I was sitting on my sofa feeling that warm fuzzy feeling that you get after a great christmas, everyone got what they wanted and life was good. My daughter comes running in the house screaming that she just made crew leader at our local Mcdonalds, she was so happy she ran upstairs to call her aunt. my two sons were playing monopoly at the dining room table and my husband was in the shower. all of the sudden, my christmas tree (which was by the front window) had a ball of light the size of a grapefruit, shinning on a tree branch, at first I thought it was a car headlight shinning through our front window (I looked and there was no cars out front), then I thought it was the tree lights (they were not plugged in), then I realized there was a sound coming from the tree,(like someone rubbing their hands together) and when I finally realized and focused where it was coming from, it was an ornament on my tree that was an angel and it was spinning and glowing like crazy all by itself, I liked to have had a heart attack, I was so amazed, and I was so excited I started screaming, oh my god ,do you see that!!!! and within seconds it stoped, and I'm yelling, do it again, do it again. and it didn't. but wow, that was soo amazing, I still get goosebumps whenever I talk about it, and I do believe it was a vistor from the other side. I felt so blessed.
By Randy, Friday, August 15, 2008 04:34:35 AM
How about angels singing? In 1968 on Christmas eve I walked about five blocks to go to midnight mass at a Catholic church in Greatfalls Mt. It was a cold clear night and when mass was over I started walking home by myself, a little after one in the morning, when I started to hear singing from above. I started to look for the source but I couldn't see anyone around me.All the houses were dark but they were lit up with Christmas lights of course and I never met anyone on the way home but the music kept getting louder and louder and really joyous kind of like when children are really happy at play. There were no words that I could tell but the sounds were very beautiful. I thought to myself as I was walking along,"wow The angels really do sing"! What made it seem more surreal was the way the ice crystals formed around the street lights in a halo like effect as I got further away from the church. It was amazing how happy I felt when I walked in the door of my folks house and went up to bed. I stayed awake a long time trying to comprehend what I had just experienced. It was something that was truly remarkable!
By Melvin, Sunday, August 10, 2008 06:27:20 PM
"Sitting quietly is an important part in angel communication. This is your time to receive angel messages. Keep in mind that some people receive auditory messages or other types of messages while they are sitting waiting to receive. But others receive their angel message as they go about their day. Be open to receiving angel messages at sometime during the week." I can testify that this is so true.
By Aries, Saturday, August 09, 2008 01:34:48 PM
Angels have been kicking me in the teeth lately. Being a freelancer who works online, the amount of work that I have varies wildly. And guess what, on my main income source, the jobs are either snapped up instantly (Due to showing up at 3am and having a lot of people in Asia working with me) or completely out of my scope.
By Melvin, Friday, August 08, 2008 06:16:09 AM
"The first step in angel communication is opening up the conversation. Say, "Hello!" to the angels and let the angels know what is on your mind. You don't necessarily have to ask for something big or special, sometimes just talking to the angels about your day is a great way to communicate. Try asking them questions that interest you" This part is interesting. But this is what seperates the serious from the curious. Others will not expect any answer while some believe their angel will respond
By Dartz, Thursday, August 07, 2008 12:21:25 PM
They can tell you things by taking something. Like, one story I told before, and Angel saved an old ladies life by making a sticky note prescribing 50mg, a fatal dose, vanish, and the pharmacist had to call up and found it that it was 5mg.
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