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Create An Angel Altar
To celebrate your connection to angels on a daily basis…why not create an angel altar? This altar can be a beautiful reminder of the loving, healing presence of the angels of light in your life.

Now when I say to create an altar for the angels, this is not to worship the angels. This is only to celebrate them. There are many types of spiritual altars you can create. Denise Linn has an excellent book about altars called Altars: Bringing Sacred Shrines into Your Everyday Life. I have to admit that I was simply stunned by the cover of this book because the angel on the cover of the book looks so much like the angel on my very own angel altar!

Your altar will celebrate your daily connection to angels and connecting with your altar reminds you to “touch in” with this connection all the time. When you see an object that has meaning to you: it reminds you of that person or place or circumstance. So naturally creating an angel altar will encourage you to have a closer connection with your angels.

Place anything you like on your angel altar: figurines of angels, angel tea lights, books about angels and pictures of the angels. Add your own personal items that have meaning to you about the angels such as people you would like the angels to watch over or your own letters to the angels or things from nature that remind you somehow of the angels.

Have you thought of creating an angel altar? How do you see angels in your daily life? Where could you put an angel altar?

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By Iulian, Tuesday, July 08, 2008 07:14:44 PM
My angel altar is my mind.I do support the idea of creating a special place to celebrate angels but the space and the time doesn't allow me.I think that anyone should create his/her own altar by feelings.We do have "mini-altars" so to say , in our home , for my family is very committed to religion.Thanks to them , today i feel good believing in God , although sometimes i find myself sharing thoughts with people that don't really believe in what I have been taught since i was a kid.It feels good to have pure beliefs and thoughts , sometimes it can take your mind off the daily basis.
By Deborah, Thursday, July 03, 2008 07:52:51 PM
Awww how wonderful :-) Angels you have meet. I have meet many angels like that through the years. What a wonderful story. Thank you for sharing your story. God Bless, Deborah
By tia, Saturday, June 28, 2008 07:46:09 PM
HI my name is Tia I know there are Angels around me all the time. And i beleave they step in when they know I need help. They were three times I came acrossed Angels. The 1st time was on my way back to Wisconsin from Delawear on the grayhound bus with my 6 month old son and my husband that I am nolonger married to. This old my that looked like santa but homly looking came from the back of the bus and out of the blue gave my some money. I told him thank you and when we got off I wanted to tell him thank you one last time. He was know were to be seen. I wanted to ask him how did he know we needed it. And the 2nd time was at the mall and it looked like the same man again out of the blue came up to me and gave me some money I turned around and looked at my husband at the time and my son in shock and turnd back around and the man was gone. The 3rd time was i was getting my brakes looked at and I had one of my other son with me and my new boyfriend with me and the man said it is not salf for you to drive this car something can go very wrong if you drive the car and I asked how much and the man said the price and it was something that i was able to pay. I did not have that much cash at the time. And this lady out the blue again said I will pay for it. I did not know what to say to her but thank you. I went around to the waiting room to tell my boyfriend and I told him I'm going to get her address to pay her back. And guess what she was agian like the other know were to be found. And I now there are more to come and see my they might not bring money but I know they will be there to help me.

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