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Do Our Loved Ones Become Angels?
Many people wonder if their caring and thoughtful grandmother becomes an angel to them when she passes into the next life. One of the most beautiful things about our connections with our loved ones is that they do not end with their passing. We are still connected to our grandmother, our mother, our brother or our dear friend. These people are still in our hearts and they still love us and care deeply about our lives.

There are many stories of loved ones that have communicated from the other side. These loved ones do not become angels because angels have never been human. But your loved ones are often like the Earth Angels we have spoken about, people here on earth that care about others and help to make your life easier in big and little ways.

Some people may be disappointed or even a little hurt to learn that their loved one does not become an angel. But what they misunderstand is that their loved one is living a life of love and service in their new life helping you – and most likely helping other family members and friends from where they are. Your loved ones look over you with love. If you find yourself thinking about your grandmother and she has passed on, this may be a telepathic message from your grandmother that she is thinking of you with love!

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By Diane, Friday, July 23, 2010 07:57:15 PM
I have seen my grandfather twice since he died. We were always very close. Since my mother's passing I have felt a very intense presence many times. Once hangers in my closet were flung to the floor. There was no way this happened by itself. I spoke to my mom to let her know I felt her presence, and I was glad she was there. My mom let me know before her death that she would try to be near me if she could. She knew that I had seen my grandfather previously. I am not sure why I have not felt my fathers presence. He has been deceased longer than my mom. I guess I was closer to my mom. I have no fear of them being near me. It feels peaceful.
By Gertrud, Friday, July 23, 2010 05:53:13 PM
Hi Sylvia,how are you,are you still around?I have not seen or heard anything about you and I miss you.I've read most of you books and enjoyed waching you on the Montell Show.I wish you the Best and hope every thing is OK with you,Love Gertrud
By Leanna, Thursday, May 21, 2009 10:29:17 AM
The last sentence brought me to tears. My grandmother passed away in September of 2008, and from time to time something reminds me of her and a memory will pop into my head which leaves me feeling a little better. I know she thinks of me. It's great to know how to recognize it now. Thanks! God Bless.
By katrina, Monday, February 09, 2009 12:19:52 AM
dear sylvia i lost my one and only son he was tragically killed and i really do believe in after life i so want to talk see or even connect with him i'm scared because of and experience .i encoutered when i was youger in which i think .i seen my grandmother who had passed when .i was younger never got to know her and i really feel at lost and sad because i don't know what happen to my son never got closure or a chance to say goodbye will you please help desparate,lost,overwhelmed mom bless you katrina.
By Lisa, Sunday, February 08, 2009 07:21:18 PM
I know our loved ones are around us. I have been contacted by my Grandmother and my Father. My Grandmother usually connects with me by playing the music box I have that belonged to her. It usually plays around 5 a.m. I have also had my father play a music box once or twice that he gave me. My family had purchased a plaque for my Dad through his favorite baseball team one year.It was inscribed with his name and a dedication to him. That year at Christmas time I was sitting on my couch watching tv. My hanging plant at the end of my couch started to jiggle back and forth. It was not an earthquake for everything else was still. I watched it till it quit then went back to watching tv. I saw out of the corner of my eye one of the Chrismas tree branches being yanked down with no one there. Immediately two ornaments fell. They were on opposite sides of the tree. I went over to the tree and picked up the ornaments, one was an ornament of his favorite baseball team, the other was a heart shaped ornament that said love. I knew then my Dad appreciated what our family had done for him and wanted to tell me so.
By SUSAN, Saturday, February 07, 2009 09:42:05 AM
Hi Sylvia, I am in a trauma of some sort. I see entities going to the left and right. Very few move ahead. What does all this mean? Please comment. I do have further info. thank you, Susan Loughren
By Sarah, Saturday, February 07, 2009 12:16:09 AM
I saw my mothers spirit go out the bedroom window when she passed on.I was amazed.I saw my fathers also.
By Cherie, Friday, February 06, 2009 07:48:17 PM
My husband and I have had to bury our parents among several other close family members. I was very close to my Mother and am still having difficulty in life without her. She came to me in a dream to let me know she was alright. For that I'm thankful. I rest easier knowing that she came to me, but I am really having a hard time with her being gone. With accepting that she's gone. My Father-In-Law also came to me in a dream. He apologized for not saying good-bye. This still brings me to tears. I loved him dearly and am at a loss without Him and my Mom. I want more and am frustrated that they're not here for our children and for us. I often feel and see things; I don't know that they are for real or if its just my imagination. I liked to think that it's them sharing our lives with us. I'm just in so much despair. We have lost so many loved ones in such a short time and I just wish that my Mom, my best friend was here to comfort me. Sorry for the babble, Thank you for all that you do Sylvia, CM
By Mary, Friday, February 06, 2009 04:09:16 PM
Hi Sylvia, I really care about you. I've read most of your books with the exception of your last book. And that is only because I live in Todos Santos BCS Mexico now. Todos Santos means "All saints!" I love living here and have tried to get on all your monthly programs only to be dismissed as not signed in properly. Just know I care. I know you're engaged and I wish you the best. Your life and your help to so many will be rewarded in our next world, I'm sure! Love, Mary
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