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Give People The Gift of Angels


I have a confession to make: I love to give people gifts! Birthdays, holidays or just any occasion. I am happy to celebrate my relationships.


Often I will give people that I know the gift of angels in some form. Recently I found some beautiful angel pins with gemstones on them. What a wonderful way for people to carry their angels with them as they go about their day! So I bought about a dozen of them and sent them out to friends and family “just because” to share that good ol’ angel love.


There are many ways you can share the gift of angels. Sometimes you are actually the gift with what you do. By being present and helping someone—often you can wind up doing the work of the angels. If you help an elderly neighbor with their grocery shopping, that’s a gift of the angels. Or if you watch a friend’s young children for a few hours, that certainly counts as the gift of the angels (for angels nonetheless!) Often you don’t have to spend a lot of time or even a tremendous amount of effort to do the angels’ work. Sometimes you just have to be kind and listen.


How can you give the gift of angels in your life? Have you given the gift of angels to someone? Has someone been a true angel to you?

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By Melvin, Tuesday, July 29, 2008 05:27:41 PM
he general doctrine that the angels are our appointed guardians is considered to be a point of faith, but that each individual member of the human race has his own individual guardian angel is not of faith (de fide); the view has, however, such strong support from the Doctors of the Church that it would be rash to deny it (cf. St. Jerome, supra). Peter the Lombard (Sentences, lib. II, dist. xi) was inclined to think that one angel had charge of several individual human beings. St. Bernard's beautiful homilies (11-14) on the ninetieth Psalm breathe the spirit of the Church without however deciding the question.
By Melvin, Monday, July 28, 2008 12:54:30 AM
There are many ways you can share the gift of angels. Sometimes you are actually the gift with what you do. By being present and helping someone—often you can wind up doing the work of the angels. If you help an elderly neighbor with their grocery shopping, that’s a gift of the angels. Actually my mind is overflowing with all the ideas about them.
By Melvin, Thursday, July 24, 2008 06:27:52 AM
I have not heard of that either. Well I had some angel books before when I was still a kid. Most of them were given as a gift to me. One thing I have noticed about these is that the books about angel are pretty expensive and they are very informative.
By maylin, Monday, July 14, 2008 03:16:25 AM
I have not heard about that book. where can i get that? angel books are good for those who believes in angels and who want to learn more about them. i really do not know many things about angels and i would love to get books of angels.
By Dartz, Sunday, July 13, 2008 01:06:02 PM
Angel over my Shoulder is a really good book for people that have an interest in Angels, gave a copy of it to my sister, she absolutely loves Angels to bits.
By maylin, Wednesday, July 09, 2008 01:20:45 AM
Yes Crystal. I think that prayer is the best gift that we could give to the people. and it does not matter whether you know that person or not. what is important is that we pray for other people. the things that we give are just material things. it is important to give kindness, love and prayers to the people.
By maylin, Wednesday, July 09, 2008 01:18:18 AM
Yes, i agree with you Green. i think it is not just because of your religion that makes you a good person. but i know you do that with all your heart. and the people that you have helped are very lucky. you are right that you don't need money to help people. there are a lot of ways to do that.
By Crystal, Wednesday, June 25, 2008 07:14:02 AM
You ladies are all on the right track. It doesnt' matter who does what, it is what kind of sacrifice you make. Jesus referred to the widow woman in the temple who only had a couple of pennies to give as giving more than all of the other people there. He said it was because she gave all she had. Everyone else gave from their abundance, but she gave from her need. We just have to do what we can. Even if it is JUST praying. That is A LOT ! Never think of praying as a just. It is the power of prayer that gets the rest of us through. That is one of the best gifts we can give others.
By Green, Wednesday, June 25, 2008 05:18:41 AM
Melvin, I just wanted to say that even if you do not have anything financially, there are lot of ways that you can help other people. Helping an old woman cross the street or carry her groceries is an act of good deed. Helping a friend and a stranger accomplish a task is an act of good deed.
By Green, Wednesday, June 25, 2008 04:11:23 AM
Melvin and Maylin, it is just that it is an obligation on me to give out to the poor and needy. I am a muslim and every muslim is required to give out a portion of their wealth to the poor and needy regularly. Giving out charity regularly is one of the five pillars of islam. So I am just following God's command.

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