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Have You Been Someone's Angel Today?
I did something really dumb this week. I locked my keys and purse inside my car at a local shopping center. My cell phone was inside the car too. Boy did I feel dumb!

I realized that I was about two blocks from the repair place I usually take my car. So I started walking. I wondered how much it would cost for them to open my car from the window (I've been through this before unfortunately). I have to admit I really wasn't thinking very much about angels at that exact moment!

The repair place sent one of the guys to look at my car in the shopping place. After a few minutes, he had the car opened. I thanked him and he left. I did my shopping. I was so relieved! Only then did I realize I hadn't paid the repair place for coming to help me!

I drove to the repair place and asked them, "What do I owe you for today?" The owner smiled and said, "You don't owe me a thing. Every day I do something good for somebody. We are all here to help each other out. That's what it is all about...right?" He waved away the money I held in my hand.

We all have the ability to be someone’s angel. Sometimes the angels are at work when we least expect them. They can show up and surprise you in amazing ways -- both big and small!

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By Kim, Thursday, May 21, 2009 06:02:45 AM
I just read the email sent out by about angels. It has links to information about angels and specific questions are addressed. The thing that is most disturbing about this is the p.s. at the end which reads.... Best Wishes, P.S. Do you know the name of your Guardian Angel? You can find out in the Angels section on Just enter your name, date of birth, and location to find out the Angels that are watching over you! And if I have heard it once from Sylvia, I have heard it a dozen times.....angels don't have names and when folks ask about their guardian angels, Sylvia usually corrects them and says they must really mean spirit guide. So I guess the point I am trying to make is why does Sylvia associate herself with this contradictory information?
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