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Noticing The Angels In Your Life
One of the top questions I am asked is "How can I notice the angels in my life?" Many people do believe in angels but they wonder exactly where their angels are.

Your angels are always by your side. Different experts say that we have certain numbers of angels but most often the number is between three and six angels plus a guardian angel. That's quite a lot of angelic company with you at all times!

The angels will communicate with you in a gentle way. They may inspire you to come up with new ideas when you are working on a project. Or they may remind you of a person in your life and when you call them you discover that they were in need of your love and support that particular day. Or maybe your angels have a special symbol. Some people have angels that speak to them through songs on the radio or sending them feathers to remind them they are there.

We all lead such busy lives sometimes it feels like we blink twice and the day is over. The best way to notice your angels is to simply spend more time noticing. Make a conscious effort to see what appears in your life. Do the same songs keep coming on the radio over and over when you turn it on - and they aren't the top hits of the day? As you notice, your angel signs will start to come clearer to you.

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By robin, Friday, August 07, 2009 02:01:38 AM
Since my dad died a little over 2 years ago, I started waking up from sleep every morning at about 4:30 AM. I always sleep behind a locked bedroom door with my dog and pistol by my side. One morning I was awakened again at about 4:30 AM to see a dark figure, almost like a shadow, on the inside of my bedroom door. It was not threatening at all, but I was startled non the less. I screamed "what are you doing in here" and I turned on the light beside the bed and the figure was gone. My dog never barked or growled, so I beleive I was being watched by my father who must be an angel by now. I also, beleive that Angels speak to me in my dreams. My dad visits me from time to time in my sleep. And when he does, he is always sitting in a rocking chair and he talks to me. I have dreamed of an angel named Bartholomew. He spoke to me about gold and silver coins. Then last night I dreamed of an old shoe that was wooden or ceramic. I was told I could keep it, if I wanted it. I chose to keep it and turned it over to read a message that said "Let all men walk in the shoes of God". What a beautiful message. Just wanted to share. Cristal
By Michelle, Monday, May 25, 2009 10:47:58 AM
Lori...I can only tell you what I saw. The angel that came to me was white but not solid...I could see through her, but I knew it was an angel because of the beautiful golden ligt that surrounded her. That light brightened my room. Even though she wasn't solid, I could still see distinct facial features. I don't know if angels always appear this way. I suspect they appear in all different kinds of ways. I'm guessing that she came to me in a way that wouldn't frighten a 3 year old? Not sure but I was so glad for the love I felt because up until that point I felt alone and scared in my world. My spirit guide on the other hand was solid. I was riding my tricycle one day and as I approached the garage he came out and asked if I needed "gas". He was dressed like a gas station attendant and had his name on his uniform. Of course I couldn't read at the time, but he told me his name. He looked like the Mr. Clean guy which I know seems strange but he was loving and gentle and I honestly don't remember feeling frightened once. I had many visits with him outside by the garage. I don't know how long this continued but I only remember seeing him a few times once my sister was born in the June after my brother died. I know he was there to comfort me, keep me from feeling alone, and shower me with the love I needed so much that my parents couldn't give me in their grieving process. In readings that I've had in adulthood, He has shown up in nearly every single one and the readers can describe him perfectly and read his name on his uniform so it's just reaffirming what I already know, but it's comforting. I hope some piece of this was helpful for you.
By Lori, Thursday, May 21, 2009 09:54:06 PM
I've had Angels in my dreams, and I'm most positive they have been with me when I've needed them, but what confuses me is this. How am I going to tell the difference between Angels and let say a spirit, someone that has passed? I've often wondered about that. Is there a sign, do Angels present them selves in a different manner than spirits. Any comments Thanks Lori
By Michelle, Thursday, May 21, 2009 12:52:58 PM
When I was just a few weeks from turning 3 years old my baby brother died at the age of 5 months. The pain of that for my family and for me was immense. When I had asked how he died I was told that he died in his sleep. Every night I was terrified to go to sleep. I would stiffen up like a board and talk to myself to try to stay awake. One night I opened my eyes and there was a beautiful angel standing there! I can still see her in my mind vividly now 40 years later. Her mouth moved but she didn't speak with her mouth. (I'm sure she did that for my benefit.) She spoke with her thoughts but I could hear her and she said "Mitchie is fine and very happy with God. It will be a long time until you see him again. You are safe and loved." Then she just faded away. It changed my life. I wasn't scared any more and had no troubles sleeping. I know it seems odd that a 3 year old can remember all of that, but I think I was blessed with the recollection because of all of the comfort it gave me. I have never doubted angels and I was greatful for the Spirit Guide (Virgil) that was sent to me shortly after that to help me heal from the pain and the loss when my own parents couldn't be there for me. I feel very blessed.
By DIANE, Thursday, May 21, 2009 10:36:12 AM
One winter night my ex-husband was driving our children and I on the freeway headed to my sisters house. The road conditions were horrible with a combination of ice and rain, and he was driving reckless. I sat in the backseat praying for our safety because asking my husband to slow down and drive safer fell on his deaf ears. Instead of arguing, I laid my head back and talked to the angels in a sort of meditative state; asking them to protect us. Soon I was awoke by a pain in my big toe, almost like a spider bite. When I opened my eyes I saw an angel sitting on the hood of the car with her back leaning on the windshield, her wings spread across the entire length of the car. It only lasted a moment and then the wipers seemed to 'swish' her away.. and Im sure my ex didnt see it, and I didnt say anything to him (he wasnt a believer), but I soon found myself without any anxiety anymore as a sense of peace and safety seemed to net over the car. Im sure it was divine intervention and we made it to my sisters house safe and sound. Di
By Pam, Wednesday, May 20, 2009 08:48:57 PM
Last August I was at a surprise Birthday Party for my 90 year old Aunt. I had rented a car since I was visiting from out of town. When I returned to my car to put my belongings in the truck I accidently dropped my keys in the trunk. After 3 hours and probably 10 phone calls I called on God to send one of his angels to help me. I was desperate. Within 7 minutes a car drove up and stopped since he saw several guys trying to get into the door with a coathanger. He said he was a car reposessor and that he could help. He pulled out a ring of probably 100 keys and was in my truck in 3 minutes. That you God for sending help. I know he was an angle on a mission.
By Michael, Wednesday, May 20, 2009 08:20:45 PM
One of my Angels saved my life! Sitting at a red light one day, I had a vision of my car smashed up in the middle of this intersection I was at, flashed very quickly. Stunned, I sat there as the light changed green, and cars started to sound their horns. Out of no where a Black SUV came crashing thro the intersection and smashed into the traffic light! One more second and I would of been in the middle of it! I know my Angels are always around me now!
By sandy, Wednesday, May 20, 2009 03:29:28 PM
Dear Linda, call in the Archangels and the Powers, phylum of angels. also the Dominions.They will help you, immediately. Tell them you would like a sign you can't miss and from then on you will never doubt their presence.
By CRYSTAL, Wednesday, May 20, 2009 01:46:23 PM
A day before my sister gave birth to her son, I spent the night at her house, and that night I had a dream about two silver/grey angels that were standing on each ends of the front door. They didn't move, and they stood there like (gargoyles) guarding the front door. The next morning I told my sister what I dreamt about and that evening she went into labor. We were at the hospital and my sister got sent home. About an hour and a half later my sister gave birth to my nephew on the bathroom floor, and I had to deliver him. Also, my nephew's umbelical cord was tied into a perfect knot about 2 inches away from his belly button. When the paramedics got there they asked me if I tied his umbelical cord like that. I responded no, and he said that everything seemed like it was all meant to be. I strongly believe that my sister and I were surrounded by angels, and that we were protected by a handful of angels. Very Thankful..
By Jeannie, Wednesday, May 20, 2009 01:41:25 PM
I have always believed in angels. My most recent experience was two mornings ago. I have to get up my 6:15 at the latest to go to work. I kept pushing the snoose alarm and almost fell asleep again when I felt like two entities gently pushing me from behind to get out of bed. If it had not been for that angel or those angels I would have been late for work. I can always feel angels all around me. I also have an angel collection. Figurines (sp?), paintings, etc. I've even actually SEEN an angel in my bedroom. But that is for another story.

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