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Not all of us have luck, yet we all do have the love and light of a creator. We each have a guiding...
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Send Angels With Children To School
As your children head off to school, send angels to be with them each step of the way. Ask that the angels guide them during the day as they study and learn new information. The angels can also send protection and wisdom as they interact with their fellow students.

To send an angel to your child, put a hand on your child's shoulder or simply picture your child in your mind's eye. See your child surrounded by white light and then see an angel with them. Ask that this angel be with them during the day.

You can also surround them with angels on every side for additional love and protection. This is ideal, especially if your children have had any challenges with school or you just feel they could use the extra love and support.

Put your hand on your child's shoulder or picture your child in your mind's eye. See your child surrounded by white light and then see your child surrounded by four angels, one in front of them, one behind them and one to the left and another to the right. Watch as these angels spread their wings wide open to protect your child.

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By Mi Yeung, Saturday, October 13, 2012 10:15:52 PM
 As I talked to him, he showed a wonderful sense of humor. His choice of words was really funny. However, he not fooling around with respect to the content of his advice. In my experience, he has always been direct, clear, practical plus kind-hearted. His words related to both our heads and hearts.
By Mi Yeung, Thursday, July 26, 2012 04:20:30 PM
Discover your Guardian Angel's name Your Guardian Angel is assigned to you at birth and remains with you throughout your life. We all call upon our Guardian Angel for help at times, although we don’t always know their names. Wouldn’t it be nice to find out? Try this way of discovering your Guardian Angel’s name: 1. Take yourself off somewhere quiet where you won’t be disturbed – this could be into a room indoors or out into nature if you prefer. 2. Make your space as relaxing as possible, in whatever way works for you. You could light a candle, burn an incense stick or play music (no lyrics) if you wish. 3. Relax your body completely and empty your mind of all negative thoughts and emotions. 4. Concentrate on your breathing to ensure complete relaxation. 5. Focus on your own full birth name and birth date. 6. Now ask “Guardian Angel of mine – please reveal your name to me” having the faith that you will receive an answer. 7. Listen for a name to present itself to you, it may not be audible but it will become strong and prominent in your mind – remember that a lot of Angelic names are unusual or strange to pronounce so don’t be surprised if it is a name you haven’t heard of! Now, after thanking them for revealing their name to you, write down the name of your Guardian Angel, fold the paper up and place it in a place that is special to you – you may have a small Angel altar, or box – or you may have a crystal or other treasure you would like to keep with it – remember that anywhere that feels right for you to keep the name IS right. When you next feel the need to call on your Guardian Angel you will then be able to do so by their given name – you can use the following prayer if you wish to do so. “My Guardian Angel (*say the name of your Guardian Angel here) I call upon you, and thank you for loving me through all that I do, Please shield and protect me and show me the way, and carry me through to the end of each day”
By Julie, Saturday, May 09, 2009 01:55:54 AM
Thank God for our angels! :)
By tina, Friday, February 27, 2009 07:12:16 PM
I know that my angels have saved my life twice from a certain death and my angels are one very short guy and the other one very strong and tall and they showed up separatly on two different occasion and saved my life
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