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When Someone In Your Life Doesn't Believe In Angels
"I don't believe in angels."

It may surprise you to hear someone say this, especially if you love the angels so much. You know just how wonderful and caring the angels are! But everyone has their own opinion for their own reasons at this time - and just because they believe this now does not mean that they could not believe in angels at some point in the future. It is important to respect people's beliefs.

Some people feel all alone in the world, like there is no one there for them. So they wonder how the angels could be with them. We know that angels are with you at all times - often more than one angel, guiding and loving you every moment of your life!

Respect someone's beliefs and don't try to turn their statement into a debate. But you can always ask that their angels stand closer to them so that they feel their love and support all around them. You can ask for even more angels to be with this person so they can feel angelic support in their life. This is not getting into a debate with them; this is simply sending them more love - something we'd all like to have in our lives.

There are some that are unsure about exactly what angels are. They need to come to their own definition of what an angel is to make themselves comfortable. You can always share what you know about angels, that the word "angel" means "God's messenger" and that angels have existed in most of the world's religions. No matter what someone decides to refer to an angel as - they will still appear in their life as this Divine love and protect them throughout their days.

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