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Your Angels Are Always There
Life in many ways is like a roller coaster: we have our "up" times and we have our "down" times. Some say that we come to Earth to learn our life lessons to grow spiritually.

It is so helpful to know that your angels will always be there as you take your steps through this journey of life - through the up times and the down times and everything in between. Your angels are always steady and reliable. You can count on your angels to be there in the middle of the night when you can't sleep and are worried about making that car payment. You can count on your angels to be there when you want advice about making a big decision. You can count on the angels to celebrate the birth of a baby.

Sometimes we don't "feel" our angels there, so it feels like they aren't there. Or people want someone else to tell them that their angel are there. But you don't need anyone else to tell you that your angels are there: they are there! Everyone has angels and yours are right there for you. Always.

Do you feel your angels? Do you question if your angels are really there? Do you think your angels are "always" there -- or only in times of trouble?

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By Rosanna, Wednesday, September 10, 2008 08:23:58 PM
Since my dad's passing three years ago, I have been able to see him and communicate with him. One night shortly after his passing, I was sleeping with my 5 year old in his room when I suddenly woke up from a feeling of a presence. I got up and saw an angel at the corner of my son's room. She was small, about 24" in height and she was literally floating at the corner of his ceiling looking down on us. I just wanted you all to know and for Sylvia Browne to know that she definitely had wings and that she was wearing a beige dress. I thanked her for being there and for protecting my son. I so love that feeling of peace and protection around us. I now know what my son's angel looks like. I wish I knew what mine looked like!
By Marsha, Thursday, September 04, 2008 10:37:27 AM
When my son was 13 (now 26!) he was dared to jump off of the bridge that leads up to the upper deck of the USS Lexington in Corpus Christi, TX. He did and the outcome was not good; however, thanks to one of his angels he survived. Everyone was amazed that he could jump over 20 feet down into 2 feet of water and live. He was followed into the water by "an off duty EMT" who was visiting the Lex that day. I never got to see this EMT nor have I ever been able to thank him. He just disappeared after the ambulance got there. Make of it what you will.
By Jean, Monday, August 18, 2008 02:52:07 PM
My Guardian Angel saved me from drowning when I was 6 years old. My Mom, her boyfriend and I were at the beach. My Mom saw me walking towards the water and told me not to get too close and I acknowledged her warning. I was being obedient and just stood to the edge of the sand close to the water letting my foot lightly touch the water, when all of a sudden I slipped on the sand, (which was wet from the small waves that were coming up onto the sand)and the next thing I knew I was under the water. I did not know how to swim so I just kept sinking, that's when I heard a voice saying hold your breath and kick your legs and relax your body and you will float up. I ran back towards my mom who wasn't watching me and neither was her boyfriend at the time, and said mommy, mommy, I almost drowned. She said what! Are you okay? (duh, I'm standing there right in front of her telling her what happened) I asked her weren't you watching me? She and her boyfriend just went silent and we went home. That's how I learned how to swim and have been enjoying pools ever since and now I am interested in scuba diving. Thank you very much Guardian Angel.
By Bree, Wednesday, August 13, 2008 11:06:47 AM
On Saint Patrick's Day 1980, my house caught on fire in the middle of the night. I was thankful that my husband was newly sober. He woke up and saw the flames and smoke. He woke me out of a dead sleep and carried me to safety, then got my step-son. That was a true "spiritual awakening". I knew there was a God that sent his angels to protect us. In 1993 I had two brain surgeries. During both surgeries I had a flashback of a car accident I was in when I was 10 years old, where I hit the windshield. It was decided that the tumor was there since childhood, a good 15 years. I asked the surgeon if the tumor could have been caused by the car accident and he said no, there was no known cause. Then, one day I was at the pharmacy and the answer was confirmed. A little old man approached me, asking, "Did you have brain surgery?" I answered politely, "Yes". (It was rather obvious as my head was shaved and the scars were visable.) He asked, "Were you ever in an auto accident?" I replied, "Yes." He exclaimed, "That's what caused your brain tumor." I paused and turned to ask him another question, but he was gone. It wasn't enough that I had the flashbacks. I had to have a direct message from my angels. Today, I know that the tumor was caused by the impact with the windshield. I have had many other angel experiences, but those were remarkable.
By Bree, Wednesday, August 13, 2008 11:04:04 AM
On Saint Patrick's Day 1980, my house caught on fire in the middle of the night. I was thankful that my husband was newly sober. He woke up and saw the flames and smoke. He woke me out of a dead sleep and carried me to safety, then got my step-son. That was a true "spiritual awakening". I knew there was a God that sent his angels to protect us. In 1993 I had two brain surgeries. During both surgeries I had a flashback of a car accident I was in when I was 10 years old, where I hit the windshield. It was decided that the tumor was there since childhood, a good 15 years. I asked the surgeon if the tumor could have been caused by the car accident and he said no, there was no known cause. Then, one day I was at the pharmacy and the answer was confirmed. A little old man approached me, asking, "Did you have brain surgery?" I answered politely, "Yes". (It was rather obvious as my head was shaved an the scars were visable.) He asked, "Were you ever in an auto accident?" I replied, "Yes." He exclaimed, "That's what caused your brain tumor." I paused and turned to ask him another question, but he was gone. It wasn't enough that I had the flashbacks. I had to have a direct message from my angels. Today, I know that the tumor was caused by the impact with the windshield. I have had many other angel experiences, but those were remarkable.
By Bree, Wednesday, August 13, 2008 10:57:54 AM
On Saint Patrick's Day 1980, my house caught on fire in the middle of the night. I was thankful that my husband was newly sober. He woke up and saw the flames and smoke. He woke me out of a dead sleep and carried me to safety, then got my step-son. That was a true "spiritual awakening". I knew there was a God that sent his angels to protect us. In 1993 I had two brain surgeries. During both surgeries I had a flashback of a car accident I was in when I was 10 years old, where I hit the windshield. Then, one day I was at the pharmacy and the answer was confirmed. A little old man approached me, asking, "Did you have brain surgery?" I answered politely, "Yes". (It was rather obvious as my head was shaved) He asked, "Were you ever in an auto accident?" I replied, "Yes." He exclaimed, "That's what caused your brain tumor." I paused and turned to ask him another question, but he was gone. It wasn't enough that I had the flashbacks. It was decided that the tumor was there since childhood, a good 15 years. I had asked the surgeon if the tumor could have been caused by the car accident and he said no, there was no known cause. I had to have a direct message from my angels. Today, I know that the tumor was caused by the impact with the windshield. I have had many other angel experiences, but those were remarkable.
By Bree, Wednesday, August 13, 2008 10:53:14 AM
On Saint Patrick's Day 1980, my house caught on fire in the middle of the night. I was thankful that my husband was newly sober. He woke up and saw the flames and smoke. He woke me out of a dead sleep and carried me to safety, then got my step-son. That was a true "spiritual awakening". I knew there was a God that sent his angels to protect us. In 1993 I had two brain surgeries. Doctors did not know what caused the tumor. During both surgeries I had a flashback of a car accident I was in when I was 10 years old, where I hit the windshield. Then, one day I was at the pharmacy and the answer was confirmed. A little old man approached me, asking, "Did you have brain surgery?" I answered politely, "Yes". (It was rather obvious as my head was shaved) He asked, "Were you ever in an auto accident?" I replied, "Yes." He exclaimed, "That's what caused your brain tumor." I paused and turned to ask him another question, but he was gone. It wasn't enough that I had the flashbacks. It was decided that the tumor was there since childhood, a good 15 years. I had asked the surgeon if the tumor could have been caused by the car accident and he said no, there was no known cause. I had to have a direct message from my angels. Today, I know that the tumor was caused by the impact with the windshield. I have had many other angel experiences, but those were remarkable.
By Melvin, Sunday, August 10, 2008 06:31:45 PM
"Close your eyes for a moment and say “Angels, please be with me today!” Envision yourself surrounded by angels. See their wings surrounding you with love and protection. Often when you do this you will start to feel calmer and a sense of peace will wash over you as the angels come nearer" But i can say its normal to doubt right?
By Melvin, Wednesday, August 06, 2008 02:33:58 AM
"It is so helpful to know that your angels will always be there as you take your steps through this journey of life - through the up times and the down times and everything in between. Your angels are always steady and reliable. You can count on your angels to be there in the middle of the night when you can't sleep and are worried about making that car payment. You can count on your angels to be there when you want advice about making a big decision. You can count on the angels to celebrate the birth of a baby" So don't feel worried the next time
By Aries, Saturday, July 26, 2008 12:36:54 PM
You probably don't really need to fell them to know that they're there. If life is going smooth, then they're probably there. If you get used to them though, you might not sense them as much.

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