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Aries And Relationships
by Sylvia Browne

As we are in the Aries birthday month, let me share with you exactly what these Aries folks are like when it comes to their relationships.

Arians have a beautiful, almost charming way of leading with their chin. They step in where angels fear to tread, and they almost beg you to go along with them. When no one else will taste a certain food, it is the Aries who says, “Oh, to hell with it! I’ll try it!” Or if someone says not to walk somewhere, the Aries will say, “Forget it! I’m going over there!”

Arians are the ones who will typically step into any kind of joke. If you want to make a joke work, run to an Aries and say, “Knock knock….” Because this person will immediately take the bait – every time! Arians are so inquisitive that they must say, “Who’s there?” – even if they don’t want to. And if you ever want a straight man, put an Aries beside you. These individuals have the naïveté to give you the most beautiful openings for jokes.

A very beautiful thing about Arians is that they not only laugh with you, but they can also laugh at themselves. Not many signs can do that very well. If Arians find themselves in compromising situations, they will laugh right along, even when they are totally off-kilter. And Arians have the ability to make a joke out of their own embarrassment, so everybody laughs with them. They have that natural charm.

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.

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By Dolores, Friday, November 13, 2009 09:43:39 PM
Sylvia, I currently in a bad relationship and have left him Im I doing the right thing.
By Gloria, Thursday, May 14, 2009 11:09:36 PM
I got to admit it's very true!!! Aries' are leaders at heart. I will try things, I don't do things cause others do it- I do it cause I want to. And in regards to the jokes so true...I am very inquisitive. I will finish watching a movie I don't even really want to see just to see how it ends,lol.
By Glenda, Saturday, May 09, 2009 05:34:18 PM
it is so true about trying diferent foods. and the knock knock jokes.Sylvia you got me right to the t.
By Freida, Tuesday, May 05, 2009 12:57:15 AM
By Freida :may 5, 2009 I was so tickled when I read the part about the knock knock jokes! Because it is sOOOO true!And you know, If you never have the nerve to dare to do things no others want to do?, Then its harder to leave your mark!One thing about me(an Arian)No one ever forgets meeting me:)
By Susie, Saturday, April 18, 2009 09:39:34 PM
by Susie, Saturday April 18, 2009, 6:15PM Thank you Sylvia for your beautiful picture of the Arians. My wonderful husband was an Aries and my sister still is with that beautiful sense of humor. We enjoy sending eachother jokes and stories of interest via email. What a wonderful invention, email. I was just reading one from my granddaughter asking how my greatgranddaughter is doing with her cold. Thank you again Sylvia for all you do. I'm really enjoying your books. I love you and feel like we've met at some point in time or maybe we still have that to look forward too.
By Susie, Saturday, April 18, 2009 09:12:12 PM
By shirley, Saturday, April 18, 2009 10:26:14 AM
Sylvia, you are the bestest physic ever,lol, I would sooooo love to meet you. I feel extremely high energy, you will know what I mean.
By Seerat, Thursday, April 16, 2009 12:51:53 PM
Hi you very very much..Thank you for answering a lot of the questions in my mind. It makes me rest easier at night. However i still have 2 pressing questions: What do i need to do in life? I feel as if this job is not enough. I feel an unrest a feeling of something passing. Do i need to study? Start a business? I am sure i can do much better in life, yet everytime i try to go out and do something, its as if something tells me this is not it..PLEASE PLEASE help me. ONLY YOU can. I just know it. you can. And the other thing is i feel like is was in Nazi germany (1938 to 1944) I think .Why did i die? Was i a Nazi or a Jewish child? And is this why i can never feel full, and i need to stuff food down my throat? ( i am not very fat but am not thin either..)
By shawnetell, Thursday, April 16, 2009 10:41:33 AM
hey sylvia thats me all the way my sprits upleft people ever day love you so much!
By gina, Wednesday, April 15, 2009 05:33:43 AM
you're so wright..thank you Sylvia.. I love you. Gina montreal

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